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Ambon Lentera Harapan School’s students work to commemorate the 2021

Language Month

Friday, October 28, 2021 is the culmination of the Language Month activities, which are
organized by the Ambon Lentera Harapan School. The theme of the language month that
was raised this time was "I’m talking about the Lord Jesus".

The language month activity was opened by reading the biography of Uncle Jo, a politician
from Maluku, and also a National Hero of Indonesia. After that, the students were asked to
write a reflection and participate in activities categorized by class. Among them there are
activities to sing the song “Bangun pemuda pemudi” which are attended by grades 1-3;
create and read poetry from grades 4-6; poster design for grades 7-9; and create and sing
songs that are followed by grades 10-12.

All the activities was then documented and uploaded on one of the media platforms, the
Youtube channel belonging to the Ambon Lentera Harapan School.
“Afterall, it was so fun. Especially when we saw the work of each class. All works are so cool
knowing the students can still work in the midst of this pandemic condition”, the student said.

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