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NSTP class on October 1st. A game was then started by our lecturer after we
received permanent setting arrangements. It was fun playing the game. We
enjoyed ourselves. Our professor instructed us to select a representative from
each group to create a student officer in the class after the game.

Before moving on to issues related to leadership training, our professor examines

decision-making and dispute resolution. The session covered how you'll make
specific decisions at a specific time and how you can be certain of your
decisions. to determine whether your choice is better as well. I learned the traits
of a leader and how to act or make decisions during my leadership training. How
a leader can inspire his followers in addition to commanding them.

This lesson is one I prefer to apply to myself. We may never know whether the
lesson we were taught will eventually be useful to us. Likewise, we should apply
this to our circle of friends. People need to be inspired and prodded to be the
best versions of themselves.

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