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Topic 1: What kind of family do you prefer: a nuclear or an extended one?

From my point of view, living in a nuclear family is significantly more advantageous. To be

specific, living in small family units, which consist of only parents and their kids, means fewer
differences in lifestyle and daily habits. This is likely to bring about a host of desirable merits.

First of all, it allows members to have more privacy. For instance, individuals are no longer
disturbed by little kids while sleeping or relaxing due to variance in routines. Secondly, this way
of living also reduces the frequency of conflicts among family members as contradiction in
viewpoints and attitudes is eliminated. Finally, stable conjugal family stands a better chance of
keeping family ties intact. As the members always enjoy a harmonious atmosphere together,
they are likely to spend more quality time together than those who live in a large family.

Topic 2: What type of conflict do you often get into with your parents? Can you give
some ways to the problem?

Today I would like to talk about types of conflict between parents and children and put forward
some solutions to the issue. The first type I could mention is over privacy. Many parents are
overprotective and keep their kids’ personal life under strict control like reading their diaries,
which causes discomfort to them.

The next kind of argument is over the parenting methods. Many adults rear their children the
tough way, with much criticism and little encouragement. This could lead to the kids refusing to
obey their parents and even falling out with them.

To settle the conflicts, parents and children need to have a face-to-face conversation in which
both sides respect each other’s point of view by paying attention and sincerely listening. In
addition, children should bear in mind that their parents are full of good intentions and far more
experienced than them. Therefore, they should take this into account before rushing into any
kind of action. When dealing with disagreement, the advice is to stay calm, talk less, listen more
and communicate your side of the story clearly and honestly.

Topic 3: If you're in a romantic relationship when you're a high school student, will you
tell your parents about it? Why or why not?

Well, from my point of view, there is no reason in hiding my romantic relationship from my
parents, especially when I'm in high school.

First of all, since I'm just a teenager, I'm aware that I'm still too naive to face any relationship
difficulties. If my parents object to my dating, I am willing to compromise and listen to what my
parents have to say and consider if their concerns are legitimate. After all, my parents have
more experience in dating and they just want to protect me.
As a high school student, I have yet to get a job with stable income, therefore I have to rely on
my parents for basic necessities, tuition fees, pocket money,... However, to some extent, I think I
am still an independent person. To be specific, whenever I have spare time, I always try to the
best of my ability to finish the housework. Furthermore, in my study, I am self-motivated to
engage in self-studying. For example, I plan my own study schedule, and if I have problems with
any subjects I would myself try to figure out the solution or seek help from friends and teachers.

From my perspective, a self-reliant person tend to complete a given task without any help from
others because they love being in control of their lives and not a burden to anyone. They also
reflect on themselves, accept their mistakes and focus on how they can make personal
improvement in the future. Another point is that they have realistic expectations, which stops
them from wasting time and helps them concentrate on pursuing attainable goals with their
genuine skills and abilities.

Topic 7: Is taking part in a voluntary activity useful or not? Give some reasons. Why
people volunteer? What can we do to help people who are in need?

Doing voluntary work is very beneficial. Firstly, by taking part in volunteering, we can improve
some skills such as communication skill, problem-solving skill and time-management skill, which
are essential for us to get a well-paid job in the future. Secondly, enrolling in voluntary work
brings people a sense of fulfillment as well as happiness. Not only do these activities benefit the
society but they can also be a relaxing and energizing escape from your day-to-day routine of

Nowadays, a huge number of people can’t afford the basic necessities of living. As a result, we
need to lend a hand to help them and there are many ways to do that. First of all, we can join a
fundraiser community or any voluntary organizations to donate food and clothes. Not only that,
we can impart knowledge to the poor to help them develop skills so that they can be in control of
their life instead of relying on help from other people. That’s what I think any people could do to
help the disadvantaged and build up a better society.

Topic 8: There are children with cognitive impairments facing discrimination in society.
What do you think can be done to solve this problem?

Every day, children with cognitive disabilities are faced with discrimination, including bully and
harassment. Today, I would like to talk about practical solutions to this social issue.

The first to be mentioned is to raise the awareness among the community. Parents, teachers
and peers are always the most important supporters that a child with cognitive impairments can
have. Therefore, they must be equipped with disability-specific knowledge in order to show him
respect, listen to his problems without judgment and provide encouragement. In addition, those

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