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Summative Test No.1

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Direction:Read the questions carefully.Encircle the letter of the correct answer .
1. It refers to the size or strenght of the force.It is commonly expressed in Newton (N).
A. Direction B. Force C. line of action D. Magnitude
2. What is the unit of force in metric system?
A. calorie B. joules C. newtons D. pounds
3. When you move a chair across the floor, what force must your push be stronger than?
A. friction B. magnetic C. normal D. tension
4. Which force always pulls the objects to the ground?
A. applied B. friction C. gravitational D. tension
5. A leaf falls from a tree. What force(s) are acting on it?
A. air resistance only C. applied force and air resistance
B. gravitational force only D. air resistance and gravitational forces
6.Which surface would be easiest for the bicycle to move?
A. Grass B. Sand C. Muddy road D. Concrete Road
7. What type of forces hold between two celestial body like Sun and Earth?
A. Applied B. Friction C. Gravitational D. Tension
8. What force acts perpendicular to the surface of the object contact with?
A. Normal B. gravitational C. Balanced D. Unbalanced
9. Two people pull on a rope in a tug-of -water. Each pull with a 300 N force. What is the net force?.
A. 0 N B. 300 N C. 600 N D. 900 N
10.How do forces occur?
A. In pairs B. in triplets C. by themselves D. as single quantity
11.A 600 N man sits on the floor. How much force the floor exerts on her?
A. 6 N B. 60 N C. 600 N D. 6000 N
12.These are the forces where objects do not touch or contact with each other.
A. Contact force C. Non-contact-force
A. Balanced force D. Unbalance force
13.It is the sum of all forces acting on the object?
A. Magnitude B. Net force C. Magnetic force C. Tension force
For item 14- 15. Refer to the given situation.
“ If a boy A and boy B pull a heavy box at the same time in opposite directions with 15 N and 10 N
of force respectively”.
14. What will be the Net force on the box?
A. 5 N to the right C. 25 N to the right
B. 5 N to the left D. 25 N to the left

15.To what direction it will move?

A. To the left B. to the right C. Upward D. Downward

For item 19-20.Refer to the figure below.

16.What force(s ) is/are acting on the object?

A. Tension only B. Tension and Weight C. Frictional and gravitational D. Normal Force

17.Suppose that a ball is resting on the table. What happens to the ball whe you push it with enough
A. The ball will not move
B. The ball will move to the direction of the applied force
C. The ball will move to the opposite direction of the applied force
D. All of the above

18.Suppose that a marble object is moving. How will you make the marble stop?
A. Exert a force towards the direction of the marble
B. Exert a force opposite to the direction of the marble
C. Apply a gravitational force
D. All of the above

19. The force exerted on a field of attraction or repulsion as in case of magnet and other magnetic
A. Frictrional force B. Magnetic Force C. Normal force D. Tension

20.Planet earth is bigger than the mass of moon. If you were able to travel to the moon what happens
to your weight?
A. increases B. decreases C. Stays the same D. varies with day and night

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