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Plant Prod. Sci.

8(3) : 288 ź 297 (2005)

Oil PalmᴪAchievements and Potential

Mohd. Basri Wahid1, Siti Nor Akmar Abdullah2 and I. E. Henson1

(1Malaysian Palm Oil Board, PO Box 10620, 50720 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Department of Agricultural Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400, UPM Serdang,
Selangor, Malaysia Email

Abstract : Cultivation of the oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) has expanded tremendously in recent years such
that it is now second only to soybean as a major source of the world supply of oils and fats. Presently, Southeast
Asia is the dominant region of production with Malaysia being the leading producer and exporter of palm
oil. This paper reviews the various factors that have led to oil palm occupying its present position, including
biological, technical, managerial, environmental, and socio-political aspects. Biological features recognised as
critical to the high productivity of the crop are examined. These include its perennial and evergreen nature
(giving a continuous year-round canopy cover intercepting a high proportion of incoming radiation), the year-
round production of fruit bunches and the high partition of total assimilates into harvested product. Scientific
and managerial aspects contributing to the success of the crop include the significant genetic improvements
and production of high quality planting materials, the development and application of finely-tuned agronomic
practices, the appropriate scale and efficient organisation of oil palm plantations and the continuous R&D and
good infra-structural support provided in the main producing countries. The programmes of crop improvement
through the utilisation of traditional breeding and selection methods, the development and benefits of vegetative
propagation techniques using tissue culture and ongoing efforts to apply molecular and genetic engineering
techniques to improve and modify oil composition, are reviewed. Finally, the nutritional qualities of palm oil as a
healthy component of diet are briefly described.

Key words : Breeding and selection, Cloning and genetic engineering, Oil palm, Oil yield, Sustainable production.

ǽFrom its origin in West Africa, the oil palm (Elaeis mainly because old palm becomes too tall to harvest
guineensis Jacq.) has spread throughout the tropics and economically.
is now grown in 16 or more countries. However, the ǽBoth the public and private sectors carry out oil
major centre of production is in South East Asia (SEA) palm research and development (R&D). In Malaysia,
with Malaysia and Indonesia together accounting for the Palm Oil Research Institute of Malaysia (PORIM)
around 83 % of world palm oil production in 2001. was set up in 1974 and was merged in 2000 with the
The recent changes in the area of mature plantations Palm Oil Licensing Authority (PORLA) to form the
worldwide are shown in Table 1. Malaysia is presently Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB). The MPOB now
the world’s leading exporter of palm oil having a 60 deals with all aspects of oil palm and palm oil develop-
% market share and palm oil is second only to soybean ment and provides regulatory, training and technical
as the major source of vegetable oil worldwide. advisory services to all sectors of the industry. Other
ǽOil palm production in Malaysia presently occupies country research organizations that conduct research
around 3.7 million hectares of which over two million on oil palm and palm oil include the Indonesian
are in Peninsular Malaysia and the rest in the East Oil Palm Research Institute (IOPRI), Nigerian Oil
Malaysian states of Sabah and Sarawak. Production Palm Research Institute (NIFOR), CENIPALMA in
is divided between large estates managed by publicly Columbia, CIRAD in France and Bah Lias Research
listed companies, smaller independent estates, inde- Station in Indonesia. In Malaysia there are also many
pendent smallholders and government smallholder local plantation companies with R&D facilities such as
settler schemes. FELDA, Golden Hope, United Plantations and Applied
ǽWith good quality planting materials and agronomic Agricultural Research.
practices, oil palm begins producing the oil-bearing ǽThe intensive research on oil palm and palm oil
fruit bunches as early as two and a half years after globally accounts for its significant contribution and
planting. While the lifespan of oil palm, as demonstrat- status in the oils and fat market. In Malaysia, the suc-
ed by specimens planted in the Bogor Botanic Garden, cess of the oil palm is attributed to many factors, which
Indonesia, is at least 120 years, the crop is generally include favourable climatic conditions, well-established
grown for 25-30 years before being replanted. This is infrastructure, management skills and technology for

Received 1 September 2004. Accepted 1 February 2005.

Wahid et al. źź Oil Palm źAchievements and Potential 289 

Tableǽ1ǽArea planted to mature oil palm world wide (‘000 ha).

(After Yusof and Chan, 2003)

oil palm cultivation and a land ownership structure 2000). The exploitation of the rapid leaf expansion
which favours estate type of agriculture. Nevertheless, trait in breeding has been recommended by Breure
to stay competitive and to ensure agricultural sustain- (1985) while planters recognise the importance
ability (that is economic, social and environmental), for yield of ensuring good establishment through
appropriate R&D in various disciplines such as crop optimising planting methods (Nazeeb, 1997).
physiology, agronomy, genetics, tissue culture and bio- ǽIt is now realised, that in addition to radiation
technology, must be strategically planned and imple- and soil moisture, atmospheric humidity strongly
mented. The paper aims to provide a comprehensive infl uences photosynthetic capacity of oil palm
overview on achievements in the areas mentioned and and that both humidity and radiation need to be
examine the potential of oil palm as a sustainable crop considered when evaluating climatic effects on yields.
in the future. Low humidity restricts stomatal opening and hence
CO 2 uptake (Smith, 1989; Henson, 1991a). This
Crop physiology finding may have implications for the location of new
ǽUnderstanding of basic physiological processes of plantations and for predicting responses to climatic
the oil palm and how these relate to production and perturbations such as haze events (Henson, 2000).
management of the crop continues to be a challenging ǽSignificant gaps in present knowledge remaining
and active area of investigation. to be filled include the amount of assimilated carbon
ǽEarly work in Malaysia laid many of the foundations needed to maintain the root system and the minimum
needed for basic physiological, agronomic and root system required to serve the needs of the palm
breeding studies by establishing non-destructive for water and nutrient uptake. Minirhizotron tubes
methods of assessing leaf area and dr y matter with a camera attachment are currently being used
production (DMP) (Hardon et al., 1969; Corley et to monitor root turnover (Mohd. Haniff and Mohd.
al., 1971a). These have since greatly facilitated the Roslan, 2003). Combined with destructive sampling
estimation of productivity and its response to climatic this method should give a fuller picture of root activity
and edaphic variables (Squire, 1985; Henson and and total assimilate requirements.
Chang, 2000). These studies led to the concept that
vegetative DMP takes priority over bunch DMP when Crop productivity
assimilates are limiting (Corley et al., 1971b). This ǽThe oil palm has the distinction of being the most
has proved to be a very useful concept in explaining productive of all oil crops with an average yield in
palm responses to planting density (Corley, 1973), major producing countries of about 3-4 tonnes of
edaphic factors (Squire, 1985) and in the modelling of mesocarp (palm) oil/ha/year (Table 2). By contrast,
productivity (van Kraalingen et al., 1989). the yields of most competing oil crops are typically
ǽCrop growth analysis in terms of light interception, less than one tonne/ha/year. This means that the
light-use effi ciency and partitioning of assimilates productivity of oil palm is at least 3 - 8 times more than
was first applied to oil palm by Squire (1984). This most oil seed crops. Thus, only 7 million hectares of oil
has proved to be a useful approach, permitting the palm are required to supply 20% of the world demand
relative importance of these aspects to be identified for oil and fats (1.09 billion tones), compared to the 80
during crop development. For young palms the early million hectares of oilseeds needed to supply another
expansion of the oil palm canopy to facilitate radiation 24% of this demand (Murphy, 2003).
capture is of crucial importance for yield (Henson, ǽIn addition, oil palm also produces c. 0.5 tonne/ha/
1991a), while the efficiency of radiation conversion to year of kernel containing c. 47% kernel oil. The kernel
dry matter becomes more important later on once the and mesocarp oils differ in fatty acid composition and
canopy reaches full expansion (Henson and Chang, hence have different uses, including both food and
 290 Plant Production Science Vol.8, 2005

Table 2. World production, yields and areas of oil crops.

(After Yusof and Chan, 2003)

non-food. The kernel meal or cake is also of economic tonnes/ha/year. This is similar to the maximum yields
value as a source of animal feed protein. already achieved in several trials (breeder უ materials
ǽOil yields of the best plantings and in the peak years 10 ˁ2 tonnes/ha/year) (Rajanaidu and Jalani, 1990;
of production are much higher than the above figures. Lee and Toh, 1991). In the commercial setting, a
As an example, on a coastal soil with a high fertility company officially reported the oil yield of its nine
status and constant water supply, palms at 9 years after plantations to range from 6.51 to 7.45 tonnes/ha/year.
planting had a standing dry biomass of 56 tonnes/ha In general, with good planting materials, soil condition
and an annual total dry matter production (TDMP) and agricultural practice, the average yields of com-
of 36.7 tonnes/ha. The partitioning of TDM between mercial plantations range from 5 to 7 tonnes/ha/year
fruit bunches (BDM) and vegetative dry matter (VDM) (Henson 1991b). The challenge is therefore to narrow
resulted in a bunch index (BDM/TDM) of 0.46 and a the gap between the national average/commercial
harvest index (palm oil/TDM) of 0.185, so the oil yield yield and the yield potential, both through crop
was 6.8 tonnes/ha. These figures neglect the kernel improvement and management.
oil. Since the mesocarp oil contains over twice the Crop improvement
energy of VDM the total ‘non-oil equivalent’ biomass
production was over 44 tonnes/ha/year and the BI Breeding and genetics
and HI in energy terms were 0.55 and 0.32 respectively. ǽThe four African Elaeis guineensis palms brought
ǽHow does the oil palm attain such yields despite over by the Dutch in 1848, and planted in Buitenzorg
having the C3 photosynthesis pathway Firstly, its Botanical Garden (now Bogor) Indonesia laid the
photosynthetic capacity is relatively high for an foundation for the oil palm industry in Malaysia and
arborescent perennial, with the rate at light saturation Indonesia. From these, the Deli dura palms with
approaching at least 25 µ mol/m2/sec (Dufrene and unique and favourable fruit qualities were developed.
Saugier, 1993). Secondly, at a commercial spacing The Deli dura population is widely utilized for seed
of 130-150 palms/ha, under good conditions a full production and in genetic improvement programmes
canopy cover is obtained by the 5-6th year after in Malaysia and Indonesia. The most cultivated high
planting when the leaf area index (LAI) is around yielding oil palm variety, the thin shell tenera (oil:bunch
six. By ten years, 96 % of photosynthetically-active (O/B)>20%) is produced when the thick shell dura
radiation (PAR) is intercepted while the mean (O/B~17%) crosses with the shell-less pisifera. The
interception value over the lifetime of a planting is pisifera, which is female sterile is used as the pollen
about 88 % (Squire and Corley, 1987). Thirdly, being source.
a tropical perennial crop with continuous year-round ǽApart from raising the total yield of fresh fruit
fruit production it is able to fully exploit resources bunches (FFB), breeding and selection also focus on
provided limitations such as water deficits and pest and achieving high FFB oil and kernel content. The quality
disease attacks are minimal. of the oil in terms of a high level of unsaturation
[high iodine value (I.V)] and minor but important
Yield potential constituents such as vitamin E and carotenoids, is also
ǽThere have been various attempts to estimate being selected for. Vegetative characters are also taken
the theoretical maximum yield of the oil palm. By into account where reduced rates of trunk extension
combining the maximum levels observed for individual and long bunch stalks are desirable attributes to
yield components, Corley (1983) concluded that 17 facilitate harvesting while compact palms may allow
tonnes mesocarp oil/ha/year should be possible. Sub- higher planting densities of up to 180 palms/hectare
sequently, an even higher value of 18 tonnes/ha/year (Basri et al., 2003).
was postulated based on additional considerations ǽElaeis oleifera, an oil palm species endemic to
of dry matter partitioning within the bunch (Corley, South and Central America readily hybridizes with
1998). Breure (2003) in considering the matter Elaeis guineensis. This American species offers several
further, concluded that a more realistic estimate, desirable traits including slow height increment, high
given the often mutually antagonistic relationships unsaturation and resistance to disease such as Fusarium
between yield components, would be from 10-11 wilt, which can be introgressed into the economically
Wahid et al. źź Oil Palm źAchievements and Potential 291 

important Elaeis guineensis. situ hybridization technique (Madon et al., 1999),

ǽPreviously, seed production solely relied on the Deli which can differentiate the genome of the two species,
dura as the maternal parent with the exclusive use of proved a valuable aid to breeders in monitoring the
the AVROS pisifera as the pollen source. Systematic col- inheritance of E. guineensis in the backcross progenies.
lections of oil palm genetic materials were carried out
by Malaysian researchers to widen the genetic base for Tissue culture
breeding and to ensure conservation of palm genetic ǽThe earliest reports of successful vegetative propaga-
resources. The collection for Elaeis guineensis started tion of oil palm by tissue culture were in the mid
in Nigeria in the early 1970’s followed by other coun- 1970s (Jones, 1974; Rabechault and Martin, 1976).
tries in Western and Central Africa and the Island of Now, about 20 oil palm laboratories are in operation
Madagascar (Rajanaidu and Jalani, 1994a, b, c). Elaeis throughout the world with capacity ranging from
oleifera genetic materials from six Central and South 10,000 ˁ200,000 plantlets per year (Zamzuri et al.,
American countries were also collected (Rajanaidu 1999). As compared to seed production, tissue culture
and Jalani 1994c). MPOB now has the largest oil palm of oil palm offers several advantages (Sogeke, 1998). It
germplasm collection in the world. There is indication allows rapid multiplication of uniform planting materi-
based on restriction fragment length polymorphism als with desired characteristics. This enables improve-
(RFLP) analysis that a high level of genetic variability ment of planting materials using existing individuals
exists in the natural population from Africa, which can which have all or most of the desired qualities such as
be exploited for genetic improvement through breed- good oil yield and composition, slow vertical growth
ing and selection (Maizura, 1999). and disease resistance. Additionally, it also opens new
ǽThese germplasm materials together with elite dura avenues for producing novel planting materials via ge-
and pisifera have been used in the development of netic engineering, because tissue culture is the means
the PORIM Series (PS) of planting materials (now for regeneration of tissues transformed with genes for
MPOB). High yielding and dwarf palms (PS1) with traits of interest.
potential oil yield of 7.7 tonnes/ha/year and height ǽOil palm tissue culture is employed both as a means
increment of only 40cm/yr (PS1) compared to the for producing good tenera palms for commercial
normal 5-6 tonnes/ha/year and 45-75cm/year and planting and to multiply good parents (both dura
high I.V (iodine value) palms (PS2) with I.V. in excess and pisifera) for seed production. It is also practised
of 60 compared to 53 of current planting materials, to expedite the exploitation of progenies from
were developed after intense selection of the Nigerian interspecific E. oleiferaąE. guineensis crosses. Based on
germplasm collection. These materials have been current demand for oil palm seeds in Malaysia and
distributed to the oil palm industry for parallel other countries, Zamzuri et al. (1999) estimated that
development by crossing with industry breeding there is a ready market for more than 100 million
materials and subsequent large-scale field evaluation tissue culture plantlets annually.
(Kushairi et al., 2000). Another planting material ǽTissue culture laboratories are linked to an effective
developed using the Nigerian germplasm is PS3 (high oil palm breeding and improvement programme to
kernel/bunch of 10-15 % compared to the normal ensure supply of desired explants. Ortets selected
5-7 %). More recent selections include PS4 (Elaeis are supported by at least four years of fi eld data
oleifera with high carotene up to 2,220 ppm compared showing good performance on oil yield, vegetative
to 500-700 ppm in E. guineensis), PS5 (high vitamin E, characteristics such as low height increment and
of up to 1247 ppm compared to the normal 500ppm) physiological traits such as bunch index and oil
and PS6 (high bunch index of 0.68 compared to 0.3 in characteristics (Rohani et al., 2000). Oil yield is
current DXP). determined by the oil extraction rate (OER) or O/B
ǽBreeding programmes involving E. oleifera are and weight of FFB. Since O/B has been demonstrated
not being given as much emphasis as those with E. to be highly heritable and transmitted from ortets to
guineensis. Nevertheless, there are efforts in producing ramets, it is given emphasis in ortet selection. Leaves,
interspecific E. oleifera and E. guineensis hybrids for inflorescences and roots can be used as explants but
improving I.V. and developing short and compact young leaf spears are often preferred. Leaf explants
palms (Escobar and Alvarado, 2003; Chin et al., 2003). can be easily sur face sterilized and give higher
Due to inferior fruit set and problems associated with clonability rates (Rajanaidu et al., 1997). From the
excessive vegetative vigour of the F1 hybrids, a series explants, callus is initiated, followed by embryogenesis,
of backcrosses to E. guineensis are essential to improve shoot and root regeneration, hardening of ramets
the yield and vegetative characters. Programmes to for the nursery and fi nally fi eld evaluation. The
map the oil palm genome by MPOB and CIRAD using regeneration process through oil palm tissue culture
RFLP, AFLP and macrosatellite probes will enable takes 2-4 years depending on genotype. Zamzuri (1998)
marker-assisted selection to be carried out eventually introduced the double-layer rooting technique for oil
(Rajinder et al., 2001). In addition, the genomic in palm. In this technique the solid shoot development
 292 Plant Production Science Vol.8, 2005

medium is overlayed with liquid root initiation media. ǽRecent results from genetic marker and genome
This improves the productivity of the worker 18-fold wide methylation studies indicated that the tissue
and reduces the cost of rooting by about 94%. culture abnormalities in oil palm arise from an inter-
ǽBased on fi eld performance data from various play of genetic and epigenetic mechanisms. Various
sources an improvement of oil yield between 20% to efforts are geared towards developing diagnostic tools
30% over seedling planting materials is achievable for predicting genetic predisposition to abnormality.
by clonal materials (Soh et al.,2001). There are These include global gene expression analysis via DNA
indications that selection for resistance to major oil microarray, genetic mapping and the candidate gene
palm diseases will be easier based on differences in approach. It is anticipated that an effective screening
susceptibility shown by clones to Ganoderma, Fusarium process, preferably at the ortet stage, will provide
and blast (Purand-Gasselin et al., 1999). The difficulty greater confidence to the industry in producing and
lies in achieving true-to-type reproduction of plants utilising clones (Cheah, 2003).
selected as ortets, especially with the incidence of
mantled abnormality. The percentage of abnormal- Genetic engineering
ity in the fi eld has generally been maintained at a ǽProduction of novel high-value products by genetic
tolerable level of less than 5% (Maheran et al., 1995). engineering provides avenues for diversifi cation to
Prudent selection of good ramets at both in vitro and increase the economic value of oil palm. The oil palm
nursery stage is practised to reduce abnormality level. being highly productive and perennial in nature has
Maheran et al. (1995) reported that clones appearing signifi cant advantages over other crop species for
normal at both stages gave a low level of abnormal- such endeavours. MPOB’s fi rst initiative in genetic
ity in the field (about 2.2%). It was estimated that the engineering is to produce high oleate palms for the in-
initial investment on clonal materials will be covered dustrial feedstock and liquid oil market. The estimated
in the sixth year (Zamzuri et al., 1999), after which the value for high oleate palms is USD 1,500/ha/year if
returns from clonal materials will be much higher than the oleic acid content is > 65%. More recent targets
conventional dura ą pisifera planting materials due to in genetic manipulation include high stearate palms
their higher productivity. as cocoa butter substitute, nutraceutical oils enriched
ǽFavourable reports of plantings of liquid culture in palmitoleic acid and lycopene and biopolymers for
ramets suggested that the technology can be exploited industrial applications (Sambanthamurthi et al., 2002)
for oil palm clone production (Soh et al., 2001). The ǽPalm fruits have two storage tissues; mesocarp
liquid culture system offers advantages in reproduc- and kernel, that can be the target for accumulating
ibility, versatility and effi ciency with high potential genetically manipulated products. The substrates
for scaling up propagule production. In parallel with and intermediates for the production of storage oil
developing a liquid culture system, MPOB is employing or protein in these tissues may be channelled to alter
bioreactor technology which will lead towards a semi the levels of existing products or to produce novel
or full automation of the process of oil palm clonal value-added products without deleterious effects on
production (Tarmizi et al., 2003). the plants. The mesocarp and kernel oil differ in fatty

Fig.ǽ1ǽFatty acid biosynthesis in plants (FAS = fatty acid synthase).

Wahid et al. źź Oil Palm źAchievements and Potential 293 

acid composition as well as the period at which the oil field evaluation. The particle bombardment method
accumulates during oil palm fruit development. The has been developed and is now being used routinely
promoter sequences corresponding to a mesocarp for transforming oil palm (Parveez, 2000). Research
and a kernel-specific gene of the oil palm have been to establish the Agrobacterium mediated transformation
isolated. The expression profi le of the mesocarp- technique is also being intensified. MPOB has also set
specific gene in different oil palm tissues, as well as up an Institutional Biosafety Committee to address the
at different developmental stages of the mesocarp various issues related to GM palms and field release of
and at the cellular level (as shown by Northern blot transgenic palms for evaluation. To date, there is no
analysis and RNA in situ hybridization, respectively) genetically modified palm oil though active R&D is in
indicated a strong correlation with that of a fatty acid progress.
biosynthetic gene, stearoyl-ACP desaturase. Transient
Crop management
expression analysis of oil palm tissues bombarded
with promoter:reporter construct further confirmed Agronomy and nutrition
that the promoter corresponding to the mesocarp ǽThe oil palm is recognized as having a high
specific gene is functional with a mesocarp-specific demand for nutrients; not surprising in view of
promoter activity (Siti Nor Akmar and Zubaidah, its high dry matter production. Nutrients that are
2002). Backbone transformation vectors containing removed continuously through the harvested FFB or
the mesocarp-specifi c promoter, nopaline synthase sequestered in the standing biomass need replacing
(NOS) terminator, with and without plastid targeting if soil nutrient reserves are not to become depleted.
sequence from oil palm stearoyl-ACP desaturase gene From previous studies, it has been estimated that for
were produced. In these constructs, a rare cutter site Malaysian soils between 0.5 and 1.1 kg/palm /year
was introduced (Asc I) to serve as the site for insertion of N, 0.7 and 1.1 kg/palm/year of P2O5, and 0.5 to
of target genes (Siti Nor Akmar et al., 2003). 2.0 kg/palm/year of K2O are needed to replace soil
ǽThe production of high oleate and high stearate nutrients after taking into account expected losses of
palms involves genetic manipulation of the fatty the applied nutrients (Tarmizi, 2000). In addition,
acid biosynthetic pathways in the mesocarp (Fig. it is important that for yields to be maximized, the
1). Biochemical studies and gene isolation were nutrients applied are balanced.
carried out for important enzymes required for the ǽPast studies have shown that empty fruits bunch
production of these fatty acids (Siti Nor Akmar et al., (EFB) mulching significantly improved oil palm yield
2001). A partial cDNA clone encoding acetyl-CoA (Hamdan et al.1998). EFB generally contains 0.80 %
carboxylase (ACCase), an enzyme catalyzing the first N, 0.22 % P2O5, 2.90 % K2O, and 0.30 % MgO on a
committed step in lipid biosynthesis and expected to dry weight basis. Yield improvement ranging from 5
be an important fl ux-controlling enzyme has been % to 23 % has been achieved depending on soil type.
isolated. β -ketoacyl ACP synthase II (KAS II) and acyl- Hamdan et al. (1998) showed that nutrients from 60
ACP thioesterase are the key enzymes for genetic tonnes/hectare/year of EFB, without any inorganic
manipulation for the production of high oleate and fertilizer, were suffi cient to support palm growth.
stearate palms. The strategy is to overexpress KAS II Nevertheless, because of the high C/N ratio, a lower
which catalyses the elongation from C16:0 to C18:0 rate of EFB application is made with supplements
and to antisense palmitoyl-ACP thioesterase in order of inorganic fertilizer. This approach maintains soil
to reduce the production of palmitate for channeling productivity through better soil structure and reduces
towards increasing oleate. Biochemical studies have fertilizer cost for immature palms by as much as 58 %,
been per formed on both enzymes and the full- and by 5 % for mature palms.
length cDNA clones have been obtained and used ǽThe high cost of inorganic fertiliser encourages best-
in producing gene constructs containing mesocarp- developed practices designed to optimise fertiliser use
specific promoter for transforming oil palm. To avoid and minimise nutrient losses. For example, it is routine
spill over from C18:1 to C18:2, down regulation of the to base fertiliser recommendation on foliar analysis
oleoyl-CoA desaturase is essential. Thus far the partial so that observed deficiencies can be corrected and an
cDNA clone encoding this gene has been isolated. The appropriate balance maintained between different
full-length cDNA clone for stearoyl-ACP desaturase has elements. Foliar analysis may be supplemented by
been isolated and the antisense form introduced into analysis of rachis tissue (which acts as a nutrient store)
palms for increasing stearic acid. and soil. Using such information, application rates and
ǽThe genetic engineering programme involves fertiliser sources are objectively determined, often with
collaboration and co-ordination between various the aid of customised computer programmes such as
research disciplines namely the molecular biologists to the MPOB Oil Palm Nutrient System (OPENS). The
provide the genes and promoters and to carry out oil technology for producing a fertilizer management
palm transformation, tissue culturists for regenerating map has been developed for oil palm and current
the transformed tissues and breeders to assist with investigation is on variable rate technology (VRT)
 294 Plant Production Science Vol.8, 2005

required for the implementation of precision to the atmosphere and waterways by mills and refiner-
agriculture. ies. However, millŻwasteżproducts, which were once
ǽAn innovative replanting technique has been viewed as embarrassing liabilities are now viewed as co-
developed where young palms are planted directly products of increasing potential value. In addition to
amongst old crop residue piles to improve accessibility EFB and palm oil mill effluent (POME) as nutrient
and effi ciency of nutrient utilization (Khalid et. sources in the plantation, the use of excess fibres in
al. 2000). This technique offers greater synchrony manufacturing, the recovery of POME solid for animal
between nutrient release and plant uptake in terms protein, the generation of biogas from the effluent
of space and time compared to the standard practice. ponds and use of surplus boiler energy to generate
The residues contain 642 kg N, 58 kg P, 1384 kg K and electricity, are further examples, all of which serve to
156 kg Mg per ha. In terms of inorganic fertilizers, this promote a ‘zero-waste’ concept. Current effort on R&D
is equivalent to 3.06 tonnes of sulphate of ammonia, at MPOB is to minimize the production of greenhouse
0.37 tonnes of Christmas Island rock phosphate, 2.77 gasses (GHG) and all existing practices in the field,
tonnes of muriate of potash and 1.0 tonne of kieserite. mill and refinery are being examined. Reduction of
GHG will assist in slowing down of climate change.
ǽIncreasingly, there is recognition worldwide of Crop oil quality and nutritional value
the necessity to reconcile agriculture practices with ǽWhile palm oil has a wide range of uses, both
the need for environmental conservation. Ensuring food and non-food, some 80% of the oil produced
that agricultural operations do not damage the serves as an important source of vegetable fat for an
environment also, in the long-term, contributes to the increasing number of people. The crude oil comprises
sustainability of cropping systems. of approximately half saturated (mainly palmitic) and
ǽIn several areas, environmental considerations are half unsaturated (mainly oleic) fatty acids. Saturated
already well catered for. These include the minimum fats have in the past been widely regarded as being
use of chemicals, the adoption of integrated pest undesirable dietary components due to their asso-
management, judicious use of inorganic fertiliser, ciation with high cholesterol levels and heart disease.
recycling of palm biomass within the plantation and However, there are various forms of cholesterol, not all
between mill and plantation, zero-burning practice on bad, and recent studies have shown that intake of palm
clearance, and soil conservation measures. Examples oil raises levels of the high-density lipoprotein (HDL,
of the latter including terracing of hilly areas, Żgoodżcholesterol) at the expense of the low-density
construction of drains and preservation of natural lipoprotein (LDL,Żbadżcholesterol.).
watercourses, use of silt pits and of cut fronds across ǽUnsaturated oils such as soybean are usually hydro-
slopes to minimise erosion and runoff. genated to render them less liquid and more suitable
ǽThe use of beneficial plants, such as Cassia cobanensis for the manufacturing of margarines and other
and Euphorbia heterophylla, as sources of nectar for products. This essentially converts them into saturated
parasitoids, is being widely adopted by plantations to fats while at the same time generating trans-fatty acids
keep populations of oil palm insect pests in balance that do not occur naturally. As such trans isomers have
with nature (Basri and Norman, 2000). This has led to been found to impose a risk of heart disease there is
a reduction in the use of insecticides for bagworm and now a preference for trans-free oils such as palm oil.
nettle caterpillar control. Palm oil is therefore promoted both as aŻbalancedż
ǽSeveral features of an oil palm plantation resemble oil (having equal saturated and non-saturated content)
those of the natural forest cover that it often replaces. and one that is trans-free (Wahle and James 1993;
As a perennial tree crop oil palm, at least from the Ascherio 2002).
seventh or eighth year onward, provides a continuous ǽOther plus points, already referred to above, con-
and dense canopy cover and also recycles nutrients cern the vitamin and carotenoid contents of the oil.
and organic matter within the ecosystem. Unlike most Vitamin E is a free radical scavenger, with anti-cancer
other oil crops, little or no tillage is involved in its properties, as are the carotenes. Red palm oil, which is
cultivation which minimises the oxidation and loss of the product of a new technology that aims to preserve
organic matter which may otherwise occur. The canopy these minor components, has a further role to play in
not only provides protection to the soil from the worst a healthy diet. More recently, it has been shown that
impacts of heavy rainfall, it also increases humidity the oil palm is a rich source of phenolic antioxidants,
while reducing air and soil surface temperatures, a minor fraction of which enters the oil phase and
all factors which go towards providing a favourable confers further health benefits.
microclimate for many co-existing species. ǽThus, from the many studies now undertaken, the
ǽEnvironmental considerations are equally important image of palm oil as an undesirableŻtropical oilżhas
in the processing sector of the industry. Legislation changed and it is now accepted worldwide as a healthy
imposes limits to the nature and amounts of discharges dietary ingredient.
Wahid et al. źź Oil Palm źAchievements and Potential 295 

Oil palm potential ᴪ some conclusions developed. One remarkable success is the utilization
ǽPalm oil is an important food and a major source of oil palm fi bres as fi llers for the production of
of lipids. World population continues to increase, thermoplastic composite used in the Malaysian
thus creating increasing demand. As such, oil palm national car. Unending efforts are being made
will continue to be cultivated worldwide. The growing together with the industry to commercialize the other
of oil palm needs to be economically viable and products
environmentally sustainable. This is aided by intensive ǽOleochemicals are essentially chemicals derived
R &D on the crop, aspects of which have been from natural plant oils and fats. They are important
discussed in the paper. because they can be further processed into high
ǽThe effort to narrow the gap between commercial value added products. To expedite research in this
yield and potential yield will continue to be given area, the Advanced Oleochemical Technology Center
priority. Materials, which produce seven tonnes was established at PORIM in 1994 to spearhead the
oil/ha/year in commercial plantations, have been development of downstream activities related to
produced. The low overall national yield averages oleochemicals. The center focuses on polyurethanes,
suggest that besides good planting materials, good polyols, inks, surface coatings, palm-based herbicides,
crop management and environment are critical for surfactants and cosmetics. Pilot plants such as those for
the realization of yield potential. In addition it is polyol and the methyl ester sulphonates are built as a
important that the plantations quickly adopt new step towards commercial production.
technologies, particularly in fertilizer management. ǽIn the past the production of clones through tissue
The possible adoption of precision agriculture in the culture has been plagued with high occurrences
future will further optimize fertilizer application so of abnormality. To date there is a much better
that achieving site yield potential can be a reality. This understanding of the factors associated with
will be a challenge for researchers, extension agents abnormality and on how to reduce its incidence
and plantation managers. though the problem has not been fully resolved.
ǽAn understanding of the basic physiology of the However, the level of abnormality in the field is now
palm can enhance its management as a decision can less than 5 % and several major plantation agencies are
be based on scientifi c rationale. There is a need, beginning their replanting programmes with clones.
however, to develop an oil palm model that examines Such a move will result in yield increasing by as much
all physiological factors associated with productivity in as 30 %. The development of suspension culture and
relation to different environmental conditions. From bioreactor technology will further allow clones to be
this model, an ideal type palm can be generated for produced over a shorter period compared to the use of
various soils and environments. traditional solid culture.
ǽCurrent breeding and genetics efforts worldwide are ǽSignificant advances have been made in oil palm
focused on high oil yield per unit area of land with a genetic engineering over the last 10 years. Virtually
view to maximizing returns. This will continue to be all the genes and promoters required to modify the
the challenge in the future until the yield potential of fatty acid biosynthetic pathway have been obtained.
each site is fully achieved. Besides oil yield, breeding Technology is currently available to produce three
populations with many desired traits such as high novel products, namely high oleate, high strearate and
carotene and high vitamin E have been identified as high palmitoleic. Nevertheless, several pressing issues
mentioned above. The close collaboration between need to be addressed in the immediate future such
MPOB and the private sector will ensure that these as developing a better transformation method with
traits will eventually be commercially exploited. This low copies of trans-genes, and ensuring bio-safety, and
should be possible after 10 years of progeny evaluation public acceptance.
resulting in products whose values are much higher ǽThis paper demonstrates that the R&D on oil palm
than current palm oil. This will add more strength to has also aimed to fulfi ll environmental needs. Any
the economics of oil palm cultivation. good agricultural practice needs to be backed by
ǽConcurrently, within MPOB, a multi-disciplinary supporting evidence. The industry as a whole is serious
team has been formed to work on the development in promoting environmental sound practices and these
of high carotene from E. oleifera as a neutraceutical are increasingly being adopted.
product. The aim is to produce high carotene ǽThus, for the future, the oil palm is geared to
containing capsules. undergo a more effi cient production system that
ǽOther areas where intensive R&D have been will produce more yields, thus translating into
undertaken to create value addition include biomass lower production costs. The potential of oil palm
and oleochemicals. Many technologies to convert oil is enormous and many opportunities exist for the
palm biomass into valuable products such as pulp and creation of new industries. The sustainability of oil
paper, medium density fibre board (MDF), moulded palm will gain more ground as results of future R &D
particle board, plywood and lumber have been unfold for adoption by the industry.
 296 Plant Production Science Vol.8, 2005

The resultant effect on oil palm performance and soil proper-

ties. PORIM Bulletin No. 37 : 1-14.
ǽThe authors would like to thank Datuk Dr. Yusof Hardon JJ, Williams CN and Watson I 1969. Leaf area and yield
Basiron, the Director General of Malaysian Palm Oil in the oil palm in Malaya. Experimental Agriculture, 5 : 25-32.
Board for permission to present this paper. Comments Henson IE 1991a Limitations to gas exchange, growth and
yield of young oil palm by soil water supply and atmospheric
made by Dr. Chan KC, on the manuscript and Dr.
humidity. Transactions of Malaysian Society of Plant Physiol-
Ravigadevi S on nutritional issues are appreciated.
ogy, 2 : 39-45.
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