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Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 34, No. 4, 2000, pp. 301-312.

Translated from Teoreticheskie Osnovy Khimicheskoi Tekhnologii, Vol. 34, No. 4, 2000, pp. 339-352.
Original Russian Text Copyright 9 2000 by Timashev.


Science of Complexity: Phenomenological Basis and Possibility

of Application to Problems of Chemical Engineering
S. F. Timashev
Karpov Institute of Physical Chemistry, State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation,
ul. Vorontsovo pole 10, Moscow, 103064 Russia
ReceivedNovember5, 1999

Abstract--The basic principles of flicker-noise spectroscopy, anew method of analysis of chaotic time and
space series, are presented. This method can be considered the phenomenological basis of the currently devel-
oping science of complexity, which deals with open nonlinear dissipative systems of various essences--real
natural objects. The method is based on the postulate that irregularities in measured dynamic variables are of
crucial informational significance in accepting a new hypothesis of scale invariance. In this approach, the power
spectra and the structure functions of different orders are governed by irregularities of various types, namely,
dynamic spikes and jumps of measured variables. For processes under investigation, the expressions for both
the power spectra and the structure functions prove to be identical (invariant) at each of the spatiotemporal lev-
els of the system. The introduced phenomenological parameters completely and unambiguously characterize
the state of the evolving system, thus serving as the "passport data" of the system. The possibility of applying
the proposed methodology to solving topical problems of chemical engineering is discussed.

STATISTICAL ANALYSIS METHODS For example, under various conditions of enhancement

AND SCALING PROBLEMS IN CHEMICAL of the heat and energy transfer in chemical engineering
ENGINEERING processes, the kinetics of the observed transformations
is governed not so much by the mean values of the
Modern chemical industrial (catalytic, membrane, time-varying dynamic variables (the densities of the
rectification) processes are, as a rule, complex, multi- components, the components of the local velocity, etc.),
step, and multifactor. Information on a process is often as by dynamic fluctuations of the local values of these
obtained by statistical methods of analysis of the quantities that are due to the strong correlation between
dynamic variables measured in the experimental inves- the motions of neighboring particles or fragments of
tigation of the process. These methods are aimed at cal- the system. In particular, this has been indicated by the
culating the mean, the variance, and the higher order results of the investigation into the dynamics of the
central moments [1, 2]. Mathematical modeling of chemical reactions in fluidized-bed apparatuses,
chemical industrial processes is performed in a similar including the study of pulsations of the grain layer den-
manner. It involves an analysis of the macrokinetic sity and the fluidizing flow velocity by various (e.g.,
equations of balance (of mass, momentum, energy) for radiochemical and X-ray) techniques [2]. This infer-
the studied complex systems with distributed parame- ence has also been suggested by the data from [5-8],
ters and calculation of the conventionally observed where the optimum operating conditions of fluidized-
average chemical reaction rates [3, 4]. Other analysis bed chemical reactors have been chosen by analyzing
techniques, which are employed, in particular, in the time series that characterize chaotic motions of dif-
designing control systems, seek for empirical regres- ferent radioactive or fluorescent tracers.
sion models. They can use the information contained in
the spectral densities (periodograms) found from the Let us consider one more example of the a priori
time series of measured dynamic variables. However, insufficiency of pure statistical methods. This example
in such an analysis, only the characteristic frequencies is related to the modeling of mass transfer (including
indicated by the periodograms are used, and the infor- that induced electrically) in membrane processes. In
mation carried by the continuous portion of the spec- industrial-scale membrane apparatuses, liquid mixtures
trum is ignored. are separated by forcing them through narrow (from
However, experience has shown that the purely sta- fractions of a millimeter to several centimeters in
tistical concepts and the account of only resonance fre- width) intermembrane gaps. The separating force is
quencies in analyzing the dynamics of complex multi- directed perpendicularly to the hydrodynamic flow and
factor processes fall far short of being always adequate. to the membrane surface. This force can be due to the
pressure gradient (in baromembrane processes such as
Reportedat the Conf. "Liquid-PhaseSystemsand NonlinearPro- reverse osmosis, nanofiltration, ultrafiltration, and
cesses in Chemistryand ChemicalTechnology,"Ivanovo, 1999. microfiltration) or the electric potential gradient (in

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Of course, model calculations of the hydrodynamic

flows in narrow channels with turbulizers and various
inserts are difficult to perform; and with allowance made
for concentration, temperature, and current inhomogene-
ities in real membrane apparatuses, these calculations
are impossible. However, for computing the transmem-
brane flows of various components in membrane appara-
tuses, such information is necessary. The enhanced (by
using turbulizers or overcurrents) mass-transfer through
membranes is commonly characterized by the Sherwood
number Sh = km/k~ where km and k~ are the enhanced
Fig. 1. Vortices in a channelof an apparatus in the pulsed and unenhanced mass-transfer coefficients, respectively
modesof forcingthe liquidmediumat variousarrangements
of baffles [12]. [10, 14]. Representations of the Sherwood number Sh
are chosen with regard for the specificity of each individ-
ual problem. In some ranges of the Reynolds number
electrodialysis). The main factor that limits separation Re = MAt and the Schmidt number Sc = v/D, the follow-
in all these processes is the concentration polarization ing relation is valid, which relates these numbers to the
in the near-membrane surface layers [9, 10]. The con- Sherwood number Sh computed from the observed
centration polarization can be caused by the increase in mass-transfer data [10, 14]:
the concentration of admixtures. In reverse osmosis
and, partially, in nanofiltration, admixtures are ions; Sh = ARemScn. (1)
and in ultra- and microfiltration, they are submicro- and Here, A is an empirical constant found for each type of
microcolloidal aggregations able to produce sediments apparatus, m and n are phenomenological parameters
and to foul pores. In electrodialysis, concentration determined by fitting experimental data for different
polarization can also be brought about by the formation modes of flow with the characteristic velocity u along a
of the virtually ion-free Nernst layer ~5N in a desalting channel of the characteristic size 1, v is the kinematic
cell. However, even at the maximum possible (under viscosity, and D is the diffusion coefficient.
specific process conditions) rates of forcing the liquid In examining the hydrodynamic flows in channels
mixture through narrow intermembrane chambers, of apparatuses and the transmembrane transfer in elec-
when the flow in the bulk of the medium in such cham- trodialysis, the following expression for the Sherwood
bers can be turbulent, the concentration polarization number is used [14]:
cannot be suppressed. For this reason, to enhance mass
transfer, various turbulizers are placed into narrow gaps Sh = J|iml(tm- t~)I(CDF), (2)
(channels) of membrane apparatuses. Turbulizers can
be shaped as grids, corrugated sheets, spirals for swirl- where tm and t~ are the transport numbers of counteri-
ing hydrodynamic flows, or curved troughs for produc- ons in the membrane when the current density is close
ing secondary flows as pairs of symmetrical vortices to its limiting value, and in the electrolyte, respectively;
[11]. The widths of these objects are usually chosen to i = 2h; h is the channel width; and F is the Faraday num-
be from half of the intermembrane distance to the entire ber. According to [14], in the case under investigation,
intermembrane distance. In ultra- and microfiltration m = 0.5 and n = 1/3.
apparatuses, the pulsed modes of forcing the liquid These concepts are adequate in considering the elec-
medium are often applied: such modes favor more effi- trically induced mass transfer during electrodialysis in
cient agitation of the medium in the direction perpen- apparatuses with a relatively large intermembrane dis-
dicular to the membrane surface; they also diminish the tance. This follows from Fig. 2 [14], which presents the
deposition of sediments, which foul the pores [12]. The dependence of Sh on Re in electrodialysis for channels
vortex pattern thereby produced depends on the with geometrically similar grid separators of various
arrangement of baffles in the channel of a membrane thicknesses, which are the most efficient ones for nar-
apparatus (Fig. 1) [12]. In the near-membrane layers row channels. At h > 1-2 mm, relation (1) with the
under such conditions, the mixed (not purely laminar above values of the parameters m and n is obeyed;
and not purely turbulent) flow takes place. whereas at h < 1 mm, it is violated because of the rela-
tive enhancement of the wall effects, which abruptly
In electrodialysis of diluted electrolyte solutions suppress the mass transfer. This gives rise to two issues.
(at solution concentrations C < 0.005 M), when the One of them is that criterial relations, which are often
task is to obtain deionized water with the resistivity used in chemical engineering for solving scaling prob-
1-10 mf~ cm [13, 14], turbulizers become inefficient lems, may sometimes be invalid. Therefore, one should
[14], and the mass transfer is enhanced by applying either correct these relations (in the above instance,
anomalously high densities of the electric current J, relation (1) should probably be supplemented by one
which considerably exceeds the limiting diffusion cur- more characteristic dimensionless parameter as a fac-
rent Jlim" tor, with the following experimental verification) or put



forward other methods for solving scaling problems. Sh m 1

The other issue is the necessity for finding new ways
and means of mass transfer enhancement during elec- "2
trodialysis in apparatuses with narrow channels, 102 9 4

because purely hydrodynamic means (raising the Rey-
nolds number Re) turn out to be inefficient. Such v5
approaches are now known [13, 14]. They involve
applying anomalously high (as compared to that
applied in earlier practice) current density, which, as
noted above, can substantially (tens of times in elec-
trodialysis of diluted electrolyte solutions) exceed its
limiting value. However, analysis of the phenomena of
the hydrodynamic instability caused by the passage of
the high-density current through a system has shown
that the conditions of inducing these effects are difficult
and rather impossible to represent in the conventional
dimensionless form, namely, as the dependence of Sh 100 101 102 103 Re
on an empirically (intuitively) found set of characteris-
tic dimensionless parameters. Introduction of integral Fig. 2. Dependences Sh(Re) for geometrically similar grid
(throughout the channel or the membrane surface) cri- separators: the grid mesh is square-shaped; the ratio of the
terial parameters proves to be a priori insufficient. It is step of the grid to the grid thickness is 3; the channel length
is 0.4 m; the channel height is equal to the grid thickness
such parameters that are usually introduced in model- h = (1) 1 l, (2) 6. l, (3) 3. l, (4) 2.0, (5) 0.8, (6) 0.46, (7) 0.26,
ing chemical engineering processes on the basis of and (8) 0.18 mm [14l.
information obtained by statistical methods. As for
local (point) values of the dimensionless parameters,
they are of little use in industrial process design, and servative or Hamiltonian) systems. It is the presence of
much less, in solving the scaling problems. the internal friction (in the broadest sense) that entails
the existence of the attractor as the asymptotic limit (at
t , oo, where t is time) of the solutions, the limit that
DETERMINISTIC CHAOS: A NEW PARADIGM is not affected directly by the initial condition: in the
OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING? course of their evolution, trajectories that correspond to
different initial conditions outside the attractor "settle
New possibilities of solving problems of modeling, down" in the attractor (for more details, see [15, p. 135]).
control, and prediction of changes in the states of open All this means that it is still premature to talk about for-
dissipative systems in chemical engineering have been mulation of adequate models, i.e., models that would
opened up by the application of methods of the nonlin- correctly represent the basic relationships in the above
ear dynamics and the deterministic chaos theory [15- complicated chemical transformations. Moreover, in
17]. General ideas of applying the principles and mod- actual chemical process cycles, such transformations
els of the nonlinear dynamics of dissipative systems to often occur under no less difficult-to-model heat- and
complex multifactor chemical industrial processes, in mass-transfer conditions, in particular, in turbulent
particular, to catalytic processes, have been discussed flows, as in fluidized-bed apparatuses. This raises the
for a long time [ 18]. Formulating adequate models of question: if one cannot access the possibility of ade-
such processes is an extremely complicated problem. quately describing complex dissipative chemical engi-
For example, a mathematical model of natural gas com- neering processes with large numbers of degrees of
bustion considers 196 forward reactions and the same freedom, then on what basis and how can one solve the
number of reverse reactions, which involve 32 compo-
challenging problems of optimum organization of such
nents. At the same time, the nonlinearity of relation- complex processes and the problems of scaling-up lab-
ships in a dissipative system with as few as three oratory apparatuses to industrial ones.
degrees of freedom can give rise to a chaotic mode, in
which the evolution of the system is sensitive to the Of course, one can refer to the rich experience of
choice of the initial conditions, and the trajectories of practical industrial engineers, who have succeeded in
the system in the phase space asymptotically approach designing quite efficient chemical engineering pro-
a certain set--a strange attractor [15]. The strange cesses without serious mathematical modeling. But
attractor has fractional dimensions and zero volume in what is the true cost of such designs with regard for the
the phase space with integer dimensions, although its inevitable "spoilage embodied in metal," and what will
domain of attraction has nonzero finite (or even an infi- be their true efficiency and the energy- and resource-
nitely large) volume. Such are the most important prin- saving characteristics if we take into account the com-
ciples of the modem science of deterministic chaos. plex character of any industrial production?
One should note here the fundamental difference This is the reason why, recently, the methods of non-
between frictional (dissipative) and frictionless (con- linear science have been introduced into the practice of



analysis of chemical industrial processes. In particular, measured (at this level of organization of the system,
it was inferred [5-8] (see also [19]) that the problems i.e., by instruments with a certain magnification)
of scaling fluidized-bed reactors can be solved only by change of this fragment (with the formation of, e.g., a
analyzing time series and finding the parameters of new element by the phase transition (crystallization) in
dynamic state of the chaotic flows in these reactors. some region of the chosen fragment) proceeds in a cer-
According to [5-8], as these parameters of state, one tain finite (and characteristic of the organization level
can take the characteristics of the power spectra of the considered) time interval. In shorter time intervals,
measured dynamic variables [15] and also the dynamic there occur structural transformations (phase transi-
entropy, which characterizes the loss rate of informa- tions) at lower levels of the system organization, which
tion in turbulent flows [ 16, 17]. are not detected at the selected level. Apparently, differ-
ential equations (if their number is finite) cannot
How suitable are the methods of the nonlinear
describe this crystallization dynamics, especially when
dynamics and the deterministic chaos theory for solv- the multilevel structure of the system is taken into
ing the above problems? One more circumstance account. That is why it is not surprising that, in analyz-
should be taken into account in discussing the potenti- ing actual time series (obtained by experimental inves-
alities of employing the theory of dissipative dynamic
tigation of some processes rather than from a set of
systems and deterministic chaos for adequate analysis nonlinear differential equations!), the methodology
of information obtained in experimental investigation
under discussion [15-17], as mentioned above, has not
of physicochemicai and chemical industrial processes.
yet led to any noticeable success.
The existing methods of the nonlinear time series Below, we present a new phenomenologicalapproach
analysis [16, 17] and the procedures of extracting infor- to the extraction and analysis of the information con-
mation on the evolution of an open dissipative system tained in the chaotic time and space series, which char-
from the time series of the measured dynamic variables acterize the evolution and the structural organization,
V(t) are based on the assumption that it is possible to respectively, of open dissipative systems of various
introduce a multidimensional phase space containing natures [20-29]. This approach, referred to as flicker-
the trajectory of the dynamic process examined [15- noise spectroscopy, can be considered the phenomeno-
17]. It is assumed that the measured variable reflects the logical basis of the currently developing science of
total dynamics of the system well and that the topology complexity, whose objectives are beyond the scope of
of the attractor can be reconstructed from the results of the deterministic chaos theory with analysis of finite
observation of V(t) only. In each specific case, the ques- sets of nonlinear ordinary differential equations.
tion arises of how many dynamic parameters should be
taken for unique characterization of the flows occurring
under given conditions. Apparently, the required meth- FLICKER-NOISE SPECTROSCOPY
odology of analyzing the dynamic state of complex sys- AS THE PHENOMENOLOGICAL BASIS
tems should provide the possibility of introducing an OF THE SCIENCE OF COMPLEXITY
arbitrary number of dynamic parameters, each having The approach elaborated in [20-29] is based on the
quite a definite physical meaning to serve as a physical systemic view on the science of complexity, on the evo-
parameter of the monitored chaotic flow. From this lutions of open dissipative systems with nonlinear
standpoint, the nonlinear time series analysis [15-17] is interactions between elements of systems and sub-
a priori restricted. This methodology considers a lim- systems, and on the formation dynamics of complex
ited number of parameters extracted from the time spatial patterns during passage of energy and mass
series, viz., the attractor dimensions, the Poincare sec- flows through a developing system with nonlinear
tion characteristics, the Lyapunov exponents, and the interactions between its fragments of different spatial
Kolmogorov entropy. scales. The systemic character of the methodology
Another comment should be made concerning the implies, first of all, two basic ideas: the idea of hierar-
above initial postulate of the methodology under dis- chical order (for the spatiotemporal levels of the inter-
cussion [15-17], according to which any time series to nal organization of a system) and the idea of informa-
be analyzed corresponds to a process that, in principle, tional significance of irregularities in measured
can be represented adequately by a finite (and not very dynamic variables.
large, because the deterministic chaos is considered!) The starting point of flicker-noise spectroscopy is
set of differential equations. This postulate appears the fundamental irregularity (revealed from various
very controversial as far as the dynamics of real pro- time series) of the space and time dependences of the
cesses is concerned. Let us illustrate this point by the dynamic variables h(x) and V(t) measured for industrial
example of the dynamics of crystallization of some and natural processes of various natures. This irregular-
substance from a supersaturated solution. Let us select ity manifests itself in abrupt jumps of h(x) and V(t),
a structural fragment on the surface that is characteris- with the jump magnitudes varying over wide ranges.
tic of a certain selected spatiotemporal scale of the sys- Moreover, after having been scaled up, each of the frag-
tem, and let us imagine the structural transformation of ments of such evolutionary dependences, even for
this fragment during crystallization. Obviously, the steady processes, exhibits the same type of irregular



i_l~ -." ! .... -~

I I I I I | /
I I I I I ~ I I
I I I I I |
I I I I I I ~ I
I I I I 9 I I ii i i i ,,~ j
I I I I T I I l T
I I t t / I I L -1 I I I I I I iI ~"
i i , t / II II I I I I I I I I
I I I I / I I I| I I I I I I I I I
, i , 'V II ,I I I I I I I I I "'"
I I I I I I I1 I I I I I I I I I
I I I I I I I ~ , I I I I I I I I I
I I I I I I I ~ " .... 9 I I I I I I I I I I
' I I ! !! ! ' ' ' I I I I I I I

"lk*(l) "0k'(l) "0k'(2) 'o~t93tlk(2)t~k"+l) '0k'(i)"it'(3) t(i+l)0~ "lk~ t0t'(m) 10k

,(m+l) ,(5)

Fig. 3. Hypotheticalfunctionrepresentingof the evolutionof the dynamicvariable [20].

behavior (see [21 ]). This character of the evolution sug- tion [30] (expressed as the sum of delta functions and
gests that not all of the points in the space or time axis their derivatives) and functions with discontinuities of
are equivalent with respect to information significance. different types (the Heaviside theta function and func-
For definiteness, let us further examine only the tions with derivative discontinuities of the first, second,
time series V(t), assuming that, for the space series h(x), and higher orders). One also needs to relate the evolu-
the character of all the dependences to be obtained tionary changes in the considered system at various
below is the same. In time intervals that are character- spatiotemporal levels by some scaling relations. This
istic of a certain (ith) spatiotemporal level of evolution, can be done by introducing certain invariants of the
there exist some short ~5 intervals that carry the main process in analyzing the effective densities of irregular-
information on the structure--energy state of the system ities of each type (see below). Thus, an idealized model
under investigation. The widths of the time gaps function V(t) is introduced (Fig. 3), and it is assumed
between these 5 intervals prove to be of information that all the main information on the evolutionary pro-
significance as well, and on each of these time gaps, cess is contained only in the above singularities and dis-
there can also occur short ~5intervals at a lower tempo- continuities of this idealized function, which are
ral level that contain information on the state of the sys- regarded as the main and only markers of the evolution-
tem, and so on. Within each of such sequences, there ary process.
are correlations of various types (see below) between
the measured dynamic variables, and the parameters The evolution of the dynamic variable V(t) at the ith
characterizing them carry information on the dynamic spatiotemporal level is postulated to have the most gen-
state of the considered nonlinear system. The transition eral intermittency form. Such an evolution is character-
of the system from one information-significant state ized by comparatively small changes in relatively long
into another one that differs in structure-energy charac- time intervals (laminar phases) of characteristic dura-
teristics is reflected by the change in the value of the tion T0, being abruptly interrupted by short spikes of
dynamic variable V(t) and is fixed at the moment when
this transition becomes irreversible. duration x0i (,c0 ,~ To ). During the spikes, there occur
To materialize these physical ideas and elaborate the jumps of the dynamic variable on the next laminar
time series analysis methodology on their basis, one interval, which are accompanied by derivative break-
needs to idealize the introduced representation and to ing. Let us assume that the jumps and discontinuities
contract all the information-significant {i intervals at are of the first kind and that the variable V(t) can exhibit
various ith spatiotemporal levels into points. Each of abrupt jumps (on short intervals of duration "oil) of the
these points (instants) should be a carrier of informa- laminar background (Fig. 3). Let us suppose that these
tion on the structure-energy state of the system at this abrupt jumps are of the second kind, and let us desig-
moment of time, i.e., should be a marker of irregulari- nate the characteristic time intervals between these
ties of various types in the system. The zero duration of
each of the instants means that the value of the studied abrupt jumps by Ti! (it is taken that 17il "~ Til ). The
function at each of these points should contain an acceptance of the hypothesis of scale invariance means
(actual or potential) singularity, i.e., should be repre- that a similar evolution proceeds in the temporal region
sentable as the sum of a zero-support generalized func- as well (Fig. 3, dot-and-dash line); i.e., it means that the



general form of the temporal evolution with the spikes spikes have been subtracted from the dependence V(t)
and the jumps of the dynamic variable remains the but the jumps of the dynamic variable have been
same at each of the spatiotemporal scales of the evolu- retained). Then,
tion under consideration.
S ( f ) = Ss(f) + SR(f),
This representation of the model function V(t)
enables one to obtain (using some theorems of the the- ~. (7)
ory of generalized functions) relatively simple analyti- SR(f) = 2~cos(2~f'O ( VR(t)VR(t + "O)d'c.
cal expressions for dependences that are usually calcu- o
lated from experimental time series in order to find the
phenomenological parameters of the studied dynamic In the low-frequency limit 2nfT~ ,~ 1, the dependence
system by collating the theoretical and experimental Ss(f) at the ith spatiotemporai level, which is given by
relationships. For this purpose, the power spectrum is
analyzed, which is the spectral density S(f) ( f is the only the singular term Vs(t), i.e., by the spikes of the
frequency) of the autocorrelator dynamic variable V(t), takes the form

~('c) = ( V ( t ) V ( t +'c)) (3)

Ss(f) = 2~O0(rl)cos(2T0frln)drl, (7a)
of the measured dynamic variable:

S ( f ) = 2~cos(2~fx)~(x)dx, (4) where the introduced function O~ characterizes the

effective (with regard for the spike amplitudes) spike
density in the evolution. In accordance with the dimen-
sion V2t of the function ~0 (z), one can write
~t(x) = 2 I c o s ( 2 x f x ) S ( f ) d f . (5)
0 roZo(bdl), (8)
Here, the W(x) = V(-x) steady processes are considered,
the angle brackets ( ) mean the averaging over the ini- where x0(b~rl) is a dimensionless function, b~ is a
tial time t, and it is supposed that (V(t)) = 0. The differ-
ence moments O~,)(x) (the structure functions in the dimensionless scaling factor at the ith spatiotemporal
theory of developed turbulence) of different orders p level, and g is a constant with the dimensionality I/2.
have the form Then,

9 ~p)(X) = ( [ V ( t ) - V(t + x)]P), (6)

Ss(f) = g fXo(X)cosZxdx,
KO~./ (9)
where x is the time interval between two analyzed val- 0
ues of V(t). It is known that the independence of the i i
spectral density S(f) of the frequency throughout the Ko =-bolTo, Z - 2 frclK o.
frequency range (the so-called white noise), as well as Here, a scale-invariant parameter K0 is introduced,
the independence of the difference moments ~q,)(x) of
which is independent of the number of the spatiotem-
the delay time x, suggests the absence of correlations poral level. That is, it can be regarded as an invariant of
between preceding and subsequent events. However, in the process under investigation. For the function x(Z),
each individual case, one should check and specify one should choose approximations that adequately rep-
what characteristics of the evolutionary processes are resent the possible types of the prolonged nonexponen-
correlated. In the methodology under discussion, these
tial nonlinear relaxation in the considered systems,
distinguishable characteristics constitute the irregulari- which is accompanied by probable structural rear-
ties examined, and the parameters introduced below rangements [20, 27]:
will be defined in terms of combined properties of the
moments of time and the amplitudes of the irregulari- the flicker-noise approximation,
ties considered to describe the rate of loss of the corre-
lations in the sequence of the markers. x ( Z ) = Z -~t, O < i t < l ;
Let us consider the evolutionary dependence V(t), the Levy approximation,
which characterizes the time changes at the ith spa-
tiotemporal level. According to [22], to deduce the x(Z) = exp[-(Z,oZ)S], 0 < s < 2;
expression for the power spectrum S(f), the signal V(t)
is conveniently represented as the sum of two terms: the the modified Levy approximation,
singular term Vs(t) (which is determined by the spikes x(Z) = exp[-O.oZ) ~- (VoZ)q], 0 < s < 2, q > 2,
of the dynamic variables) and the regular term VR(t) =
V(t) - Vs(t) (which is the remainder that is left after the where It, ~o, Vo, s, and q are parameters.



Note that the inequality 0 < s < 2 in both Levy for finding these phenomenological parameters from
approximations (the second and third cases) ensures the the power spectra computed from the experimental
positive definiteness of the function Ss(f) at m = v0fL0 ~ time series, one needs to derive the dependence SR(f),
1 and q = 2-4. According to [20, 27], in the flicker-noise which can be done by the expression for 0(2)(0:
approximation, oo

Ss(f ) _ if(1 - It) SR(f) = ~cos(2~fx)[O(2)(~176 (9a)

In the Levy approximation, in the limit 0
As shown in [20-22], the dependences O~,)(t) are
f ' ~ f0 -- ~,0K0/(2n) defined only by the jumps of the dynamic variable V(t).
the power spectrum is frequency-independent (the The simplest interpolation dependence for the differ-
ence moments of order p in the case when the contribu-
"loss of memory" at times longer than tm~ f01 ); and
tion of the second-type jumps is negligible has the form
with increasing frequency, it decreases according to a
power law a s f ~ with n = s + 1 and 1 < n < 3 in the fre- r = gl(p)~P[ 1 - F-1(HI)F(HI, Tlllt)] p, (11)
quency range j~ '~ f '~ K0/(2n). In the modified Levy
approximation, the power spectrum is also frequency- where ~ is the variance of the dynamic variable V(t);
independent a s f ,. 0 and diminishes with raising fre- 2 = (1/2)O(2)(oo);
quency as f-n; but in this case, the parameter n exceeds
the above value n = 3 in the high-frequency approxima- gl(P) is a parameter that characterizes experimental val-
tion and can vary throughout the possible range of n if
q - 2-4. Note as well that, in the Levy approximation, ues of tI)(p)(Oo)(gl(2) = 2); ~ l = ~,lKl is a phenomeno-
one can obtain an analytical expression for Ss(f) at s = logical parameter that describes the time interval in
0.5 and 1 (see [20]). which the information on the value of the dynamic vari-
able is completely lost and that is determined by a
Apparently, the dimensionless parameter n charac- model parameter ~,~ and the second scale-invariant
terizes the degree of loss of correlations in the spike
sequence with allowance made for the spike amplitudes parameter K1 of the process [20-22]; H l is the Hurst con-
stant; and F(s) and F(s, x) are the gamma function and
in relatively short time intervals (At ,~ tm - f01 ). The the incomplete gamma function, respectively (x > 0,
Levy approximations demonstrate new possibilities of s>0).
describing irregularities of evolutionary processes by When the contribution of the second-type jumps
introducing a new type of self-similarity in them. This cannot be neglected, a more general interpolation
self-similarity is related to correlations between irregu- dependence should be used:
larities of only one type, namely, spike sequence. These
correlations are characterized by not a single phenom-
enological parameter (as for fractals), but by several O(p,(t) = gI(p)IfP[G(HI, 1 ) + T~G(H2, T~12t)
Tlllt 1 ] P(12)
(two or more) ones. Note also that relation (9) implies
that Ss(f) - 0 if these is no correlation in the spike G(H/, LTTl~t ) - 1 - r-'(nj)r(nj, TTl~t), j = 1, 2,
sequence, i.e., if the Poisson distribution is observed at
I1 , 0, s - 0, and ~ ,. 0. Obviously, the lower where the subscripts j = 1 and 2 refer to the parameters
the frequencyfthe larger the number of spatiotemporal of the first- and second-type jumps, respectively; t~j is
the variance of the dynamic variable V(t) because of the
levels at which the inequality f , ~ 1/(2reT~ ) is valid. variation in the jumps of the jth type [(I)(2)(oo ) ---- 2(ol +
For practical determination of these phenomenolog- o2)2]; Hj is the Hurst constant that describes the average
ical parameters, instead of analyzing the Levy approx- rate of change in the value of the dynamic variable
imations of general relations (9), one can analyze the owing to the occurrence of the jumps of the jth type in
interpolation expression the time intervals shorter than the correlation time Tlj;
and T is the parameter that characterizes the relative
contribution of the second-type jumps.
Ss(f) -- Ss(O) 1 + (2nT0f)"' (10)
Equations (l l) and (12), along with more general
expressions [20], can be used to obtain information on
where, along with T-~01 - ~ K 0 and n, an effective phe- the phenomenological parameters H 1 and ~,IKI of the
nomenological parameter Ss(0) of the process is intro- studied system by collating these dependences with the
duced. corresponding expressions derived from the observed
Equations (9) and (10) give the first set of invariant time series. Note that the second-type jumps should
parameters, which describe the self-similarity of the contribute to the dependences O(p)(t) on long time inter-
most abrupt irregularities of the evolutionary process, vals at t >> T1. In this instance, one should introduce
specifically, the sequence of dynamic spikes. However, additional parameters HE and ~ K 2. Equations (11) and



(12) give the second set of invariant parameters, which Collation of the parameters found by analyzing the
describe the self-similarity in the dynamics of the loss time series with those determined in these special cases
of memory about the values of the variable V(t) at some enables one to represent (albeit qualitatively) the char-
fixed moments of time during the evolution. This acter of the complex processes that exhibit the studied
dynamics is completely realized through the jumps of evolution.
the dynamic variable, The corresponding phenomeno- Note as well that additional information on the evo-
logical parameters are found by collation of the differ- lution of V(t) is contained in its time derivatives dmV/dt'n
ence moments of various orders that are calculated of various orders m (m > 1). From the derivative of each
from experimental time series, with (11), (12), and
order, the Fourier spectrum Stm)(f) of the correspond-
more general formulas presented in [20].
One can readily check that the dependence SR(f) ing autocorrelator and the difference moments --p ~c,~)('0
obtained by substituting (11) into (9a) can be approxi- are computed [20-22]. The proposed procedure of
mated by the function determination of the parameters proves to be conver-
gent, since successive differentiation necessarily leads
1 to the identity 0 --- 0 at a certain step of differentiation
SR(f) = SR(O) (10a)
and, as a consequence, to limitation of the total number
1 + ( 2 n T l f ) 2n'+l'
of the process parameters.
whose parameters generally differ from the respective The methodology of flicker-noise spectroscopy has
parameters of equation (10): previously been used for determining the "passport
data" of a number of surface patterns and natural tem-
SR(0 ) =/=Ss(O), TII ! = ~ I K I r 2HI ~=n- 1. poral processes: the roughness of the surfaces of cata-
lysts and ceramics, fluctuations of the electric voltage
Collation of the power spectra found from experimen-
in electromembrane systems and semiconductors, fluc-
tal time series with general phenomenological relations
tuations of the local rate constant in the chemical and
is conveniently performed when, according to (7), the
electrochemical kinetics, fluctuations of the compo-
total spectrum S(f) is represented as the sum of inter-
nents of the velocities of turbulent flows, and variations
polation expressions (10) and (10a). The corresponding
in the solar wind parameters and in the stratospheric
analysis allows one to separate (in each individual case)
ozone concentration [23-28]. Given below is one of the
the contributions to S(f) that are due to different irreg-
examples of such an analysis of complex signals repre-
ularities (the spikes and the jumps of the dynamic vari-
sented as time series obtained in electrochemical exper-
able), and to determine the values of the parameters
iment in order to extract the general phenomenological
introduced above.
information on the system under investigation.
Let us elucidate the meaning of the parameters
obtained by comparing relations (10)-(12) with the
corresponding dependences calculated from experi- EXAMPLE OF APPLICATION
mental time series by presenting the parameter values OF THE METHODOLOGY
in some well-known special cases: OF FLICKER-NOISE SPECTROSCOPY:
2H=l, n = 2 H + 1 =2; POLARIZATION [24, 28]
The Levy diffusion, Porous silicon is produced by electrochemical treat-
2H=s, n = s + l , 0<s<2; ment of single-crystalline silicon in hydrofluoric acid
solutions under anodic polarization during simulta-
The enhanced diffusion, neous occurrence of many complex and still incom-
1 / 2 < H < 1; pletely understood processes, both physical and chem-
ical, including morphological transformations of sili-
The diffusion with geometric constraints, con. Anodic treatment of n-Si and p-Si demonstrates a
H < 1[2; great difference between the characters of the measured
potential fluctuations under the galvanostatic operating
The modified Levy approximation, conditions, which suggests the differences in mecha-
H>I, n = 2 H + 1>3; nism of porous silicon formation between these
instances. The characteristics of porous silicon sam-
The fully developed turbulence (the Kolmogorov- ples, in particular, the pore size distributions and the
Obukhov law), noise power spectra, turn out to be very sensitive to the
2H = 2/3, n = 2H + 1 = 5/3; choice of the electric current density used in the porous
silicon synthesis. Below, we present some results of
The turbulent diffusion (a passive particle in a turbu- investigation of the noise characteristics of the electric
lent flow), potential at various measured electric current densities
2H=3, n=2H+l=4. [24, 28].





_ _ 1 II i -- -

ii i
2 i

I I I I I I I I I t

0 2 4 t X 10-2, s





0 2 4 t x 10-2, s

Fig. 4. (a) Time dependencesof the potential of the platinumanodeunder anodicpolarizationof n-Si in a 30% HF solutionin ethanol
during simultaneousexposureto light emittedby a 100-Whalogenlampat the electriccurrentdensityi = (1) 10, (2) 20, (3) 50, (4) 75,
and (5) 100 mA/cm'; (b) those after subtractionof the slowlyvaryingcomponentof the anodicpotential.

Figure 4a displays the time dependences of the with rising operating values of the electric current den-
anodic potential, which reflect the formation kinetics of sity. The task is to describe the measured qualitative dif-
porous silicon at different electric current densities ferences between the recorded signals by a quantitative
under simultaneous photoexcitation by a halogen lamp. expression in terms of the methodology of flicker-noise
Figure 4b shows the same dependences after subtraction spectroscopy. For this purpose, Figs. 5 and 6 give the
of the slowly varying component of the anodic potential. dependences S(f) and (I)t2)(x), respectively, that are cal-
The measured potential fluctuations become stronger culated from the measured time series at two values (10


(I)(2), V2
S, V2/Hz (a)





10-3 10--2 10-1 100 f, Hz 10 -l 10 o 101 102 I;, s

(I~(2), V 2
S, V2/Hz 10-3
10_11 - - . ~ , (b)

10-2 I

10-3 IL

10-4 I 10-4


10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 100 f, Hz 10 -1 10 o 101 10 2 %S

Fig. 5. Power spectra for the anodic proces_s in Fig. 4: (a) Fig. 6. Second-order difference moments for the anodic pro-
the electric current density i = 10 mA/cm z, S(0) = 5.2 • cess in Fig. 4: (a) the electric current density i = 10 mA/cm 2,
10- 5 V 2/ H z , TO = 4.3 s, and n = 1.25; (b) i = 100 mA/cm 2, o=7.1 x 10-4 V, H = 0.09, and T1 =5.8 s; (b) i= 100 mA/cm 2,
Sl(0) = 1.1 x 10-3 V2/Hz, $2(0) = 4 • 10-2 V2/Hz, TOl = o = 0.012 V, H l = 0.45, T! 1 = 3.3 s, H 2 = 1.0, Tl2 = 66.1 s,
0.32 s, T02 = 11.4 s,n I =2.27, andn2=2.17. T = 0.32.

and 100 mA/cm 2) of the electric current density. The fig- scales of irregularities--jumps and spikes. This cir-
ures also present the above-introduced phenomenologi- cumstance should be taken into account by the models
cal parameters found from these dependences. of the system under exploration.
Analysis of Figs. 5 and 6 revealed that, at low cur- The aforesaid means that flicker-noise spectroscopy
rent density, the integral duration of the "memory" is shows itself as a true spectroscopy, disclosing the dif-
greater (the To values are larger). An increase in the cur- ferences between the mechanisms of the process under
rent density raises the rate of loss of the memory (n investigation at various current densities by analyzing
rises to 2.2) and gives rise to a two-component spec- the noise spectra. This information has not hitherto
trum (in Fig. 5b, two steps at low densities emerge). been obtained by other methods. It can provide a better
The dependence ~(2)(x) also becomes two-component understanding of the variety of complex chemical and
as the current density is raised (Fig. 6b). Apparently, the electrochemical reactions occurring in the formation of
increase in the current density above a certain threshold porous silicon.
induces some extra electrochemical processes which
do not occur at low current densities. From the stand- CONCLUSION
point of general phenomenology, and in light of rela-
tions (12) and (12a), the emergence of the second com- The results obtained suggest that, currently, there is a
ponent in the dependences S(f) and ~(2)(x) points to need for the reform of chemical engineering education
significant effects associated with two characteristic that would involve the abandonment of not only the con-



ventional statistical concepts of processing of data col- recently discussed widely at international conferences
lections (ensembles) obtained in physicochemical inves- [31]. The proposed methodology itself can be regarded
tigations or real technological processes, but also the as the phenomenological basis of the currently devel-
notions of the nonlinear dynamics and the deterministic oping science of complexity, which deals with open
chaos theory in their classical formulations. nonlinear dissipative systems of various essences--
As Prof. Nalimov has noted in his preface to Him- actual natural objects. It is the science of complexity
melblau's classical monograph [1], the previous great that will be the basis for the reliable and confident "new
reform of engineering education with an emphasis on dialog with nature," about which Prigogine and
introducing the probabilistic methods of data process- Stengers wrote [32].
ing was carried out in the 1970s under the undoubted
influence of this monograph. The transition to "nonlin- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
ear thinking" has not been performed completely,
which is likely to be due not only to the apparent diffi- This work was supported by the INTAS Foundation,
culties in analyzing sets of nonlinear ordinary differen- project no. 97-30770.
tial equations (see the above comments to [18]) but also
to the inadequacy of these sets of equations to actual REFERENCES
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