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I t h a s b e e n o n
COVID-19 hit the Philippines.
It was exactly January
30,2020 and many things
have changed since.
Especially towards how
people handle their health or
just simply how they take
care of themselves. Many
people had taken extra steps
to make sure that they are in perfect shape for their loved ones and for themselves.
Whether it is mental, emotional, or physical health. The whole perspective of health
differentiated on every individual who valued their lives since having a threat that
caused havoc in every corner of the world. Basically, people became more and more
aware of their needs before what they want. May it be with their physical needs, mental
needs, or even emotional needs. This is where Holistic Wellness comes in. People
became more aware of many possible factors that can affect them in different aspects.
One of the biggest things that I forgot about my health was physically being active.
Being stuck in the four walls
of my home was already
exhausting as it was. I was
constantly tired and felt like I
was unable to move. School
works have taken a stroll on
a big part of my mental
health, I felt unable to move
and I constantly felt
suffocated. That is when I
decided to put myself first,
and shifted from accounting to culinary management. I started feeling found, but I also
had my doubts as I was entering a new world. A new but entirely refreshing. I just
knew that this was the right choice. I decided to pick up the pieces that broke when the
pandemic started, and I knew that I should start working on myself physically. I always
loved dancing before, so I decided to join one of the WRP classes on Hip-Hop
Dance with Mr. Salvilla. I felt empowered and good after. I think it motivated me to
start working on my physical appearance since I started gaining weight than my
average or ideal weight. All in all, I was motivated to do better for my body and avoid
anything that would bring me negativity and I wanted to attract positivity and

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