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3 rd Edition

Revised & Updated mn

Fully soived I

I !ffiffll1li0

I. THERMODYNAMICS ............-.............-•. ..• 1•41 4. Fuel lnjectlot\ Ignition ;ind CJtbur.ttiOn ., 140
S. c.ombusUon andCombustion Chlm�rs 145
1, Bask:COf\Cepts--------
6. Supercharging.-••-····-···-·-·······- '•9
2. Teml)t'f\ltt.lft , ________.....A
7. Engine Ffklion. Lubtk.lltlooand Cooling 1SO
3. 'NOtk.andHntTramfer,___ _ __s
a. Englnt Enw»ions ;:ind theitControl-·-··· lS1
◄. Fir� LawofThennodynaml ,_7
9. Tes� andPerronnance-····--·-- 153
S. First t.awAppttd to Fk>w Pfoc:ess_..,_,_,_ 10
6, second UwofThemiodynarnk:S-· -··-"'"11
7. Entropy __________,1-11 V. FLUID MECHANICS .........., ••.•..•,••• 174-:230
8. Avail•bllityand lrreYeJSlbillty-----·-17 1. Propertiesoffluids-......-••···--··-174
9. Properties of Pure Substance,---- 18 2. Pn!ssure&luMeasorement-••····- . ..... 177
10. PropertlMofGases..------··'9 3. Hydrost.ttk Force$ on Wrfaces-·······-· '7'9
11. ThtffnOdyna,mic RNtlonS-. 23 ,. Myancy and Ao,itaUon __,.. _........- 181
S. Klncmatks of F� and ldi!!3' Flow·-··· '83
II. REFRfGERATION & AIR CONDmOHING ,.42·89 6. O)'n,mlc of Fluidflow....- •• ·····-·......- 186
1. FlowOverNotches&We,lrs.-........-...... 189
1, �Sits offtefdgera.ting Machine --·-··-·"•l
2. RNrlger,;tionCyd�sandSy:.teml-,_, __,,.. 8. Vlscou,Row-····--··--- ··-·-'90
3. Refng,erants...-
. -------...-51 9, Tur'bulcntflOW-···-----··-· - 193
4. Refriger¥\tcomprt1sors....--- ---" 10, Ftow Through Pipes.....-----·· 194
S. Condense,$, Evaporaiton&�Mion�s-SS 11. Boundary LayerTheory.. 196
6 . PropertttSQfMcistAir ------" 12. Flow In Open Channel-..-- .199
7. Psych1ometric ChMt10d Its Applit:niOn to Air· 13. (limenSlol'lo,,I IM'ICI Model Anatysis···········-201
conditioning,------- - __60 14. Force! on SUbm@tged 8odieL.....-•·····'20�
8. CocnfortCondltlons--.-- - - --·6' IS. f'lowof Comprenible Floids. ...--••-·-20'4
9, SolairAe�atiOn 66
10. Air-duct Oesign.. . 67 VI, POWER PLANT ENGINEERING ••- 231•:291

Ill. HEAT ANOMASS TRANSfER ................90--130 ,.,.

I. F\lel>and CombustiOn

1. 8Mlc Concepuof He.tTr,r,nsfet" -·-··•-"''-90 Steam Gentf<)tOfS 238
2. One--Oltnensional Steady-stateConductiOn-.. 92
3. He.t Onslpatlon fromEx.tendtd surface -·- 98
s. NucleacPower PlanU-
•· Transient HeatConduction _____,oo
S. 1-ttatTransf-er byNanni COf'l'/ection-·- --·-101
6. Ht-alTransfer by Forced Gonvec:.tiOo ---- t03
6. ttydroeectriCPowe,r P\ant -··

..Hydttullc Pomp ...

£nef9)' Ttansfer
... 251

7. ftadillOOf'IHeatTransfe,.._____ 105 9 . Comprenors 59
8. Condensation and Bolling .....11O 10. Ga�Turbine PowtrPlan 263
9. Heat fxcNngCJ 1t 1 11. Jet and Rodi� Propulsion System .........266
10. �mentak ofOlff\lsi'llt &Ccwwective Mass
Tran$fttc________ ._ .. ,u VII. STRENGTH OF MATERIALS····-··· :292·356
\. Mech;, Propenie-:s of Mattrials ............ 292
IV. I.C. ENGINE-------131·1?3 2. si,ess-Strah Relations & E111stkConuants ..297
1. Ba$,kS.__________ m J. Tension. Compression and Shear _... . .299
2. Air Standord Cyde,s________ ...13'4 4. Toniono(Shahs ___ ___ ,02
3. CoiwenUOnal and Altern atlvefuels ····-··-136 s. Shear Force and BendingM0tnent....-lOS

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