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Nama : Vera Yunita

Kelas : XI IPA 2
No. absen : 37
Surat ( letter )
1. Pengertian
Yaitu sebuah media untuk berkomunikasi antar satu orang dengan orang lainnya tanpa
harus bertatap muka, dibuat dalam bentuk tulisan yang mana isi utamanya adalah
menyampaikan informasi, permintaan, pemberitahuan dll

 Surat resmi ( formal )

Disebut juga dengan surat dinas, yaitu media komunikasi dalam bentuk tulisan
yang digunakan dalam situasi formal/ resmi dan dibuat sesuai dengan aturan-
aturan tertentu yang sudah ada
Contoh :


Jl. Perjuangan No. 123

Jakarta, April 7, 2018

Mr. Bagus Setiawan
Customer Service Manager
Super Electronics
Pahlawan Street No 67
Bandar Lampung, Lampung

Dear Sir,

I am writing this letter to make complaint regarding the product that I purchased recently. I
bought a washing machine with serial number no. 1234.567 and product model no. 9876.432
from one of your outlet in Dirgantara Street, no. 15, Metro, Lampung.The product did not work
properly. Its water player cannot move and when it operates the machine became very hot
quickly. I have lodged a complaint on your customer service center, but there is no respond or
action taken till now.I have been a customer of your outlet for long, but this incident made me
disappointed with the service you provide. Therefore, I ask want you to take an action to resolve
this problem as early as possible. I attached a copy of the bill and photos of the product.


Ahmad taufik
 Surat tidak resmi ( informal )
sebuah jenis surat yang biasanya menyangkut hal-hal pribadi atau bukan
kepentingan profesional dan dikirim dari satu orang ke orang lain.
Contoh :

Bandung, West Java

November 16th, 2016

To Bayu Putra Permana,

How are you my handsome brother? I hope you are always okay. Don't worry about me; I am
fine here. I am now a very strong man you know. How is our wonderful sister? How are our
parents? Send them my best regards.
I heard from our sister that you are approaching your graduation? Do your very best brother; I
know you can do it very well. Follow that plan I gave you and put your heart to it, you will
succeed in the near future. I am glad to see that you are getting mature now. I believe that you
can make us proud.
Finally, I would like to wish you all the best in your studies and all of your greatest efforts. Don't
forget God. I love you and miss you; can't wait meet all of you again.
Take care,


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