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1 What does the woman imply?

JAWABAN A She'll give the man a ride.
JAWABAN B She'll look for a new car.
JAWABAN C She'll ask for help.
JAWABAN D She'll ask for help.

2 What does the man imply?

JAWABAN A Spring will come soon.
JAWABAN B He likes nice days.
JAWABAN C He can't wait until spring is here.
JAWABAN D It's about time for the weather to change

3 What does the woman mean?

JAWABAN A She cares for the science project.
JAWABAN B She doesn't know how to complete the project.
JAWABAN C She can't believe the work is due so soon.
JAWABAN D She doesn't like kidding.

4 What does the woman suggest about Todd?

JAWABAN A He doesn't come to biology class.
JAWABAN B He is studying all the time.
JAWABAN C He loves doing research at the library.
JAWABAN D He doesn't care about his grade point average.

5 What does the woman mean?

JAWABAN A She doesn't think he's a good tennis player.
JAWABAN B She knows tennis will make her fit.
JAWABAN C She has no time to play.
JAWABAN D She won't start taking lessons next week.

6 What does the man mean?

JAWABAN A He doesn't need food.
JAWABAN B He prefers eating out to grocery shopping.
JAWABAN C He doesn't mind going with her later.
JAWABAN D He wants her to go alone.

7 What does the woman imply about the project?

JAWABAN A The project has not been going on for some time.
JAWABAN B She seems to need more time to get ready.
JAWABAN C The highway project started not too long ago.
JAWABAN D She wouldn't like to be surprised.
8 What does the man imply about the comics?
JAWABAN A He isn't sure they're that great.
JAWABAN B They're very good.
JAWABAN C It's crazy to read them.
JAWABAN D He reads the Sunday newspaper just for them.

9 What does the man mean?

JAWABAN A He's not gone out yet.
JAWABAN B He doesn't think it's his job to take the dog for a walk.
JAWABAN C He didn't think the dog was supposed to be out.
JAWABAN D He didn't care to be with the dog all day.

10 What does the woman imply?

JAWABAN A The author's latest book is not selling well.
JAWABAN B The bookstore attracts large crowds during social events.
JAWABAN C The author will be signing a contract with the bookstore later.
JAWABAN D The author is autographing her book.

11 After the funeral, the residents or the apartment building ……

JAWABAN A sent faithfully flowers all weeks to the cemetery.
JAWABAN B sent to the cemetery each week flowers faithfully.
JAWABAN C sent flowers faithfully to the cemetery each week.
JAWABAN D sent each week faithfully to the cemetery flowers.

12 The committee has met and ……

JAWABAN A They have reached a decision.
JAWABAN B It has formulated themselves some opinions.
JAWABAN C Its decision was reached at.
JAWABAN D It has reached a decision.

13 John’s score on the test is the highest in the class ……

JAWABAN A He should study last night.
JAWABAN B He should have studied last night.
JAWABAN C He must have studied last night.
JAWABAN D He must had to study last night.

14 Henry will not be able to attend the meeting tonight because ……

JAWABAN A He must to teach a class.
JAWABAN B He will be teaching a class.
JAWABAN C Of he will teach a class.
JAWABAN D He will have teaching a class.

15 Florida has not yet rarified the amendment, and ……

JAWABAN A Several other states hasn’t either.
JAWABAN B Neither has some of the other states.
JAWABAN C Some other states also have not either.
JAWABAN D Neither have several other states.

16 The chairman requested that ……

JAWABAN A The member studied more carefully the problem.
JAWABAN B The problem was more carefulnessly studied.
JAWABAN C With more carefulness the problem could be studied.
JAWABAN D The members study the problem more carefully.

17 California relies heavily on income from fruit crops, and …….

JAWABAN A Florida also.
JAWABAN B Florida too.
JAWABAN C Florida is as well.
JAWABAN D So does Florida.

18 The professor said that …………………

JAWABAN A The student can turn over their reports on the Monday.
JAWABAN B The reports on Monday could be received from the students by him.
JAWABAN C The students could hand in their reports on Monday.
JAWABAN D The students will on Monday the reports turn in.

19 This year will be difficult for this organization because ……………

JAWABAN A They have less money and volunteers than they had last year.
JAWABAN B It has money and fewer volunteers than it had last year.
JAWABAN C The last year it did not have as few and little volunteers and money.
JAWABAN D There are fewer money and volunteers that in the last years there

20 The teachers have had some problems deciding ………

JAWABAN A When to the students they shall return the final papers.
JAWABAN B When are they going return to the students the final papers.
JAWABAN C When they should return the final papers to the students.
JAWABAN D The time when the final papers they should return for the students.

21 She wanted to serve some coffee to her guests; however ……….

JAWABAN A She hadn’t many sugar.
JAWABAN B There was not a great amount of the sugar.
JAWABAN C She did not have much sugar.
JAWABAN D She was lacking in amount of the sugar.

22 Japan's latitudinal spread, ranging from subtropical in the south to sub-arctic in the
north, makes that a wide diversity of flora and fauna. Select the one which is wrong!
JAWABAN A latitudinal spread
JAWABAN B subtropical
JAWABAN C makes that
JAWABAN D wide diversity

23 The main office the factory can be found in Maple Street in New York City. Select the one
which is wrong!
JAWABAN A The main office
JAWABAN B can be found
JAWABAN C in (before word "Maple Street")
JAWABAN D in (after word "Maple Street")

24 International trade in the world's 20-odd varieties of sturgeon _____ by the United Nations
since 1998, after a drastic rise in poaching.
JAWABAN A is controlled
JAWABAN B is supported
JAWABAN C has been promoted
JAWABAN D has been regulated

25 By far the most noticeable blemishes on the surface of the Sun _____ sunspots.
JAWABAN C that are
JAWABAN D in the

26 The hospital is now discounting 10 standard operations and _____ , ranging from having a
baby and treating a cataract to undergoing a heart bypass.
JAWABAN A procedures
JAWABAN B equipment
JAWABAN C visits
JAWABAN D medication

27 _____ are poor observers of their child's behavior so deviant behavior reaches
unmanageable proportions.
JAWABAN A Parents that
JAWABAN C When parents
JAWABAN D If parents

28 Astronomers on _____ announced the discovery of a new -- and possibly abundant -- class of
planets that has more in common with Earth than the uninhabitable gas giants previously
JAWABAN A university research labs
JAWABAN D observatories

29 Crushed ice is use to cool drinks and is often applied to injuries where there is swelling, to
remove excess heat generated in the tissues. Select the one which is wrong!
JAWABAN A is often
JAWABAN B where there is
JAWABAN C generated

30 A no-smoking program has help overweight people reduce their risk of heart attacks or
their need for surgery by 63 percent.
JAWABAN B reduce

Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension

The Stone Age was a period of history which began in approximately 2 million B.C. and
lasted until 3000 B.C. Its name was derived from the stone tools and weapons that modern scientist
found. This period was divided into the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic Ages. During the first period
(2 million to 8000 B.C.), the first hatcher and use of fire for heating and cooking were developed. As
a result of the Ice Age, which evolved about 1 million years into the Paleolithic Age, people were
forced to seek shelter in caves wear clothing, and develop new tools.
During the Mesolithic Age (8000 to 6000 B.C.), people made crude pottery and the first
hooks, took dogs hunting and developed the bow and arrow, which were used until the fourteenth
century A.D.
The Neolithic Age (6000 to 3000 B.C.) saw humankind domesticating sheep, goats, pigs,
cattle, being less nomadic than in previous eras, establishing permanent settlements, and creating
governments. Questions 31 through 40 are based on the following passage.
31. Into how many periods was the Stone Age divided?

32 In line 2, the word “derived” is closest in meaning to

JAWABAN A Originated
JAWABAN B Destroyed
JAWABAN C Hallucinated
JAWABAN D Discussed

33 Which of the following was developed earliest?

JAWABAN C Bow and Narrow

34 Which of the following developments is NOT related to the conditions of the Ice Age?
JAWABAN B Clothing
JAWABAN C Living indoors
JAWABAN D Using fire

35 The word “crude” in line 7 is closest in meaning to

JAWABAN A Extravagant
JAWABAN D Primitive

36 The author states that the Stone Age was so named because
JAWABAN A It was very durable like stone
JAWABAN B The tools and weapons were made of stone
JAWABAN C There was little vegetation
JAWABAN D The people lived in stone caves

37 In line 11, “nomadic” is closest in meaning to

JAWABAN A Sedentary
JAWABAN B Wandering
JAWABAN C Primitive
JAWABAN D Inquisitive

38 With what subject is the passage mainly concerned

JAWABAN A The Neolithic Age
JAWABAN B The Paleolithic Age
JAWABAN C The Stone Age
39 Which of the following best describes the Mesolithic Age?
JAWABAN A People were inventive.
JAWABAN B People stayed indoors all the time
JAWABAN C People were warriors.
JAWABAN D People were crude.

40 In line 11, the word “eras” is closest in meaning to

JAWABAN A Families

In 1920, after some thirty-nine years of problems with disease, high cost, and politics, the
Panama Canal was officially opened, finally linking the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans by allowing ships
to pass through the fifty-mile Canal Zone instead of travelling some seven thousand miles around
Cape Horn. It takes a ship approximately eight hours to complete the trip through the canal and
costs an average of fifteen thousand dollars, one tenth of what it would cost an average ship to
round the Horn. More than fifteen thousand ships pass through its locks each year.
The French, initiated the project but sold their rights to the United States, which actually
began the construction of the project. The latter will control it until the end of the twentieth century
when Panama takes over its duties. Questions 41 through 50 are based on the following passage.

41. Who currently controls the Panama Canal?

JAWABAN B United States
JAWABAN D Canal Zone

42 The word “locks” in line 12 is closest in meaning to

JAWABAN A Securities
JAWABAN D Canal gates

43 On the average, how much would it cost a ship to travel around Cape Horn?
JAWABAN B $ 15,000
JAWABAN C $ 150,000
JAWABAN D $ 1,500,000

44 In what year was construction begun on the canal?


45 It can be inferred from this passage that….

JAWABAN A the canal is a costly project which should be reevaluated.
JAWABAN B despite all the problems involved, the project is beneficial.
JAWABAN C many captains prefer to sail around Cape Horn because it is less
JAWABAN D problems have made it necessary for three government to control
the canal over the years.

46 In line 3, the word “linking” is closest in meaning to

JAWABAN A Controlling
JAWABAN B Dispersing
JAWABAN C Detaching

47 In line 13, “initiated” is nearest in meaning to

JAWABAN A Purchased
JAWABAN B Launched
JAWABAN C Forfeited

48 The number of girls in school and women in parliaments has risen, and their overall access to
contraception has improved in the past decade, _____ new report.
JAWABAN A according a
JAWABAN B published in a
JAWABAN C stated in a
JAWABAN D according to a

49 Greece's achievement in the 2004 Olympics raise anew the question

of whether Athens should be the permanent home of the Games. Select the word is wrong!
JAWABAN A achievement in the
JAWABAN B whether
JAWABAN C should be
JAWABAN D raise anew

50 The 2000 Census showed that married couples _____ half of the 2 million households in the
state, and 46 percent of those couples had children under roof.
JAWABAN A made up
JAWABAN B and made up
JAWABAN C to make up
JAWABAN D which they made up

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