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RONA BSA-2D 02/11/2021

Activity 1. Let’s apply the concepts from the presentation and open sources by doing
the task below. Choose only one picture / image and answer the following questions
briefly about the picture/ image you have chosen:
1. What image have you chosen?
The image I have chosen is Image 1
2. What does the picture tell?
The picture tells about a father and his children gathering water due to insufficient
supply or puberty.
3. What is the motif?
- The motif is to inform the audience about a certain perspective

4. How does it affect you and the viewers?

- it affects me and the viewers emotionally, because as seen, the father is doing
his best just to get water due to insufficient supply or due to puberty. This made me
realize that life is always challenging and there is no shortcut to success that is why
we need to work hard and achieve our goal.

Image 1

Activity 2. Using the types of Non-verbal cues, explain in two (2)

sentences what the 2 individuals want to convey to the viewers.
The left portion of the individual conveys uncertainty and the right portion conveys
happiness. When combined, it states that happiness is sometimes uncertain, it uses
nonverbal cues such as substitution, contradiction, and the usage of regulation.

Images, Passages, and Messages:

Enhancing Critical Visual Literacy
Activity 3. Analyze and evaluate the COLT 45 advertisement using the
following table:
Sender/s of the message COLT 45 CORPORATION/ADVERTISERS

Medium/ mode used The usage of graphic material and the brand

Target audience The target audience are adults mostly men

Images and words used The images used are: Car, Brand Logo, Beer,
and Celebrity Star.
The Words used are: All words that can be
seen in the images.

What the images and words are The images and words are saying how great
saying the product is in getting girls, in that men will
buy this product when there is a party or an
occasion to get more girls to the party.

What the images and words are The images and words are suggesting to buy
suggesting the drink being promoted in order to get a great
girl when there is a party or an occasion. It also
tells how a man can get the girl he wants buy
just buying the beer.

Intentions/ Biases / Power The intention of the advertisement is

relations revealed persuading people (mostly men) to buy the
advertised product. The Bias seen in the
advertisement is that only sexy women can be
seen endorsing the product.

Potential Impact on the attitudes, The potential impact on the attitudes, beliefs,
beliefs, and values of the target and values of the target audience are real men
audience drink Colt 45, the belief of commodifying
women will make the advertisement great, and
the belief that the advertisement hires sexy
women in order to get the attention of the men
into buying the drink

How various readers/ listeners/ The readers might think that the ad was
viewers may respond displeasing, because the girl is being portrayed
as a mere commodity not an endorser. Another
is that the advertisement may have promote
gender stereotypes of what a real man should
and should not do.

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