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[head] Read the Paired Selection

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[banner] 1 Preview Together

[bu] Explain the children they are going to read an informational text called “Una visita

al zoo”. Ask them if they ever went to the zoo. Have the children to, in turns, mention

their favorite animal and share information about that animal. [anno: My favorite

animal is the gorilla. He’s very smart.]

[banner] 2 Think Through the Text

Read aloud the textseveral times and use the following questions to check


1. p.36 [blue font: What did the girl learn in her visit to the zoo?] [anno: Sample

answers: that giraffe eat leaves; that ducks swim on the lake] IDENTIFY KEY


2. p.37 [blue font: What do bats and owls have in common?] [anno: They are nocturnal

animals] [blue font: What does this mean?] [anno: They go out at night] EXPAND

3. p.37 [blue font: Do you think the girl liked the visit?] [anno: Yes] [blue font: How do

you know?] [anno: Because she wants to come back to the zoo] SYNTHESIZE TEXT


[banner] 3 Unpack Meaning

[bu] Read “Una visita al zoo”, focusing on the adjetives of each sentence and

accompanying the reading with bodily expression. Read with special emphasis the

following sentence: “The giraffe, with her very long neck, was eating leaves”. Have the

children describe the gestures the giraffe’s neck.

[bu] Help children understand the meaning of the word nocturnal.

[icon] Think Aloud [blue font: Here says that in the zoo there also are nocturnal

animals. I wonder what nocturnal animals might be. Among nocturnal animals it

speaks of bats and owls. What do those two animals have in common? Both go out at

night. Then, a nocturnal animal is the one who lives at night.]

[bu] Have children choose one of the animals in the text and draw it. Encourage them

to exchange their drawings and ask their classmates questions about them.
[bu] Have children think about their favorite animal and write sentences to describe

them. Remind them that using words to describe them helps readers imagine the

animal better.

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[insert G1 Volume 5 Journeys 17 SE cover]

“Una visita al zoo”

by Aida Oreiro

[insert box]

Compare Texts

Write to Compare Have children decide, in couples, which story is made up and which

is real. Tell them they must support their answer with words or pictures from the text.

Then have them write sentences that compare both texts. [anno: Sample answer:

Música en el tren is made up because animals can’t sing. “Una visita al zoo” is real

because we see animals eat and act like real animals.]

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[right footer] Main Selection Title [bu] T219

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