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Aurora: weapon (Flail), legendary (requires attunement)

It was said a tear of Bahamut fell from the skies during the last battle with the frost giants. From the
shards in his honour, to be wielded by the mortal champion of the dragonborn. The last champion
disappeared long ago after venturing into the ice flows.


· Wielder has +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls

· When wielder hits with a melee attack, the target takes an additional 1d4 radiant damage

· It has the thrown property 20/60ft. Immediately after your attack the weapon flies back to your


· The bonus to attack and damage increases to +2

· The additional melee damage increases to 2d4 radiant damage

· The range of the thrown property increases to 30/70ft. When you hit with a ranged attack using this
weapon it deals an additional 1d4 thunder damage.

· When you hit with a ranged weapon attack you may choose to fly to your hammer, rather than
return it to your hand. You fly through the space to it in the most direct line and suffer any effects or
opportunity attacks you would provoke on this path.

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