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Reviewer: Mattrick A. Atalia Date: July 26, 2021

Paper Title: 10 Fishpond-Water-Level-System-ver3

Review Criteria Grid

Weak Satisf. Strong Criteria Comments

Assertions: clarity, For the assertion, clarity and importance

importance I will rate it strong because the author
Evidence: relevance, research project are subjectively direct

strength, credibility to the point where how they can implement
Organization: the usage of the automatically control the
 arrangement of ideas, water level of fishpond via SMS
flow notification message on every action taken
Mechanics: spelling, by the system. For the evidence, strength

grammar, punctuation and credibility of the authors research
References: complete, project, I would say it was executed

proper efficiently where he gives brief statement
Overall effectiveness for his introduction about the common
existing problem occur in one fishponds,
where it commonly it experienced
inconsistent pond water level, thus ponds
can lose water in different ways such as
small leaks, evaporation and so on.
For the organization, arrangement of
ideas, I think it was perfectly executed
in terms of automatically control over the
water via SMS notification messages taken
by the system. For that mechanics,
 spelling, grammar and punctuation I think
there’s no problem and yet it was ease to
read in terms of correct usage of every
words to construct a sentence. Overall the
effectiveness of the author research
project about the automatically control
over the water via SMS notification
messages is somewhat good to be start
because it was already used in many
fisheries companies.

Referee’s Recommendation

Action Comments
Ask author to re-write and Since the author’s research is all about the project about
resubmit the automatically control over the water level of
fishponds via SMS notification messages depending the
actions of the system about the current level of water, I
think it was perfectly executed, thus the author’s
perspective are straight to the point on implementing such
an automatic system for monitoring the current level of
water via SMS notification.
Reject paper for the N/A
following listed
TITLE: 10 Fishpond-Water-Level-System-ver3
AUTHORS: Alex!C.!Bacalla,!MSTOCS

Overall evaluation: 5 (excellent)

Originality: 5 (excellent)
Thoroughness: 5 (excellent)
Technical Strength: 5 (excellent)
Comparison and Reference: 4 (good)
Significance and Opportunities: 5 (excellent)

Overall Evaluation: Comments here

Legend(except Overall Evaluation): 1-very poor 2-poor 3-fair 4-good

5- excellent

Legend(Overall Evaluation) :Numerical Value plus description(reject, weak accepted, accepted

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