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Teacher’s self-reflection form

Teacher Ms. Flora Time & Date 5 pm 10-27-21

of class
Class Type Convo / adults Level convo 11
Observer Mr. Ibrahim Number of 4


- willingness to try teaching a grammar point using TTT even though I’ve never done
it before
- had to improvise since one of the Ss didn’t attend the lesson

Areas for Development

- time management; I find it extremely difficult to estimate how much time ss will
need to do complete an activity or stage - I don’t want to cut them short
- using TTT to teach grammar points -
- to learn to identify how many activities are doable within the time given

Comment on the lesson as a whole:

Which stages went well? and which you think may need changing?

went well:

- lead-in
- setting the context
- vocab pre-teaching

may need changing:

- skipped some of the steps in the lesson plan (like passing around a ball while Ss
answer the video questions)
- video was perhaps too challenging for the students; should have played it twice
instead of just once - perhaps there should’ve been less questions
- the grammar point needed more time to be taught and practiced; should’ve

17 Boulos Hanna, Dokki, Giza, Egypt

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Teacher’s self-reflection form
prepared for it better or just taken it out of the lesson plan
- the itinerary was not easy for students to create as a group - especially when they
all wanted to talk about different places
- should’ve gone for the brochure instead

Teacher’s post-feedback comment (optional)

17 Boulos Hanna, Dokki, Giza, Egypt

e-mail: | Website:

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