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In a world full of chaos, we need something to let us divert on our problems and make us forget them

even for a time. We do our hobbies and going out with friends, yet there are things that we are eager to
do and some of us fight this and continue doing appropriate things and some have been caught off
guard, instead of ignoring it they become addicted. Addiction to illegal drugs, they find comfort and
making them forget their problem without knowing it is the major problem not just by their selves also
the society. When people talk about a "drug problem," they usually mean abusing legal drugs or using
illegal drugs, such as ecstasy, cocaine, marijuana, methamphetamine, and heroin to get high. Most of us
know the effect of drugs yet some still using them, in this topic we are showing the reason why illegal
drugs are still in the community even it brings negativeness. The following questions focus on the main
topic that we are going to address; What are the types of drugs? Why illegal drugs are dangerous?, Why
do people use illegal drugs? How can we know someone is using illegal drugs? How can we help
someone who is a drug user?. The following questions consider the effect of drugs on someone who
uses it and on others that are not a drug user but wants to try it, this is the why's and hows of illegal
drugs and a person, these are the reasons why we are campaigning to stop the use of illegal drugs.

A drug is a substance that affects the way the body functions. If a drug is classified as ‘illegal’, this means
that it is forbidden by law. Different illegal drugs have different effects on people and these effects are
influenced by many factors. This makes them unpredictable and dangerous, especially for young people.
Illegal drugs are drugs that a person is not allowed to own or use. The law says a person cannot own a
controlled drug without permission. A drug is any chemical that affects the human body or mind when it
is consumed in any way. A psychoactive drug affects the brain. There are many types of psychoactive
drugs. These categories have subcategories. For example, benzodiazepines and opiates are both
subcategories of depressants. Some drugs such as ketamine have elements of two categories
(hallucinogens and depressants). Every drug is different, so it is important to know the effects of each
illegal drug. Hallucinogens are a drug that changes the way people see, hear, feel or think. The three
main groups of hallucinogens are psychedelics, dissociative, and delirious. Each group has different
effects. They may cause hallucinations. Hallucinations are a feeling, sound, or sight that does not exist.
When one hallucinates, they feel, hear, or see something that is not truly there. While stimulants speed
up the central nervous system. People using stimulants may feel happy and excited. Also, they have
more energy, concentration, or motivation. Stimulants create difficulty sleeping. Depressants slow down
the central nervous system. People using depressants feel happy and content, and sleepy and relaxed.
Depressants slow down bodily functions such as breathing and heart rate. They may also make speaking
or moving difficult. The difficulty speaking is "slurred speech." These are the illegal drugs classifications
and they can harm the body.

The main problem is people know how dangerous drugs are but they are still using them, it will just
bring bad effects, and instead of helping to forget the problem, it brings more trouble. People might also
use drugs recreationally (to have fun). These usually are controlled drugs. Some people use drugs to
make themselves more productive or to help themselves stay awake in this case they would use a
stimulant such as amphetamines or caffeine. Sometimes kids and teens try drugs to fit in with a group of
friends. Or they might be curious or just bored. Someone may use illegal drugs for many reasons, but
often because they help the person escape from reality for a while. A drug might temporarily make
someone sad or upset feel better or forget about problems, this escape lasts only until the drug wears
off, drugs don't solve problems. Using drugs often causes other problems on top of the problems the
person had in the first place. Somebody who uses drugs can become dependent on them, or addicted.
This means that the person's body becomes so accustomed to having this drug that he or she can't
function well without it. The risk of addiction and how fast they become addicted varies by drug. As time
passes, drug users may need larger doses of the drug to get high. Soon they may need the drug just to
feel good. As your drug use increases, they may find that it's increasingly difficult to go without the drug.
Attempts to stop drug use may cause intense cravings and make you feel physically ill (withdrawal

Drug addiction symptoms or behaviors include Feeling that you have to use the drug regularly daily or
even several times a day, having intense urges for the drug that block out any other thoughts overtime,
needing more of the drug to get the same effect, not meeting obligations and work responsibilities or
cutting back on social or recreational activities because of drug use. Sometimes it's difficult to distinguish
normal teenage moodiness or angst from signs of drug use. Possible indications that your teenager or
other family member is using drugs include Problems at school or work, frequently missing school or
work, a sudden disinterest in school activities or work, or a drop in grades or work performance. Physical
health issues, lack of energy and motivation, weight loss or gain, or red eyes neglected appearance, lack
of interest in clothing, grooming, or looks. Changes in behavior exaggerated efforts to bar family
members from entering his or her room or being secretive about where he or she goes with friends; or
drastic changes in behavior and relationships with family and friends. Money issues, sudden requests for
money without a reasonable explanation; or your discovery that money is missing or has been stolen or
that items have disappeared from your home, indicating maybe they're being sold to support drug use.
To stop and prevent using of drugs, the user person needs help from your doctor, family, friends,
support groups, or an organized treatment program to overcome your drug addiction and stay drug-
free. If their drug use is out of control or causing problems, get help. The sooner you seek help, the
greater your chances for long-term recovery. Talk with your primary doctor or see a mental health
professional, such as a doctor who specializes in addiction medicine or addiction psychiatry, or a
licensed alcohol and drug counselor. The person might need professional help to stop using drugs. A
grownup can help the person find the treatment needed to stop using drugs. Another way kids can help
kids is by choosing not to try or use drugs. It's a good way for friends to stick together. Understanding
drugs and why they are dangerous is another good step to know the attention needs of drug users and
how we can help them.

The overall topic of illegal drugs concludes many effects, Illegal drugs can be classified variously. Kinds of
illegal drugs and how they bring harm to the body, the well-known illegal drugs are marijuana, cocaine,
ecstasy, heroin, and methamphetamine. Each of them has a great impact on our body which destroys
our blood cells which may lead to the crucial effects that cause death like heart attack, overdose, etc. It
affects our brain which function is to control our nervous system, it leads the drug user to do things he
can't control and having jumble decisions. When we say illegal drugs is not just what we see in the
movies because it is more sensitive and it needs to be studied before giving opinions, Illegal drugs do not
only harm the person's body also, it brings danger to the life of person includes the community. The
effect of illegal drugs can destroy a person in many ways, the first one to be affected is health which it
composes not just physically but also psychologically. A drug user can't control his thoughts and it leads
to mental health which they are mentally ill, there is more about being crazy in a person who uses drugs,
it is more about having a mental illness like depression, PTSD, bulimia, schizophrenia, etc. The addiction
on their system that adapts the person's body craving intense need for a drug, an emotional problem
which they feel they need to take drugs to them to be alive and forget all the problem. The body is
resistant to the drugs and if the person stops taking drugs they may become sick or die because their
body seeks the drugs. Also, the community is affected by illegal drugs because they can influence one
person by the drug user. Family and friends of a drug user carry the pain of seeing a loved one uses
drugs and they have a hard time controlling/stopping the person who used drugs. When a person takes
drugs the way he thinks is affected and he can do bad things that commit a crime, the disruptive or
aggressive manner of a drug addict will commit a crime that may affect the community. In the
Philippines, using illegal drugs is prohibited and it may come to a serious offense. There are republic acts
that giving drug users a violation also give them a chance to be rehabilitated, laws like this will help the
community to stop the violence because of fear of committing dishonor that may end up in lifetime
imprisonment. A drug user needs help before anything goes wrong that leads them to die, we can help
them by being on their side and talk to them or advising them they need to seek a professional to help
them solve their problem without the use of illegal drugs. Some organizations educate the community
about illegal drugs and why it's bad for our life, having organizations that giving knowledge to the
community prevent the person to take drugs and they offer free services which help the person to solve
his problem, not in a bad way. Illegal drugs are not the solution and it is not being cool or a trend
because it is irresponsible, a loser in life is a user in life.

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