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Baldevino, Nathaniel V.

BSCpE 3-1

Toys, toys serves as an entertainment for children and to keep them in place, for Barthes they
are nothing but tools for a child to prepare them as an adult. In fact, in his mythologies he stated that
adults considered children as minor adults that are programmed to have a specific task and role once
they grow up. For example, little girls with toys like plastic cooking wares and toy babies that acts
like real ones, at a young age they are already exposed in an environment that familiarize and mold
them to be a house keeper to condition them to be a future housewife. The little boys on the other
hand are exposed on toy guns, male superhero action figures and comics that give them impressions
on how an adult male should act like. This toys are hand-picked and given to them by their parents,
for the child, they have no choice to choose what they want to actually play with, they have no
freedom nor doesn’t have the thrill of adventure to discover and grow naturally on how to act how
they want and to be considered as a fully pledged adult. Whether how the parents give and present the
building blocks onto their child will imply on how their child will look on how the world goes, for the
better or worse.

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