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Doctor: Well, Mr. Mark, I’ve completed my examination and I’m happy to say that it’s nothing
Mr. Mark: What medical treatments should I take doctor?
Doctor: I’ll tel, you later on. Anyway how did it happen?
Mr. Mark: It happened when I was doing an exercise. It os serious, isn’t it?
Doctor: I don’t think so. It’s just a sprain.
Mr. Mark: Shouldn’t I stay in bed for the rest of the week?
Doctor: No, you should get outdoors more and get plenty of exercise.
Mr. Mark: Can I be cured?
Doctor: If you listen to my advice you will certainly be feeling well soon.
Mr. Mark: What do I have to do doctor?
Doctor: Put tjis medicine on your arms every four hours, take these tablets three times a day and don’t
forget to put a bandage over it.
Mr. Mark: Thank you doctor.

Exercise 1. Supply the blank space with ‘A’ or ‘AN’!

Example: - I want to buy ___ book.
-I want to buy a book.
1. The doctor gave me ___ X-ray.
2. We live in ___ united country.
3. Mega is really ___ honest girl.
4. I have stayed in ___ hospital for two days.
5. This is really ___ useful dictionary.
Exercise 2. Fill the blanks with ‘THE’ if necessary!
Example: -Every one drinks --- water.
-Every one drinks water.
1. --- Surabaya people are very friendy.
2. You are --- man I am looking for.
3. --- film which I saw at Mitra last night was ‘Dongkrak Antik’.
4. Customer is --- king.
5. I met --- uncle Tom on my way here.
Exercise 3. Fill the blanks with ‘A’, ‘AN’, or ‘THE’!
--- woman is walking toward --- store. She is carrying --- basket on her hand. --- basket is made of
bamboo. --- child is following --- woman. She knows that --- child wants to help her carry --- basket.
They are entering --- store now.

 Toward: ke arah
 Store: toko
 To carry: to bring – membawa
 Basket: keranjang
 Enter: masuk
Home Work
1. Grammar.
Buatlah kalimat masing-masing 5 kalimat.
2. Conversation.
Buatlah percakapan yang terdiri dari 2 orang, kemudian praktek didepan kelas.

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