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Learner’s Module


Module No 2: Prepare and Cut Materials for

Sleeping Garments

Introduction 2
How to use this module 3
Expected Outcome 4
Pre-Assessment 4-8
Lesson 1: Prepare Materials 8
Definition of Technical Terms 8
• Lesson Information 1.1 Preparing Materials 9-12
• Self- Check 1.1 12
• Activity Sheet 1.1 13-14
• Lesson 2: Lay-out and Pin Pattern on the Fabric 15
• Definition of Technical Terms 15
• Lesson Information 2.1 Laying-Out and Pinning 15-22
• Self-Check 2.1 22-23
• Activity Sheet 2.1 23-24
• Lesson 3: Cut Fabrics 25
• Definition of Technical Terms 25
Lesson 3.1: Cutting Fabrics 25-29
Self-Check 3.1 30
Activity Sheet 3.1 31-32
Post Assessment 32-36
Reference 36


Welcome to the course of Dressmaking (Produce Sleeping Garments)!

This Module, which consists of three (3) Learning Outcomes, such as

Prepare Materials, Lay-out and Pin pattern on the Fabrics and Cut fabrics is
designed to equip you, TVL Learners, with essential Knowledge, Skills, and
Attitude in Dressmaking (Produce Sleeping Garments)
in accordance with the industry standards which lead you to National
Certificate Level II.

The Module contains the following:

Pre-Assessment. Determines your prior learning on particular unit of
competencies you are about to take.
Definition of Technical Terms. Helps you understand unfamiliar words
used in this module.
Lesson Information. Provides you important knowledge, principles, and
attitude that will help you perform expected learning outcomes.
Self-Check. Helps you assess your understanding of the lesson.
Activity. Provides you the application of the knowledge and principles you
have gained from the lesson. It further enhances your skills by performing
prescribed tasks.
Post Assessment. Evaluates your overall understanding about this
Further, this is a self-paced and user-friendly Module for the achievement
of the prescribed learning competencies. It also prepares you to be at the
forefront of the fast-growing world of industry and in your quest for higher
education, middle-skills development, employment, and entrepreneurship.

We hope that this material will be of great help to you!

How Do You Use This Module?

This Module contains several lessons. To make the most out of this, you
need to do the following:

1. Take the Pre-Assessment, your score will determine your knowledge of

the lessons. If you get 100% of the items correctly, you may proceed to
the next Module; otherwise, go through the lessons and review those
items which you missed.

2. Read and understand the Lesson Information in each Learning Outcome.

The Lesson Information contains important notes or basic information
that you need to know. This would tell you what you should know and
do at the end of this Module.

Use the References and Definition of Technical Terms as your guide.

They can be of great help during your learning journey.

3. After reading the Lesson Information, answer the Self-Check to find out
how much you have learned. If you do not get all the test items correctly,
go back to the Lesson Information. This will ensure your mastery of basic

4. Perform the required Learning Activities. They consist of one or more

tasks for you to accomplish. It is not only enough that you acquire content
or information, but you must also be able to apply what you have learned
in real life situations and evaluate your performance using the Scoring

5. Take the Post Assessment to evaluate your overall understanding about

this module.


At the end of this Lesson, you should be able to:

LO1. Prepare materials

LO2. Lay- out and pin patterns on fabrics
LO3. Cut fabrics

What Do You Already Know?

Let us determine how much you already know about preparing

material for sleeping garment. Take this test.

Pre Assessment
Direction: Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the best answer
from the choices below.

1. What process is use to draw the thread or grain of the material of the
uneven crosswise or lengthwise edges to make it straight.
a. Pressing the fabric
b. Shrinking and soaking the fabric
c. Straightening the end of the fabrics
d. Stretching the grains of fabrics

2. What process is use in removing wrinkles and creases in fabric by using

the flat iron?
a. Pressing the fabric
b. Shrinking and soaking the fabric
c. Straightening the end of the fabrics
d. Stretching the grains of fabrics
3. What process is use in pulling the cloth diagonally from one corner to the
opposite corner thus making the lenghtwise to be right angle?
a. Pressing the fabric
b. Shrinking and soaking the fabric
c. Straightening the end of the fabrics
d. Stretching the grains of fabrics

4. How long should the fabric be soaked following the soaking and shrinking
a. 10-20 minutes
b. 30-60 minutes
c. 6 hours
d. Overnight

5. Which of the following is not true about shrinking and soaking the fabric?
a. Be sure that the fabric to be cut is soaked before cutting.
b. Fold the fabric lenghtwise
c. Let it dry without folding on the clotheslines
d. Squeeze the fabric.

6. Which of the following does not belong on the procedure of shrinking washable
a. Fold the fabric lengthwise
b. Immerse and soak the fabric in cold water.
c. Press if necessary
d. Pull the thread all the way across the selvage

7. How many minutes you should soak the fabric in cold water?
a. 10-15 minutes
b. 15-20 minutes
c. 20-30 minutes
d. 30-60 minutes

8. Which of the following are the procedure in Straightening the end of the
1.Clip the selvage on the shortest edge of the fabric.
2.Pick-up loose crosswise threads and pull it out slowly
3. Pull the thread all the way across the selvage.
4.Grasp opposite diagonal corners and pull.

a. 1,2 b. 1,2,3 c. 1,2,4 d. 1,2,3,4

9. What should be done before laying out the pattern on the fabric?
a. Cut the fabric in the center
b. Fold the fabric diagonally
c. Fold the fabric on its wrong side
d. Pin the pattern on the fabric.

10. What kind of fabric fold is folded lengthwise at the center with selvage
a. Crosswise centerfold
b. Off-center crosswise fold
c. Lengthwise centerfold
d. Off-center lengthwise fold

11. What equipment is used to remove wrinkles and crease in the fabric?
a. Fabric
b. Flat iron
c. Thread
d. Weights

12. What process is use in placement and arrangement of pattern pieces on

the fabric for marking and cutting?
a. Cutting
b. Laying-out
c. Sewing
d. Pattern making

13. What tools are used for transferring pattern markings to garments fabric
pieces and for making alteration on garments?
a. Cutting tools
b. Marking tools
c. Sewing tools
d. Tailor’s chalk

14. What part of the fabric should the markings be placed?

a. Anywhere
b. Pattern
c. Right side
d. Wrong side

15. Which of the following is not true when identifying the right and wrong side
of the fabric?
a. Prints are more visible and brighter on the wrong side of the fabric
b. Right side has smooth and finished appearance
c. Right side selvage is smoother than the wrong side
d. Wrong side has loose thread ends

16. What is the best thing to use in holding pattern pieces and cloth together?
a. Clip
b. Fastener
c. Needle
d. Pin

17. What fold in the fabric stitch wider at one end and tapering to the other
end. It is used to give fullness or shaper to the garments?
a. Crease
b. Darts
c. Fold
d. Pleats

18. What you should do to avoid mistake in cutting?
a. Always lift the fabric every time you are cutting
b. Cut all pieces in one work session.
c. If you cannot reach the end of the fabric when cutting you can
pull it near to you.
d. You can take a rest if you get tired and continue cutting

19. It should be put on the cutting tools to avoid rust and for better use.
a. Alcohol
b. Grease
c. Oil
d. Water

20. What kind of tools can ruin a fabric?

a. Bent handled tools
b. Dull tools
c. Scissors
d. Sharp cutting tools

Lesson 1: Prepare materials

Definition of Technical Terms

Selvage an edge produced on woven fabric during manufacture that

prevents it from unravelling.
Straighten make or become straight.
Shrink becoming smaller in size or amount
Crease a line or ridge produced on paper or cloth by folding, pressing,
or crushing.

What Do You Need To Know?

Read Lesson Information 1.1 very well then find out how much you can remember
and how much you learned by doing Self-Check 1.1.

Lesson Information 1.1


Handling Fabrics Before Cutting

The importance of fabric preparation is to preserve the fit of the

finished garment after washing.

Techniques in Preparing the Fabrics for Cutting:

A. Shrinking and soaking the fabric by laundering and drying

Washable fabrics can be pre-shrunk by laundering and drying. Pre-

shrunk washable fabric to remove any sizing and to prevent shrinkage later.

Procedure in Shrinking Washable Fabrics:

1. Fold the fabric lengthwise.

2. Immerse and soak the fabric in cold water (in large basin)
3. Let it stand for 30-60 minutes.
4. Remove it from the water. Avoid wrinkling and dry the fabrics on the
5. Press, if necessary, when completely dry.

Note: Be sure that the fabric to be cut is soaked before cutting.

Note: Don’t squeeze the fabric. Let it dry without folding on the clothe lines.

B. Straightening the end of the fabrics.

This process is to draw the thread or grain of the material of the

uneven crosswise or lengthwise edges to make it straight.

How to straighten the Ends of the Fabric?

1. Clip the selvage on the shortest edge of the fabric.
2. Pick-up loose crosswise threads and pull it out slowly.
3. Pull the thread all the way across the selvage.
4. Cut along pulled thread.

Stretching the grains of fabrics.

The process of pulling the cloth diagonally from one corner to

the opposite corner thus making the lengthwise to be right angle.

How to Stretch the Grain of Fabrics?

1. Grasp opposite diagonal corners and pull.

2. Check to see if the fabric has been straightened.
3. Keep on pulling until the selvage comes together.
4. Smooth the materials on the table and check if the fabric ends lie

B. Pressing
The process of removing wrinkles and crease in fabric by using the flat
iron. The general rule is to press on the wrong side of the cloth in the lengthwise
grain. Pressing may enlarge or shrink the fabrics.

Trimmings and Accessories
Trimming details change continually, and you should study trimming
types and check them in the fashion news. Plan the trimming as integral part
of the garment, not last-minute addition. Casual apparel even in its simplicity,
needs trimming in order to be complete.
Trimmings are the ornamental addition to the bare fabrics or a finished
garment. This is also used to enhance or emphasize the beauty of the


Self-Check 1.1

Direction: Identify the following procedures. Write SWF for Shrinking

Washable Fabrics, SEF for Straightening the end of the fabrics and
SGF for Stretch the Grain of Fabrics.

____1. Immerse and soak the fabric in cold water.

____2. Grasp opposite diagonal corners and pull.
____3. Pick-up loose crosswise threads and pull it out slowly.
____4. Fold the fabric lengthwise.
____5. Keep on pulling until the selvage comes together.

If you have questions, ask

your teacher for assistance.


Activity Sheet 1.1

Preparing Fabric before laying-out the pattern

• Fabric for sleeping garments

Tools and Equipment:

• large basin
• cutting tools
• flat iron
• ironing board

A. Shrinking the washable materials
1. Fold the fabric lengthwise.
2. Immerse and soak the fabric in cold water (in large basin)
3. Let it stand for 30-60 minutes.
4. Remove it from the water. Avoid wrinkling and dry the fabrics on
the clothesline.
5. Press, if necessary, when completely dry.

B. Straightening the end of the fabric

1. Clip the selvage on the shortest edge of the fabric.
2. Pick-up loose crosswise threads and pull it out slowly.
3. Pull the thread all the way across the selvage.
4. Cut along pulled thread.

C. Stretching Fabric
1. Grasp opposite diagonal corners and pull.
2. Check to see if the fabric has been straightened.
3. Keep on pulling until the selvage comes together.
4. Smooth the materials on the table and check if the fabric ends lie

D. Pressing

1. The process of removing wrinkles and crease in fabric by using

the flat iron. The general rule is to press on the wrong side of the
cloth in the lengthwise grain. Pressing may enlarge or shrink the

Find out by accomplishing the Scoring Rubric honestly and

sincerely. Remember it is your learning at stake!


5 4 3 2 1

Procedure were correctly done in

Precautions were applied.


Congratulations! You did a great job!

Rest and relax a while then move on to
the next lesson. Good luck!

Lesson 2: Lay-out and Pin Pattern on Fabric

Definition of Technical Terms

Accurate correct in all details; exact.

Raw edge an unfinished, rough or undecorated edge
Seam Allowance is the area between the fabric edge and the stitching line on
two pieces of material being sewn together.
Lay-out the way in which the parts of something are arranged or laid out.
Pinning hold something firmly in a specified position so they are unable to
Seamline is the line that you sew along.
Marking the transfer of lines from the pattern to fabric.

What Do You Need To Know?

Read Lesson Information 2.0 very well then find out how much you can
remember and how much you learned by doing Self-Check 2.0.

Lesson Information 2.1


Principles in Laying Out the Fabric

General Guidelines to Laying Out a Pattern

Laying out your pattern on the fabric in preparation for cutting is an
important step. It must be done carefully and accurately for great-looking

Determining the wrong and right side of the fabric:
Before laying out the pattern be sure that you fold the fabric on
its wrong side. Below are the tips to identify the right or wrong side of
the fabric.

1. Prints are more visible and brighter on the right side.

2. Right side has smooth and finished appearance.
3. Right side selvage is smoother than the wrong side.
4. Wrong side has loose thread ends.
5. Whole, silk and most nylon are folded on rolled with their right-
side in.

There are four kinds of fabric folds:

1. Lengthwise centerfold- The fabric is folded lengthwise at the center with

selvage together.

2. Crosswise centerfold- The fabric folded crosswise with the raw edges

3. Off-center lengthwise fold- The fabric is folded lengthwise with the
selvage meeting at the center.

4. Off-center crosswise fold- The fabric is folded crosswise with the raw edges
meeting at the center.

The hints in fold are the following:

1. Where selvage meet, they should match exactly. Shifting of slippery or
soft fabric can be prevented by pinning selvages together every few
2. If the material was folded at the time of the purchased, make sure the
fold line is accurate and re-repress it if necessary.
3. When no fold is indicated, lay fabric right side up.

It is the placement and arrangement of pattern pieces on the materials
for marking and cutting.

Procedure in Laying Out Pattern on the Cloth:
1. Pattern must be checked well and carefully before laying them on the
2. Examine all the necessary pattern symbols before laying them on the
3. Choose the longest cutting table to prevent the fabric from hanging
over the edge of table.
4. When laying each pattern piece, check the following:
a. lengthwise grain position
b. the center fold
c. if is not be duplicated
d. if it is to be sectioned to be cut singly, or not through two
5. Fold the material on the right side folded together.
6. Lay out the largest pattern piece first on the wrong side of the
7. Pin pattern piece in all the way around the edge.
8. Insert pins along the lengthwise grain.
9. Lay the small pattern pieces in places, which are still vacant
then pin.
10. Let the seam allowances touch each other whenever possible.
11. Mark the stitching lines before cutting.


Pins used in dressmaking maybe made of steel or brass with a tin


The following are the types of pin used in dressmaking:

dressmaker’s pins lace pins T-pins safety pins

glass-headed pins

1. Dressmaker’s pin is of medium size and has 1 1/16 inches long.

2. Glass-headed pins are easy to handle.
3. Lace pins or silk pins
It is 1 inch long, finest size with sharp points and used for
lightweight fabrics.
4. T-pins stay on position on open weave fabrics.
5. Safety pins.


1. Put pins a right angle to the edge of the pattern.

2. Pin about 3 ¼”- 4 inches apart on the straight and a little close on the
3. Pin along a fold or at the grain line marking.
4. Pin the next corner, pin other edge, making the edge smooth.
5. Mark the notches outward on the fabric.


What to mark? All details should be marked, not shown by

notches or clips sometimes seam lines, especially long straight edges
which are left unmarked and stitching guide is used to keep seams

Here are to be marked:

• seam lines
• center lines along closing
• fold lines
• position for ease or gathers
• position for pockets
• buttonholes and buttons
• slash line
• point where stitching line should stop

The following are the marking tips:
1. Marking is done on the wrong side of the fabric.
2. Pattern symbols are transferred on the wrong side of the fabric after
cutting and before the pattern is removed.
3. Construction symbols and position marks for placement of details
should be transferred.

How to Transfer Pattern Markings:

1. Place the garments and the pattern piece on top of the tracing paper.

2. Mark straight lines using the tracing wheel. Get over lines only once.
3. The tips of darts should be indicated with a short line.

4. Remove the pattern piece, place the pins back.

5. Work on the other side of the fabric, re-trace over previous lines to transfer
the other half of the garment.

Marking darts and pocket locations

For a good fitting, darts may be used in lady’s blouse and skirts. Darts
is a fold in the fabric. Dart is a fold in the fabric stitch wider at one end and
tapering to the other end. It is used to give fullness or shaper to the
Pocket is a small piece of cloth attached to the garment which serve as
a holder of items such as money, wallet and handkerchief. It also serves as
decorations on garments.
Accuracy is tracing the marks of the location of darts and pockets is

How to mark dart location:

1. Mark the stitching lines and the line through the center known as fold line.
2. Mark a line at right angle to the point of the dart. Mark the center line before
marking the two side lines to prevent the pattern from shifting.

How to mark pocket location:

1. Mark pocket location on the wrong side of the fabric.

2. Transfer the marking to the right side by basting along the line by hand or
3. This marking has to show on the right side of the fabric where the pocket is
to be attached.


Self-Check 2.1

DIRECTION: MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSE. Write T if the statement is

correct, if false change the underlined word/s to make the statement

1. Marking is done on the wrong side of the fabric.

2. Pins used in dressmaking maybe made of gold or brass with a tin
3. Prints are more visible and brighter on the right side.

4. Pattern symbols are transferred on the right side of the fabric after cutting
and before the patter is removed.
5. Mark the stitching line after cutting.


Activity Sheet 2.1

Preparing Fabric before laying-out the pattern

• Fabric for sleeping garments

Tools and Equipment:

• pattern for pajama
• pins
• pencil
• tracing wheel
• carbon paper

Procedure in Laying Out Pattern on the Cloth:

1. Pattern must be checked well and carefully before laying them on the
2. Examine all the necessary pattern symbols before laying them on the
3. Choose the longest cutting table to prevent the fabric from hanging
over the edge of table.
4. When laying each pattern piece, check the following:
e. lengthwise grain position
f. the center fold
g. if is not be duplicated
h. if it is to be sectioned to be cut singly, or not through two layers.

5. Fold the material on the right side folded together.
6. Lay out the largest pattern piece first on the wrong side of the material.
7. Pin pattern piece in all the way around the edge.
8. Insert pins along the lengthwise grain.
9. lay the small pattern pieces in places, which are still vacant then pin.
10. Let the seam allowances touch each other whenever possible.
11. Mark the stitching lines before cutting.

Find out by accomplishing the Scoring Rubric honestly and

sincerely. Remember it is your learning at stake!


5 4 3 2 1

Procedure were correctly done in

Tools are properly utilized

Precautions were applied.


Congratulations! You did a great job! Rest

and relax a while then move on to the next
lesson. Good luck!

Lesson 3: Cut Fabrics

Definition of Technical Terms

Crucial extremely important; decisive; crucial

Dull having an edge or point that is not sharp.
Strokes to rub gently in one direction.
Embroidery the process or art of sewing a design on cloth.
Serrated notched or toothed on the edge.
Snip a small piece that is cut into something.

What Do You Need To Know?

Read Lesson Information 3.0 very well then find out how much you can
remember and how much you learned by doing Self-Check 2.0.

Lesson Information 3.1



Cutting is a crucial step; it should be done with haste. Cutting needs

complete concertation. For the best result assemble everything you need,
including thread needles for basting, plenty pins, marking tools and sharp
cutting tools before you start cutting.

Cutting tools are instruments that serve well if properly maintained. The
best quality cutting tools are hot-forge, high-steep honed to a fine cutting edge.
Blades should be joined with an adjustable screw to ensure even pressure
along the length of the blade.

Sharp cutting tools make clean cuts and well-defined notches and they do
not damage fabric. Dull tools slow the cutting process, and make your hand and
wrist tire easily. Sewing cutting tools should not be used for other household
task. Cutting tools must do its periodic sharpening and the joints are oiled once
in a while for better use.

The following are the types of cutting tools:

1. Bent-handled dressmaker’s shears- These are made of quality steel

and hold a sharp cutting edge. The blades move easily and cut smoothly
along the entire length and the points should come together. Shears
have the length. of 7-12 inches and are satisfactory for most apparel

2. Cutting Scissors

a. trimming scissors- It is 3-4 inches long. It is used for trimmings,

clipping threads and snipping slashes

b. embroidery scissors- It has 4-5 inches finely tapered blades. Both

points are sharp for use in working with fine details in delicate fabrics
and in embroidery work.

c. button hole scissor-this is intended for making buttonholes

3. Seam Ripper-Hook quickly rip seams open buttonholes and removes

stitches. This should be used carefully to avoid piercing the fabric.

4. Thread clipper- It has spring action blades which are used for snipping

5. Rotary Cutter-Is an adaption of the giant rotary cutter used by the garment
industry. It works like a pizza cutter and can be used by left or right-handed
sewers. The rotary cutter is available in different sizes with different blades.
When using a rotary cutter, work on a cutting mat to protect the blade and
cutting surface.

6. Pinking shears/scalloping shears- This is popular in zigzagging or scalloped

edge or for seam finishes. This is used to finish seams and raw edges or many
types of fabric. It cut a ravel-resistant edge. This is not satisfactory for straight

7. Leather shears- is used for cutting leather suede. It has heavy serrated edge.

8. Electric Shear-This is available in one-or two-sped models. Some are battery

operated, while others may be plugged into an electric out let for outlet


Cutting with precisions makes construction easier and more accurate.

It also contributes to the final success of the garment. To avoid mistakes cut
all pieces in one work session.

Be sure to have an exclusive table for cutting in a suitable place. Get

everything organized and do all the cutting at once.

Observe the precautionary measures while cutting.

1. Work with clean hands

2. Be careful and never play with your cutting tools.

Steps to follow in cutting fabrics:

1. Have everything handy. Gather all the equipment needed for the cutting
2. Use pair of sharp cutting shears with long even strokes.
3. Place one hand lightly on the patter piece close to the cutting line and hold
the cutting shear with the other hand.
4. To cut out the piece, rest the cutting shear on the table so that the fabric is
slightly raised, but not lifted right up.
5. Cut smoothly, cutting out first the large pieces then the small ones.
6. Cut notches away from the seam allowance. Notches help to match
sections during construction.
7. As you cut, wall around the table instead of drawing the materials towards
8. Do not allow any parts of the fabric hang over edges of cutting table. This is
especially important in knit fabric.
9. Cut the entire garment at one time.
10. After cutting its part, put it aside. Do not remove pins and pattern, as you
will need them in marking the fabric.
11. Collect and tie all scraps of cloth together for future use.


Self-Check 3.1

Direction: Read each statement carefully. On the space provided write True if
the statements is correct and False if not.

_________1. Cutting with precisions makes construction easier and

more accurate.
_________2. Pinning is a crucial step; it should be done with haste.
_________3. Sharp tools slow the cutting process, and make your
hand and wrist tire easily.
_________4. Cut out first the large pieces before the small ones.
_________5. Do not allow any parts of the fabric hang over edges of
cutting table.


Activity Sheet 3.1

Cutting Final Pattern


• Fabric for sleeping garments

• pattern for pajama

Tools and Equipment:

• pins
• shears

Steps to follow in cutting fabrics:

1. Have everything handy. Gather all the equipment needed for the cutting
2. Use pair of sharp cutting shears with long even strokes.
3. Place one hand lightly on the patter piece close to the cutting line and hold
the cutting shear with the other hand.
4. To cut out the piece, rest the cutting shear on the table so that the fabric is
slightly raised, but not lifted right up.
5. Cut smoothly, cutting out first the large pieces then the small ones.
6. Cut notches away from the seam allowance. Notches help to match sections
during construction.
7. As you cut, wall around the table instead of drawing the materials towards
8. Do not allow any parts of the fabric hang over edges of cutting table. This is
especially important in knit fabric.
9. Cut the entire garment at one time. After cutting its part, put it aside.
10. Do not remove pins and pattern, as you will need them in marking the fabric.
11. Collect and tie all scraps of cloth together for future use.

Find out by accomplishing the Scoring Rubric honestly and
sincerely. Remember it is your learning at stake!


5 4 3 2 1

Procedure were correctly done in

Tools are properly utilized

Precautions were applied.


Post Assessment

How much have you learned?

Direction: Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the best answer
from the choices below.

1. What process is use in pulling the cloth diagonally from one corner to the
opposite corner thus making the lenghtwise to be right angle?
a. Pressing the fabric
b. Shrinking and soaking the fabric
c. Straightening the end of the fabrics
d. Stretching the grains of fabrics
2. How long should the fabric be soaked following the soaking and shrinking
a. 10-20 minutes
b. 30-60 minutes
c. 6 hours
d. Overnight
3. What process is use in removing wrinkles and creases in fabric by using
the flat iron?
a. Pressing the fabric
b. Shrinking and soaking the fabric
c. Straightening the end of the fabrics
d. Stretching the grains of fabrics
4. What process is use to draw the thread or grain of the material of the
uneven crosswise or lengthwise edges to make it straight.
a. Pressing the fabric
b. Shrinking and soaking the fabric
c. Straightening the end of the fabrics
d. Stretching the grains of fabrics

5. Which of the following is not true about shrinking and soaking the fabric?
a. Be sure that the fabric to be cut is soaked before cutting.
b. Fold the fabric lenghtwise
c. Let it dry without folding on the clotheslines
d. Squeeze the fabric.

6. Which of the following does not belong on the procedure of shrinking

washable materials?
a. Fold the fabric lengthwise
b. Immerse and soak the fabric in cold water.
c. Press if necessary
d. Pull the thread all the way across the selvage

7. What kind of fabric fold is folded lengthwise at the center with selvage
a. Crosswise centerfold
b. Off-center crosswise fold
c. Lengthwise centerfold
d. Off-center lengthwise fold
8. Which of the following are the procedure in Straightening the end of the
1.Clip the selvage on the shortest edge of the fabric.
2.Pick-up loose crosswise threads and pull it out slowly
3. Pull the thread all the way across the selvage.
4. Grasp opposite diagonal corners and pull.
a. 1,2 c. 1,2,4
b. 1,2,3 d. 1,2,3,4

9. What equipment is use to remove wrinkles and crease in the fabric?

a. Fabric
b. Flat iron
c. Thread
d. Weights

10. How many minutes you should soak the fabric in cold water?
a. 10-15 minutes
b. 15-20 minutes
c. 20-30 minutes
d. 30-60 minutes
11. What should be done before laying out the pattern on the fabric?
a. Cut the fabric in the center
b. Fold the fabric diagonally
c. Fold the fabric on its wrong side
d. Pin the pattern on the fabric
12. What process is use in placement and arrangement of pattern pieces on
the fabric for marking and cutting?
a. Cutting
b. Laying-out
c. Sewing
d. Pattern making
13. Which of the following is not true when identifying the right and wrong side
of the fabric?
a. Prints are more visible and brighter on the wrong side of the fabric
b. Right side has smooth and finished appearance
c. Right side selvage is smoother than the wrong side
d. Wrong side has loose thread ends
14. What part of the fabric should the markings be placed?
a. . Anywhere
b. Pattern
c. Right side
d. Wrong side
15. What tools are used for transferring pattern markings to garments fabric
pieces and for making alteration on garments?
a. Cutting tools
b. Marking tools
c. Sewing tools
d. Tailor’s chalk

16. What you should do to avoid mistake in cutting?
a. Always lift the fabric every time you are cutting
b. Cut all pieces in one work session.
c. If you cannot reach the end of the fabric when cutting you can pull it
near to you.
d. You can take a rest if you get tired and continue cutting afterwards.
17. What fold in the fabric stitch wider at one end and tapering to the other
end. It is used to give fullness or shaper to the garments?
a. Crease
b. Darts
c. Fold
d. Pleats
18. What is the best thing to use in holding pattern pieces and cloth together?
a. Clip
b. Fastener
c. Needle
d. Pin
19. What kind of tools can ruin a fabric?
a. Bent handled tools
b. Dull tools
c. Scissors
d. Sharp cutting tools
20. What should be put on the cutting tools to avoid rust and for better use?
a. Alcohol
b. Grease
c. Oil
d. Water

Congratulations! You did a great job!

Rest and relax a while then move on to
the next module. Good luck!

June 2008, Competency -Based Learning Material Third Year
GARMENT NCII, Department Of Education,


This module gives an opportunity to the students to develop their skills in DRAFT
operating procedures, techniques and knowledge of Producing Sleeping


All Pictures and graphic illustrations taken from the internet are properties of the
original owners and are used only as supplemental materials for educational


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