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EL 6 – HW 11 – KEY

1. Translate the following sentences:

A) Devices which produce motion are usually referred to as engines.
Uređaji koji stvaraju kretanje se obično nazivaju motorima.

However, in technical register, an engine is a device said to transform energy, especially heat energy, into
mechanical work.
Međutim, u tehničkom registru, motor je uređaj za koji se kaže da pretvara energiju, naročito toplotnu energiju, u
mehanički rad.

Heat engine is a type of engine that converts heat energy into mechanical work.
Toplotni motor je vrsta motora koja pretvara toplotnu energiju u mehanički rad.

The main types of heat engines are: steam engines, internal combustion engines and reaction engines.
Glavne vrste toplotnih motora su: parna mašina, motori sa unutrašnjim sagorijevanjem i reaktivni motori.

Steam engine’s main parts are as follows: 1. frame, 2. cylinder with valve chest, 3. piston, piston rod, crosshead,
connecting rod, 4. crankshaft, bearings and flywheel, 5. valves and valve gear, and 6. governor.
Glavni dijelovi parne mašine su sljedeći: 1. kućište, 2. cilindar sa razvodnom komorom, 3. klip, klipnjača, ukrsna
glava, motorna poluga, 4. koljenasto vratilo, ležajevi i zamajac, 5. ventili i pogon razvodnika, i 6. regulator.

B) Ventil će spojiti cilindar sa parovodom malo prije nego što klip dosegne mrtvi položaj koji odgovara minimalnoj
zapremini cilindra, tako da, kako klip bude išao prema vani, na njega će para djelovati punim pritiskom. Ovaj dio
procesa nazivamo DOVOD.
The valve will connect the cylinder with the steam line slightly before the piston reaches the dead-center position
corresponding to the minimum cylinder volume, so that, as the piston travels outwards, steam acts upon it with full
pressure. This part of the process is referred to as admission.

U motorima sa unutrašnjim sagorijevanjem, ventil reguliše dovod goriva u cilindar (usisni ventil) ili omogućuje odvod
plinova preostalih nakon sagorijevanja (ispusni ventil).
In internal combustion engines, the valve regulates the fuel supply to the cylinder (intake valve) or allows the
removal of gases remaining after combustion (exhaust valve).

Kad je 20 do 30% ovog takta završeno, ventil zatvara otvor, a ovo je poznato kao prekid dovoda.
When 20 to 30% of the stroke has been completed, the valve closes the port and this is known as cutoff.

Para se potom širi adijabatski, što je popraćeno smanjenjem pritiska.

Steam is then expanded adiabatically, which is followed by a decrease in pressure.

Pred kraj takta, ventil ponovno otvara otvor, ovaj put spajajući cilindar s odvodom. Ovu radnju nazivamo izlaz pare.
Near the end of its stroke, the valve again opens the port, this time connecting the cylinder with the exhaust line. This
event is known as RELEASE.

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