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NAME: Tayshaun Kyle G. Rala

GRADE AND SECTION: 11-Adalovelace

1. Title of the work: Issues Around the Compatibility of Technology

2. Authors: Kathryn A. Roberts & Richard W. Wilson

3. Research Methodologies: The methods that was used to gathered the data and
ideas is through online survey.

I. TOPIC : Issues about the Compatibility of Technology

II. SUMMARY: This paper has explored the applicability of ICT based analytical
tools in qualitative research. It has been argued that given the philosophical
differences between qualitative researchers and the science that develops these
technologies this is not necessarily to the benefit of qualitative research. While there
are some elements of the qualitative research process that can benefit from
computer assistance the process of data analysis could be harmed by reliance on
software packages. Analyzing qualitative material that is based on speech or texts
derived from interviews and conversations must have regard for the context and the
integrated whole. Computer based systems to aid with analysis are, we would argue,
based on the natural scientific view of the world that sees social phenomena as
reflections of the higher level ordering of an objective social structure. Speech
derived data is rich data in the sense that it can encompass many meanings and
requires careful reading with regard to the whole from which it is taken. CAQDAS
packages possess features that reflect their quantitative and positivistic heritage,
particularly their facilities for creating and adding coding categories. Over-reliance on
these features could lead to a fracturing of the data whole and a loss of meaning.

III. HYPOTHESIS: This study was made to persuade people how the growth of
technology affects our way of living. Technology serves as one of the fundamentals of life. It
is essential in different aspects such as: gathering information, scientific research and
discoveries, everyday routine and even in terms of communication. People who has a wider
understanding on technology possesses a higher chance of achieving a successful living.

IV. METHODOLOGY: The method that we used to gathered data and ideas are
through online survey. The methods that was used to gathered data and answer the
research is through analytical tools in qualitative research. This method assures the
safety for it could be conducted online in times of pandemic. Thus, reducing the risk of
acquiring the virus. This course of action is used to learn how technology developed,
and how we adopt or use it. This study is conducted to learn how technology is
important in our daily life.

V. FINDINGS: The conclusion of this research based on what I searched is how

technology growth, and how many people use technology. This article shows us how
technology change our life .GADAMER 1976 state “To that extent an understanding
that could present the lived experience of "the-being-in-the-world" would be better
achieved without the intervention of a computer”). We need to use this in a good way, don’t
use in a bad way.
Technology can bring you a better life.

VI. ERRORS STRENGTHS/ WEAKNESS: The study give a lot of knowledge

about technology. How can you live without technology? , Technology is part of our
life now. It’s easy to live now because of technology, they have all we need in
technology. The weakness of this study is they didn’t discuss technology also can
harm your health, especially if u abuse it. So we need to use this carefully for our own
good sake, Technology is part of our daily life.


Kathryn A. Roberts & Richard W. Wilson

Roberts, Kathryn A. & Wilson, Richard W. (2002). ICT and the Research Process: Issues Around the Compatibility of
Technology with Qualitative Data Analysis [52 paragraphs]. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative
Social Research, 3(2), Art. 23,

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