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Earth Science


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Earth and Rocks

Learning Targets

At the end of the lesson, you will be able to:

Recognize the uniqueness of Earth, being the only planet in the solar system with properties neces
Explain that the Earth consists of four subsystems, across whose boundaries matter and energy fl
Identify common rock - forming minerals using their physical and chemical properties.
Classify rocks into igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic.


Earth has witnessed 4.5 billion years’ worth of sunrises and sunsets. Every time we see this spectacular
view, we begin to ask: where did the sun came from? Where did Earth come from? How did life begin? What
are the materials present on our planet?


You are going to watch the guide video that was prepared by your subject teacher. The video is uploaded
on your Facebook group in Earth and Life Science. If you have any questions, feel free to ask your subject
teacher who is with you virtually all throughout the meeting. After answering, submit your output via
messenger in group chat.


All of the planets in the Solar System share the same origin with Earth – as dust particles that combined
through accretion. How come Earth, as far as we know, is the only planet that can sustain life? How do matter
and energy flow from one subsystem of the Earth to another?

Also, Earth has many materials which include rocks and minerals. They exhibit characteristic features
and have economic value. Can you identify some common-rock forming mineral present on Earth? How about
the types of rocks that can you see around you?

Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer that best describe the idea.

B1. Earth is found in between planet and ?

Mercury and VenusC. Mars and Neptune
Venus and MarsD. Mercury and Sun

B 2. Which of the following is NOT a related study to Earth Science?

GeologyC. Meteorology
GeneticsD. Oceanography

D3. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Earth?

It is the third planet from the Sun.
It is the only known planet that can support life.
It has blue waters, rocky and green land masses
It has abundant carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

____-- EARTH SCIENCE | Ms. Nezell C. Gamboa| Page 1 of 8

It has abundant carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
A 4. Which of the following is NOT a factor of why Earth is habitable?
A. Abundance of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
B. Presence of liquid water
C. Magnetic Field
D. All of the above.

D 5. Which of the following BEST describes planet Earth?

A. It is a ―Blue Marble‖ planet as seen from the outer space.
B. It is the only known planet that can support life.
C. It is in the Goldilocks zone.
D. All of the above.

Great! You finished answering the questions. You can check if you got the correct answers by looking at the
key answers on the last page of this module. Congratulations and keep on learning!



Earth is also often called as the ―Blue Marble‖
because of it looks like a blue globe encircled by swirling
white clouds as seen from the outer space. As of today, Earth
is the only planet in the Solar System that is habitable or where
living things can exist although scientists are now looking at
exoplanets that are potentially habitable.

Are you familiar with the story of Goldilocks and

the three bears? Scientists coined the term Goldilocks zone
(habitable or life zone) for the regions in the space where a
planet is just in the right distance from its home star (usually a
low-mass star) so that its surface is neither too hot nor too cold. The term Goldilocks is related to the story of
―Goldilocks and the Three Bears.‖ It is because of how a little girl named Goldilocks, who was lost in the woods
and entered the house of the three bears, liked everything that is just right. She chose the porridge that is not
too hot or too cold, the bed that is not too hard or too soft, and so on. Just like Goldilocks’ choices, our planet –
Earth has factors necessary for life in just the right amount.

Earth is so terrific that it is the only planet known in the Solar System that can support life but
the question is, ―What makes Earth unique among other planets?‖ and ―What are the factors to
consider a habitable planet?‖

1. Earth is:
 the third planet from the Sun and fifth largest planet in the Solar System
 a terrestrial planet located in the Goldilocks zone (habitable zone)
 it has unique physical and chemical characteristics compare to other neighboring planets
 the only habitable planet known in the Solar System

Factors that Makes the Planet Habitable

The right amount of the following factors makes the planet Habitable like Earth.
a. Temperature - Influences how quickly atoms & molecules move
b. Water - Dissolves & transports chemicals within and to and from a cell
c. Atmosphere - Traps heat, shields the surface from harmful radiation, and provides chemicals needed for life,
such as nitrogen and carbon dioxide.
d. Energy - Organisms use light or chemical energy to run their life processes.
e. Nutrients - Used to build and maintain an organism’s body.
f. Magnetic Field - a planet requires a rapidly rotating magnetic field to protect it from flares from nearby
stars and from harmful radiation
Activity 1: Crash Landing on You…

A meteoroid has hit your spaceship! Luckily, you are passing through an unknown
System, which consists of a sun-like star surrounded by seven planets, some of which have
moons. Your ship has barely enough fuel and guidance ability to allow you to select a nearby
place to crash-land. Below are profiles of each of the planets and moons in the unknown
system. The information is sketchy, but it's all your sensors had time to collect before going
off- line due to the damage caused by the meteoroid. Good luck!

1. What planet will you choose to crash-land? I will choose Planet 2.

2. Why did you choose this plane?
3. I chose planet 2, because it has no activity detected, a place where I know I can survive a little longer until
the help comes. And planet 2 only have a very thin carbon dioxide which I can probably endure compare to
gases in other planets.

3. What is the difference of the planet you chose compared to Earth?

5. The difference is Earth have all the resources of sustaining a life. You have all from the food to water, even a
shelter. While the Planet 2 is just have the polar ice caps, dry riverbeds and many craters that its impossible
to stay there without proper attire and equipment’s.
―We are all connected to each other, biologically. To the earth,
chemically. To the rest of the universe atomically.‖ The quote is said by
Neil DeGrasse Tyson, an American astrophysicist. Do you agree with
him? Why do you think he said that we are all connected?

A certain group of interacting, interrelated, or interdependent

parts that work together to form a complex whole is called a system.
The scientists around the world try to study our planet through the
smaller systems it have and fit them together to form a whole picture
which is known as the Earth System Science.

Specifically, Earth System is commonly referred as the ―spheres‖

which are divided into four: geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and
biosphere. These four spheres regulate the different functions of Earth
which makes it habitable which is similar on how a human body system works. All human body systems work
together to maintain a well-functioning and healthy body. On Earth, each of the four spheres or systems must
keep itself in balance. A change in one system will affect other systems.

Earth system is essentially a closed system where it receives energy from the sun and returns some
of this energy to space. In contrast, the four spheres of Earth (geosphere, biosphere, atmosphere and
atmosphere) are considered open systems where both matter and energy can flow across the boundaries.
These systems are all interconnected as shown in the diagram above.

Activity 2: Matching A-B-C

Activity 3: Explain Me

at surrounds the earth, that also determine what are the weather. Biosphere- it is for earths living things, its like the resources for people t

Generally, rocks are identified by their distinctive set of minerals they contain, most of these rocks
are made of grains of one mineral type, or some have a mixture of different minerals. Texture is another
characteristic property used to identify rocks such as description of their size, shape, and arrangement of
mineral grains.

What are the three major classifications of rocks?

How do they form? What are their general characteristics?
These are frequent asked questions about rocks but can be
answered through investigations and observations of actual
rock samples. The origin of these rocks including the
processes involved can be described and explained through
the so- called rock cycle.

Igneous rocks are those that solidify from magma,

a molten mixture of rock-forming minerals and usually
volatiles such as gases and steam. Since their constituent
minerals are crystallized from molten material, igneous
rocks are formed at high temperatures, and originate from
processes deep within the Earth typically at depths of
about 50 to 200 km (30 to 120 miles)—in the mid- to
lower- crust or in the upper mantle. This type of rock
formed when magma cools and solidifies underground.
Igneous rocks are of two kinds: Extrusive and Intrusive.
Examples include basalt, a usually dark gray to black,
fine-grained volcanic rock; sometimes has gas bubbles
(vesicles) and granite, a pinkish, whitish igneous rock
with interlocking crystals of quartz and feldspar.

If its still inside the volcano its called magma, if it erupted

and now on the surface of earth, its lava.

Intrusive- form inside a volcano

Extrusive- form outside a volcano, it will just form if its
erupting. Because if its long time there its called plutonic

Texture of Intrusive- small to medium grains Activity

. 4: Spelling Challenge
Texture of Extrusive- microscopic or invisible grains. Texture of
Plutonic- big grains and can see from naked eye

For each number belowrocks

Sedimentary inspect if are
the letter inside each
formed by boxthe
gives a correct spelling or not. If not, write the
correctly spelled word in the space provided
compaction and cementing together of sediments, to get the exact idea.
broken pieces of rock-like gravel, sand, silt, or clay.
It issediments can
a science that bewith
deals formed fromofweathering
the history and
the earth as recorded in rocks. Y G O L E O G - GEOLOGY
erosion of preexisting rock. Sedimentary rocks also
Solid homogeneous inorganic substances occurring in nature having a definite chemical composition usually found in rocks.
include chemical precipitates, the solid materials left
behind after a liquid evaporates. Clastic sedimentary
rocks such as breccia, conglomerate, sandstone,
siltstone, and shale are formed from mechanical
weathering debris. Chemical sedimentary rocks, such as
rock salt, iron ore, chert, flint, some dolomites, and some
limestone, form when dissolved materials
precipitate from solution

Metamorphic rocks are those formed by changes in preexisting rocks

under the influence of high temperature, pressure, and chemically active
solutions. The changes can be chemical (compositional) and physical
(textural) in character. Metamorphic rocks are often formed by processes
deep within the earth that produce new minerals, textures, and crystal
structures. The recrystallization that takes place does so essentially in the
solid state, rather than by complete re-melting, and can be aided by
ductile deformation and the presence of interstitial fluids such as
water. There are two main types of metamorphic rocks: those that are
foliated because they have formed in an environment with either directed
pressure or shear stress, and those that are not foliated because they have
formed in an environment without directed pressure or relatively nearthe surface with very little pressure.
Examples of metamorphic rocks are quartzite, slate, schist, and gneiss.








Basalt Granite Dolomites Slate Marble

Iron ore Gneiss
Conglomerate Quartzile
Flint Schist
Siltstones Hornfels
Chert Phyllite


Let’s rate your understanding! Shade it.

. EARTH AND LIFE SCIENCE Wow! Earth-terrific! Quarter 1 Week 1. Module 1. Manila Education Center Arroceros Forest Park. Antonio J. Villegas St. Erm

S Earth-terrific! Systematic! Quarter 1 Week k1 Module 2.

. EARTH AND LIFE SCIENCE MManila Education Center Arroceros Forest Park. Antonio J. Villegas St

EARTH AND LIFE SCIENCE GET READY TO ROCK Quarter 1 Week 2 Module 4. Manila
Arroceros Forest Park. Antonio J. Villegas St. Ermita, Manila
Prepared by: Checked and recommended by:


EL Teacher Principal




Connections within the Earth Systems

Try to analyze the diagram which shows the interconnected interactions within the different Earth
systems or spheres. Write the corresponding number that matches to the interconnection of two respective
Earth spheres.

For example, connection no. 1 shows how atmosphere is related to the biosphere. One explanation
is that the atmospheric chemistry and temperature (atmosphere) affect organisms (biosphere). Letter A is
done for you. Explanation
1 A. Atmospheric chemistry and temperature affect
7 B. Weathering and erosion controls nutrient supply to
life in the oceans
3 C. Atmospheric temperature affects evaporation
9 D. Locations of continents controls circulation
pattern of oceans
5 E. Plants aid weathering (physical and chemical) of
2 F. Atmospheric chemistry and temperature affect
weathering of rocks
6 G. Plants control water transfer from soil to
8 H. Volcanic eruptions add carbon dioxide and
aerosols to atmosphere
4 I. Photosynthesis affects atmospheric carbon
dioxide concentration
11 J. Soil water limits plant growth
12 K. Ocean circulation controls how much CO2 is
removed from atmosphere
10 L. Rainfall and runoff erode the land surface.
You are going to collect five different rocks from your backyard. After the collection, you are going to film yourself while classifying the rocks

Criteria for grading:

Key answers:

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