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czyli językowe lizaki

add insult to injury - dolewać oliwy do ognia

He was late, then just to add insult to injury, he lied to me.

at the drop of a hat - natychmiast, bez wahania

I was shocked when she signed the contract at the drop of a hat.

be on the ball - mieć łeb na karku

Our new worker is really on the ball.

blessing in disguise - szczęście w nieszczęściu

The accident I had was a blessing in disguise as I met my future 

wife in hospital.

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cut corners - pójść na skróty/ ciąć koszty
If we don’t cut corners, we will go bankrupt.

cost an arm and a leg - kosztować majątek

Believe me! This bag costs an arm and a leg.

for a song - bardzo tanio, za bezcen

I bought this car for a song.

give sb the cold shoulder - traktować kogoś ozięble

Did you hear that Adriana gave Mike the cold shoulder at the 

party? I wonder why.

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have a lot on one’s plate - mieć dużo na głowie
I can’t join you. I have had a lot on my plate this week.

hit the nail on the head - trafić w sedno

I think George hit the nail on the head when he said that Jenny 

needs to work harder.

in the nick of time - w samą porę

They helped the victims in the nick of time.

kill two birds with one stone - upiec dwie pieczenie na jednym ogniu
I was learning English words while cooking dinner, so I killed two

birds with one stone.

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know the ropes - znać się na czymś
Every programmer should know the ropes.

miss the boat - przegapić szansę

If you don’t accept this offer, you may find you’ve missed the boat.

once in a blue moon - bardzo rzadko

I only see my cousins once in a blue moon.

penny for your thoughts - powiedz, o czym tak myślisz

You look upset today. Penny for your thoughts?

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sit on the fence - być niezdecydowanym
You can’t sit on the fence any longer! What’s your decision?

speak of the devil - o wilku mowa

Speak of the devil - here’s Jane now.

take sth with a pinch of salt - brać coś z przymrużeniem oka

If I were you, I’d take his words with a pinch of salt.

the last straw - kropla przepełniająca czarę goryczy

David saw his girlfriend flirting with his colleague and that was the
last straw. He broke up with her.

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