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Nama : Hasanul Arif

NIM/Offering : 190412630068/ LL
Mata Kuliah : Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Administrasi Perkantoran Berbasis TIK

Berikan contoh soal HOTS (High Order Thinking Skill) level 5 dan level 6 masing-masing
3 soal !
Contoh soal level C5 :
1. Pada suatu pekerjaan Andi sebagai sekretaris diberikan tugas oleh bos eksekutif untuk
membuat surat. Dalam pembuatan surat bos juga menginginkan agar penulisan surat
harus identik dengan “bertakuk”. Bantulah Andi untuk membuat surat sesuai dengan
permintaan bos dengan menentukan pilihan yang ada dibawah ini.....
a. Block style
b. Semi block style
c. Indented style
d. Hanging style
e. Full block style
2. give attention.

Signature giver : Jasmine Sitohang

Typist : Clarasita Cyarlot

How to write in the reference line, please analyse…
a. JS/CC/C5
b. CC/JS/C5
c. CC/C5/JS
d. JS/C5/CC
e. C5/JS/CC
3. Please create this question, If the writer wants to know the picture of the product, she/he
must ask about …..
a. Quotation
b. Method of delivery
c. Term of payment
d. Sample product
e. Price list
Contoh untuk level C6

Himalaya bedcover center

Mangkunegoro 3 block c Tanah Abang
Jakarta 362

6th December 2015

Juvenia Bedcover company

Sisingamangaraja 35

Dear, Sir

Asking the catalogue of the Juvenia Bedcover

We are your faith partner which has made corporation in the bedcover. We have
seen your newest catalogue of Juvenia Bedcover in the Apa kabar newspaper in
2nd December this year , but forgive us, we want to have your completely catalogue
with the price too.

Many customers look for the colourful bedcover and animation bedcover so send us
your catalogue about the colourful bedcover and animation bedcover, I hope that we
can get your in this week.


Anjas Baharudin Khotim

Owner the Himalaya bedcover center

1. What does the letter mean?

a. Ask for Quotation
b. Ask for Method of delivery
c. Ask for Term of payment
d. Ask for Sample product
e. Ask for catalogue
2. Who is the sender?
a. Owner the Himalaya bedcover center
b. Vice Owner the Himalaya bedcover center
c.Secretary the Himalaya bedcover center
d. Accountant the Himalaya bedcover center
e. Manager the Himalaya bedcover center
3. From the massage above, we can argue....
a. The massage from the Seller
b. The costumers got info from the television
c. Sender of the massage is the Secretary of Himalaya Bedcover Center
d. The massage for the Himalaya Bedcover Center
e. The Conclusioun of massage where the Owner Himalaya Bedcover Center Ask the Newest
Catalogue from Juvenia Bedcover Company.

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