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Name : Nur Hijrah Muthmainnah .

ID : 1712442004

Class : ICP Physics Education


Refractive index

Refraction of light is the event of bending of the direction of propagation of light that
occurs when cagaya crosses the boundary plane between two different mediums. When
a beam of light hits the surface of an object, then there is reflected light and some is
transmitted. If the object is transparent like glass or water, then some of the light that
continues to look deflected, known as refraction. Light passing through the boundary
between two mediums with different optical densities, the speed will change. Changes
in the speed of light will cause the light to refract. Refraction occurs when the incident
ray forms a certain angle and is not perpendicular to the boundary plane. The angle of
arrival is smaller than 90 ° with respect to the boundary plane. The amount of bending
of the direction of propagation of light incidence out of a medium is very dependent on
the optical density of the medium.
The direction of refraction of light can be divided into two, namely approaching the
normal line and away from the normal line.

Figure 1. Direction of light refraction

Approaching the normal line

The light will be refracted close to the normal line if the light propagates from the
optical medium less dense to the more dense optical medium. An example is the
propagation of light from air into water.
Steer clear of normal lines

The light refracts away from the normal line if the light propagating from the optical
medium is closer to the optical medium. Examples are the propagation of light from
water to air or from glass to air.

Refractive index
The optical density of a medium is expressed in the refractive index. Each medium
has a certain refractive index, as a measure of how much material refracts light. The
speed at which light propagates in each medium varies depending on the density of the
medium. Refractive index is a comparison of the speed of light in the air with the speed
of light in the substance. The speed of light in air is always greater than the refractive
index of other substances. Thus, the refractive index of substances other than air will
always be greater than 1.
The greater the refractive index of a medium, the optical density of the medium will
be even greater. The greater the optical density, the greater will be the direction of the
bending of light passing through the medium. The refractive index is measured by a
device called a refactometer. This tool will determine the degree of refraction of light
between the liquid and the prism. Different wavelengths of light will be refracted in
different amounts. Thus, sunlight will be separated into a spectrum of colors by water
points (formationrainbow). The comparison of the propagation of light in a vacuum to
the propagation of light in a medium is called the absolute refractive index.
The absolute refractive index of a medium is formulated as follows.
n= .................................................. ..............
Information :
n = absolute refractive index of the medium
c = fast propagation of light in a vacuum (3 × 108 m / s)
v = fast propagation of light in the medium (m / s)
Each medium has a different refractive index, because of this difference in refractive
index, if there is a beam of light passing through two different mediums, the beam will
be refracted. In 1621 Snellius, a Dutch physicist conducted a series of experiments to
investigate the relationship between the angle of incidence (i) and the angle of refractive
Snellius's refraction law reads:

Besides showing the ratio of the speed of light propagation in a medium, the
refractive index also shows the optical density of a medium. The greater the refractive
index of a medium means the greater the optical density of the medium. If the light
propagates from a less dense medium to a denser medium, the light will be refracted
close to the normal line, conversely if the light propagates from a denser medium to a
less dense medium will be refracted away from the normal line.
A ray through two different media will be refracted. If light is passed from the air
through the liquid, the light in the liquid will be deflected. As in Figure 2, the beam
comes in a direction not perpendicular to the side of the box containing liquid. When
entering the liquid the direction of the light is deflected, and when it comes out of the
liquid on the other side the direction of the light is deflected again.
Refraction events on the boundary plane between two mediums fulfill Snellius' law:
n1sinθ 1 = n2sinθ 2 .................................................. ....... (2)

Figure 2. Sketch of the trajectory of incident ray and refractive ray

a. Point O is the point where the light comes in about the box
b. Point D is the point where the signal leaves the box
c. BOC line is a line that is perpendicular to the box and through point B
d. The BA line is perpendicular to the BOC line
Based on Figure 1, there is no need to measure angles directly. The angle of arrival
angle and refractive angle can be calculated based on the measurement of the location of
the incident ray and refractive ray. Based on these images obtained:
sinθ 1 = .................................................. ...................... (3)
sinθ 2 = .................................................. ...................... (4)

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