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1. What principles of learning were most applied? Least applied?

Most Applied

The learners are at the center, there is an alignment of curriculum and teaching implementation.

The main target of curriculum is the learners’ development therefore the teacher aims to promote quality

education by letting learners participate in class. There are times that “discovery learning approach is mostly

applied where learners work for their acquisition of knowledge and skills. The advantage of this principle is

it is not a spoon feeding strategy where learners can drive learning through discovery. The fountain of

information is not merely the teacher but the learning environment, activities, classmates or groupmates

and the learner itself. This makes me to realize that teaching is not just a profession for compliance but it

involves great mission to fulfill by the eagerness to learn the different learning principles.

Least Applied

The teacher centered approach; the teacher makes sure that all her learners are involved in

the teaching process. She used of varied teaching techniques that will motivate learners to do their tasks.

She did not assume that she knows everything. There was an exchange of learning between the learner and

the teacher. This made teaching more effective for learners did not get bored. They actively participated

throughout the process of teaching.

Give instances where this/these principles could have been applied.

One example is when the teacher assigns the class to do some researches to find out the

broader answer into a question. This will fall to the learner centered principle. Another is the social nature of

learning where the learners can learn together by sharing their experiences and learnings to one another. It

gives them the idea of the importance of camaraderie in learning. The assessment of learning is also

important to know the level of learning results towards the learners. The teacher administered different

assessment tools. There is what we call: reflective evaluation wherein the learners assess their learnings

through writing a story, song, poem or a visual representation. Another is an individual objective test. Lastly

is an evaluation done in a group. The most important principle done in class was “Recognizing individual

differences and integrating Emotions to learning”. These were done in a friendly approach where learners

know how to respect individual differences by accomplishing a group task. Most importantly is when they
have a reflective group task. It is very important in times of no to face to face classes. Learners need

someone that they can lean on. This will affect their interest of learning, they must be supported not only

with intellectual development but with how they can manage emotional problems.

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