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Name: Lenie R.


Course: Contemporary, Popular and Emergent Literature

1. Define the meaning of contemporary and popular literature, popular literature in relation
to popular culture, various genre in popular literature classification.

 Contemporary Literature
This is a vast group of written works that is written after World War II up to the
present day. Most of the content of contemporary literature deals with social and
political perspectives that are reflected with the use of realistic characters and has a
vital connections to current events present in the society.
 Popular Literature
This refers to literary works that are intended for the consumption of the
masses. This doesn't deal with abstract problems and is created primarily to entertain
people. Most of the genre in popular literature deals with romance and fiction. One
thing that make this kind of literature unique is it doesn't need a strict time period as
long as the works are written for a large population.
 Popular literature in relation to popular culture
There is a significant relationship between popular literature and popular
culture. Popular literature includes those writings that are intended for the masses the
same as popular culture also called as mass culture that is capable of affecting the lives
of many people. Popular literature deals with the practices of everyday lives of each
persson, including their values and cultures and these things are what made up popular
culture. Both of these aim to create change not only to express and entertain.
 Various genre in popular literature classification

In every classification of popular literature, there is always a specific

genre. It is the category of artistic composition characterized by a particular style, form
or content. Various genre helps the readers to better understand social situations,
history and cultural practices.The integration of various genre in popular literature
captures the readers' interest in reading all forms of story.

2. Enumerate and discuss the things to consider in interpreting literature? Explain

 Author
The author is useful in interpreting literature because he/she is the one who
composes the story. His/her intentions in writing the literary piece contribute a lot in
the understanding process of the readers.
 Author's background
The author's personal background ranging from his family, education,
experiences, culture and values make the readers generate inferences on what the
author trying to say during the process of reading. It could be possible that those
significant events in the story deals with the author's life and through understanding the
author's background, readers will enable to have a complete understanding of the story.
 Form and Content
Literature are rich sources of meaningful and creative works. Form and content
are essential things to consider in interpreting literature. Good interpretation of the
themes and various literary devices used in the story will help readers understand
thoroughly what they are reading. Although, there is a great challenge in studying the
form and content of literature because of the use of unfamiliar words, but these add
beauty and meaning which make the readers foster greater appreciation to literature.
 Pattern Recognition
This allows the readers to determine the relationships between the characters and
their actions. It helps them in understanding the flow of the story and able to spot such
significant events and powerful themes embedded in the text.

 Structural Analysis
Identifying structure of a literary text will let the readers determine the organisation
of the event in the story. This helps them fathom how the words are being group
together to make sense to the readers. The structure of certain literary piece controls
the major elements such as the characters, setting, plot and theme. This is the major
reason why structural analysis plays a crucial role for the understanding process of the
 Readers' Response
This must be out into consideration because the role of readers in understanding
literature is very crucial because they act as the active agent in the story who
conveyed the message and complete its meaning through interpretation.
3. Identify and analyze the historical, social, political and literary dynamics of a story you like
best as featured in this module. Which of them foster attributes of a popular literature?

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone is the first novel in the immensely popular
Harry Potter by British J.K. Rowling. The novel is first published in Britain in 1997 and appeared
in the United States. The story of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone contributes
undoubtedly to millions of readers for it reflects social and cultural concerns. The story reflects
many of the power dynamics of society and describes many ideological and sociopolitical
struggles we are facing today.

The power within the Harry Potter world can be utilized in ideologies and put into
practice by individuals. The author wants to address that power is exercised in the society. Like
in the story individuals utilize their magic as a method to gain power over others and it can be
seen in our political aspects nowadays. Politicians are using different strategies to become
powerful more than others to maintain in highest position. There are various roles of power in
the story and it really influenced the readers' perceptions toward politics. Moreoever, the
story also implies that power and greed are two dangerous things if the desire for power lead
the person in doing evilness. Power can easily corrupt people especially those who are hungry
for it. When it comes to social context of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, the writer
emphasizes the subject of social stratification, racism, slavery, and gender stereotypes. There is
a battle within races, discrimination based on species and gender inequality present in the
story. These issues truly influenced the political views of people. The issue of male power in the
story reflects in the real world . Society is been struggling with gender inequality and this is
what the government is working out today.

The story of Harry Potter becomes one of the popular literature because of its literary
value and social significance for the mass audiences. It contains magnificent literary devices
that add to its popularity. Another reason is it increases readers' vocabulary and imagination as
the story contains a lot of twists. Above all, the author encourages the readers to embrace
diversity of groups and greater support for equality. Whether you are male of female, you have
the right to stand with your principles and participate in societal activities. There should be no
prejudice and biases. Everyone must practice the habit of fair treatment and opposes

4. Give distinction of each of the common literary terms mentioned in this module.

 Satire
It is the art of making someone look ridiculous by using various types of humour
to expose and embarass people's stupidity or vices. Its main purpose is to inform or
make people think based on how the writer used the word.
 Figurative Language
An artistic way of using language or expression that goes beyond the literal
meaning of the words that affect the reader' s mind. It appeals to all the senses and
make a certain literary piece more creative and meaningful. It makes the readers
discover new insights and see a more vivid or imaginative picture of what they are
 Plot and Character Device
These are elements of the story which could be told in many forms. These
devices make the story more compelling and interesting to the readers. These also how
complicated to write compositions with the integration of various elements that piece
the story together. Plot and character devices truly make the story more engaging and
 Sound and Rhythm
These talk about rhythmic patterns and sound that provoke emotional response
of the readers. These provide soothing and meaningful effects to the readers during the
reading process. Without sound and rhythm readers would not be interested in reading
because they could not feel and relate to the story.
 Wordplay
It is the creative use of words and meaning to amuse the readers. It involves using
literary devices and techniques to form entertaining, written and oral expressions.

5. Apply key concepts, terminologies and methodology in the analysis of contemporary works
by choosing one author and his/her writing.

An Analysis of Contemporary Literature

Title: The Color Purple by Alice Walker

Author's Background

Alice Walker is born on February 9, 1966, Eatonton, Georgia, U.S. She is an American
writer whose novels, short stories and poems are noted for their insightful treatment of African
American culture. Her novels, the most famous one " The Color Purple" is written in the year
1982 that the main focus is on the women. She is the eight child of African American
sharecroppers and while growing up, she is accidentally blinded in one eye and her mother give
her a typewriter allowing her to write instead of doing chores.

Main Characters

 Celie – a poor, uneducated black women with a sad personal history. She is the
protagonist and narrator of the color purple.
 Nettie – Celie' s youngest sister
 Mr. Albert – Celie's husband, who abuses her for years.
 Shug Avery – He is the hero of the story lover of Celie.
 Harpo – son of Mr. Albert and wife of Sofia
 Sofia – wife of Harpo who serves as an example to Celie of independent womanhood.


Western Africa in a small village in the early 20th century.


The story' s genre falls under epistolary novel. The writer illustrates the message
through the use of letters. He/ she wants to create an open and honest narrative in which the
readers can understand the characters deepest feelings with regards to her sad experiences in
life. The whole story provides an oppeness that the readers will surely be motivate to accept
different viewpoints in life.

Author's writing style

Brief and sparse is the author's writing technique in writing "The Color Purple". It is
composed of a very short chapters that tend to explain the ideas in the simplest way for easy
understanding of the readers. The writer uses the first person point of view. Therefore, a reader
could easily adapt to what the story all about because of the simple language utilized by the

Plot analysis

On the surface, the plot of "The Color Purple" appears to be moving from a dramatic
opening through a series of rising actions towards the plot and ending of the story. The events
are well organized that it make more appealing to the readers. Author's integrate the use of
figurative language such as symbolism, juxtaposition and imagery to develop certain concepts
that are beneficial ones. Symbolism can be seen in the word pants in the story. It denotes the
character' s self- confident. The wardrobe of the character also symbolises her attainment of
masculinity. Moreover, the author also employ the use of juxtaposition in developing the
events of the story. It is used by the writer to emphasize similarities and differences between
characters' persona to make it more interesting and catchy to the eyes of the reader. The lines "
Like Sofia, Shug was a direct contrast of Celie's character. She possesses talent over beauty
authority over Mr. Albert", is an example of juxtaposition. Another literary devices used by the
writer in developing the plot is imagery. She uses it to capture the hardships and struggles
every female character must face in the novel. Above all, the writer gives the opportunity for
the reader to establish connection by using literary techniques to understand suffering and the
need for compassion.

Author's tone

The tone of the story are serious and honest. It is all about hardship, sadness and tragedy
of the family and shows how they overcome those. The protagonist is honest in expressing her
life experiences whether its bad or terrible.


The writer emphasizes the theme by her power of narrative and speech to assert that
female friendships is essential to build a harmonious relationship and to provide reciprocal love
in a world filled with male violence. The writer uses the symbol of the color purple to address
simply the theme which signifies love in the story.

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