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Bucket List

Before my death I would like to do many things, but in this moment, I am going to talk about
only 7 thing that I want to do.
1. Live alone: I always have wanted to live alone, in a house, apartment, or room, but I want
to feel that feeling that a little independence. I have been taking care my house alone for
some days or a week, but that isn’t the same. My cousin lives alone and he has told me
that it’s hard because it takes a lot of time cooking and cleaning the house but is worth it
and with time anyone gets used to it.

2. Travel to Japan: I want to travel around the world, know different cultures and meet new
people; but one country that I think it is very interesting to go is Japan because there I
could go to Akihabara, a neighborhood where there are many stores of manga,
videogames, anime and many strange things; and that seems interesting to me. I have
seen videoblogs that talks about Tokyo, it is a city with much technology, I saw that there
are some games in the street where you give a coin and you can get a game, a card or
even clothes, that amazing and freaky.

3. Ask for forgiveness: Surely, I have made to feel bad to someone and maybe I didn’t
realize or maybe not, but it doesn’t matter because that doesn’t change nothing; for this
reason, I want to ask for forgiveness to everyone that in any moment I have made to feel
bad, because no one deserves that; and maybe that doesn’t make any difference but I
don’t lose nothing doing it.

4. Do bungee jumping: Once when I was a child, I watch in a video how someone jump off
a bridge, but that person was tied with an elastic band to the bridge and so he could be
hanging safely; when I saw that, I thought 2 things; that’s so scary, anyone could fell
down and die but in other hand, that seems amazing, the adrenaline sure must feel great.
But I just do it once in my life.

5. Surfing: One thing that I want to do because I saw it in a movie is surfing, I never have
been in the sea, but thanks to some American movies I could see how some people surf in
waves and that is cool, though that seems so difficult but I think that worth it.

6. Buy a house for my mom: All my life I have thought that I must thank her some day and I
said myself that I’ll give her one house and make her very happy, she gave me all in this
life and I want to return her the favor. I want to be someone in this life only to she is
happy for me.
7. Learn to talk French perfectly: My current goal is learn perfectly French; since the last
year I have studying French because I saw a video in French and I said “Cool” I like this
so, I start to study a little that language and I could learn the basic but I wanted to follow
learning, how I wasn’t studying in that moment because I didn’t know what study I said
“Hmm I’m going to study degree in foreign languages and for that reason I am here now.
Until this day I still love French and I want to follow learning and talking it perfectly.

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