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October 25, 2021
Topic: Knowing environment
1. Discuss/explain the social interactions and indicate in your own understanding how this
interaction contributes to personality formation.
Communication between two or more people is social interaction and is the foundation of
society. Through interaction, individuals create norms, institutions, and systems they desire to
live within. Human beings are trying to understand their interaction partner by focusing on parts
of the behavior to deduce the present mental states and the stable qualities of their interaction
partners. The ensuing judgments are then mentally handled to produce all kinds of self-related
understandings, perceptions, and emotional reactions that activate one's behaviors.
2. Discuss/explain social institutions that influence personality formation.
The Family
It is in every family that parents, the primary educators of children, are entrusted with the noble
job of teaching values to their kids, developing the virtues or habits of excellence, shaping their
correct and genuine consciences to make them more productive and worthy not only of society
but also of the virtues of living.
The School
Schooling extends the social environment of children and their interactions with others. At
school, people with different characteristics learn how to adapt. The school is there to reinforce
what the family lacks, considering the family as an imperfect society.
The Church/Religion
The church is a social entity assigned to individuals and groups with the mission of teaching
morals. It was regarded as the formators of consciences. In the church, people reach out to
others and understand their commitments.
Children learn to comply with laws and carry on social functions in the community with the
government. It encourages respect for the government's authorities or officials and enhances
regulation. In the Philippine way of life, there is much remaining for political and government
Mass Media
Media may connect or link individuals from many ethnicities and religious groups. In the process
of socialization, media, either printed or broadcast, also have an essential function. The
information age offers users a large variety of information created by communications
technology. This knowledge influences the way individuals think and act favorably or adversely.
Peer Group
A peer group is a social group with shared interests, social status, and age. Peer pressure
occurs to allow a child or a teenager to adhere to the conduct of the peers to belong to the peer
group and be accepted.
As an influential aspect in socialization, the peer group comes from the urge to belong.
Health Sector
Health influences the way that a person complies and interacts with others, hence the
healthcare industry providing health care also influences the individual's socializing process.
3. How does your own peer group influence your mind, your relationships to your parents,
siblings, neighbors?
The more we engage with someone, the more likely we are to mold one's life favorably or bad
and vice versa. The individuals that tend to impact the most in our lives are usually the closest
to us.
They're always providing me with an example. Others inspire me and those I look at are around
me. Many people are helping others and doing other things that affect me who I am. They
enabled me to learn from my errors and to remain firm. I'm pleased to say I have learned to
embrace myself and to become a more open and trustworthy person because of them.
4. What particular values that you have now, you get or influence from any religious affiliation
that you may have.
As I have been raised in my religion we value that Saturday The Sabbath day Is A Day of Rest
and Worship The Bible describes the seventh day as the one day God set aside for focused
fellowship with His people. The seventh-day Sabbath (from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset) is
a special part of the relationship between God and His creation. Our shop and activities are
closed to facilitate this concentrated relationship with God. On a particular day of rest, we
worship and communicate with God, serve others, and celebrate the creative and redemptive
acts of God.
5. What expectations you may think of, for the government in forming the youth of today? Give
at least five examples.
1) Making programs that will further expand their knowledge into forming themselves.
2) I expect them to support the development of the youths.
3) Encourage the youths into joining government and even non-government activities that
will help their development.
4) Engage the youth in a safer and much better government.
5) Help youths with their civic education for their ethical values that can help youth to
distinguish right from wrong.

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