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Leadership is not a rank, leadership is not a position, leadership is a choice and leadership is a
decision. I always saw myself as a leader but as time passed by, I ended up thinking did I really
do my job as a leader? This question always comes on my mind, and this was really annoying.
Until one day I overcome this doubt on myself, When I join to the Sport Fest in our school when
I was on a senior high school student. We train for about a month and our coach chose me to be a
team leader. I was really nervous that time because I can’t imagine, myself lead that team. And
so the time passed by, we got the place for championship. I thought I can’t lead them but we did
it, I did it. We got the Championship Trophy.
After that game, I realize that being a leader is not that scary things in this world, because your
fear was really the scariest thing when you didn’t overcome it. I may not one on any types of
leaders that you can search on every website you know. Because for me every leader have
unique ideas on how to handle their team members. To lead in the victory or loses. The only
thing that the leader must have is, confidence. Confidence in his decisions and actions. If he/she
is unsure, then how can people have the desire to follow him.
Like what Simon Sinek said in one of his speech “If your actions inspire others to dream more,
learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader.” Always think that not because no
one is reacting on your works, does not mean that you didn’t made it.

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