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Complete  the  given  table  below  by  providing  the  required  information  on  the 
comparison of Qualitative and Quantitative Research.  
  understanding a research  focuses on gathering numerical 
Focus of Research  query as a humanistic or  data and generalizing it across 
  idealistic approach. ...  groups of people or to explain a 
Qualitative method is used to  particular phenomenon. 
understand people's beliefs, 
experiences, attitudes, 
behavior, and interactions. It 
generates non-numerical data. 
  Qualitative researchers  The quantitative approach to 
Perspective  attempt to make sense of, or  management involves the use of 
  provide an interpretation of,  quantitative techniques, such as 
observed phenomena relative  statistics, information models, 
to meanings attributed to  and computer simulations, to 
these phenomena by  improve decision making. ... 
individuals involved in specific  Today, this view encourages 
incidents or situations.  managers to use mathematics, 
statistics, and other quantitative 
techniques to make management 
  Qualitative research is aimed  The purpose of quantitative 
Purpose  at gaining a deep  research is to generate knowledge 
  understanding of a specific  and create understanding about 
organization or event, rather a  the social world. ... Using 
than surface description of a  scientific inquiry, quantitative 
large sample of a population.  research relies on data that are 
... It aims to understand how  observed or measured to examine 
the participants derive  questions about the sample 
meaning from their  population. 
surroundings, and how their 
meaning influences their 
  A qualitative research design  Quantitative research designs are 
Design  is concerned with establishing  either descriptive [subjects 
  answers to the whys and  usually measured once] or 
hows of the phenomenon in  experimental [subjects measured 
question (unlike quantitative).  before and after a treatment]. A 
Due to this, qualitative  descriptive study establishes only 
research is often defined as  associations between variables; 
being subjective (not  an experimental study establishes 
objective), and findings are  causality. 
gathered in a written format 
as opposed to numerical. 
  In qualitative research, only a  A sampling technique in which 
Sample  sample (that is, a subset) of a  each unit in a population does not 
  popula- tion is selected for any  have a specifiable probability of 
given study. The study's  being selected. In other words, 
research objectives and the  nonprobability sampling does not 
characteristics of the study  select their units from the 
population (such as size and  population in a mathematically 
diversity) determine which and  random way. 
how many people to select. 
  Qualitative data is defined as  Quantitative data is usually 
Data Collection  the data that approximates  collected for statistical analysis 
  and characterizes. This data  using surveys, polls or 
type is non-numerical in  questionnaires sent across to a 
nature. ... This type of data is  specific section of a population. 
collected through methods of 
observations, one-to-one 
interviews, conducting focus 
groups, and similar methods. 
  Qualitative Data Analysis  Quantitative data makes 
Mode of Analysis  (QDA) is the range of  measuring various parameters 
  processes and procedures  controllable due to the ease of 
whereby we move from the  mathematical derivations they 
qualitative data that have been  come with. Quantitative data is 
collected, into some form of  usually collected for statistical 
explanation, understanding or  analysis using surveys, polls or 
interpretation of the people  questionnaires sent across to a 
and situations we are  specific section of a population. 
investigating. QDA is usually 
based on an interpretative 

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