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1) How does the story show the power of prayer?

2) Why is St. Monica hailed as a model for all wives and mothers to follow?
3) How did St. Monica show her gratitude to God for granting her prayers?
4) Do you believe that prayers can do wonders and can change lives? Recall an event
in your life when prayer to God changed or helped you. Describe this event in details
on the space below.
My own experience of the power of prayer

We Believe
What are the teachings of Jesus on prayer?
Why is the Lord’s Prayer call the Prayer of the Church?
Why is Sunday considered the day of worship?

We Celebrate
The Eucharist is the supreme act of worship to God. How will you show that your
participation in the Eucharist is a celebration of your gratitude to God’s generosity?
List some ways.

Let’s Do These
 Write the word true on the blank before each item if the statement is correct
and the word false if incorrect.
1) To pray is to simply keep on talking to God.
2) Only God is to be worshippped and adored.
3) Prayer purely involves the lifting of the mind.
4) Praying means babbling of words or reciting of long prayers.
5) Prayers must be accompanied by faith.
6) The Apostle’s Creed is the perfect prayer.
7) The Lord’s Prayer is the model prayer because it was taught by Jesus Himself.
8) Prayer is inseparable from Christian life.
9) To worship God is to offer prayers of supplications alone.
10) Our worship and prayer life must lead to acts of justice and service to the poor.
11) One can go to mass in any day of the week in observance of the third
12) To rest on the Sabbath day means being stagnant and refraining from all kinds of
13) A Christian is called to be holy every Sabbath day only.
14) The Lord’s day is perfectly celebrated by simply going to mass and avoiding work.
15) Sunday Eucharist is the opportune time to call to mind the Passion, Resurrection,
and Glory of Jesus.

 Fill in the blanks to complete the following sentences.

1) The prayer of the Church par excellence is the ___.
2) To make holy is to ___ God’s name.
3) We can help increase God’s Kingdom on earth by keeping the ___.
4) To ask God for physical and spiritual nourishment is to ask God for our daily ___,
5) Our petition to ask God to forgive our trespasses is possible only when we are able
to ___ others.
6) To pray persistently, we need the grace of the ___.
7) The recognition of God’s Lordship as expressed in filial devotion and service is
called ___.
8) The symbol of the final celebration and rest which is the conclusion of all God’s
work is called ___.
9) The Church considers ___ as the new Sabbath.
10) Sunday is the day to rest in God’s ___.

 Place a / on the blank before the statement that shows faithful observance of
the Lord’s Day.
1.Being lazy or practically not doing anything on Sunday.
/ 2.Attending the Sunday mass and actively participating in the Eucharist .
/ 3.Reading worthwhile and spiritual materials on Sunday.
/ 4.Spending Sunday for reflection and meditation on God’s blessings.
5.Letting the day pass by playing tablet and gadgets all day.
6.Eating alone and refusing to join the family during meal time.
Reading the Sunday readings at home instead of going to Mass.
/ 8.Doing acts of charity on Sunday.
9.Going to mass but refusing to receive Communion.
/ 10.Spending quality time with the family and bonding with them.

 Compose a prayer following Pope Francis’ Five Finger Prayer. Write your prayer
inside the box:

We Celebrate Our Commitment

The Eucharist should not separate from our life of charity. When we allow
our worship to influence our day-to-day relationship with our fellow human beings
we show we believe that “all oZf life is worship”. Write a two-paragraph essay that
expresses your commitment to establish an essential link between your life of
worship and your life of charity.

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