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I’m really keen on the soccer field. scherp

You must keep up with your homework. bijhouden
That is really tough labour. arbeid
I lack sex. Gebrek hebben aan
My money is largely spent on my mobile phone. grotendeels
The movie Lord of the Rings lasts for 3 hours. duren
I want to launch Anne with a rocket. lanceren
That is a nice green lawn. grasveld, gazon
I am involved in a lawsuit about stealing. rechtzaak
Stealing is not legal . legaal

Legislation of the Netherland is very good. Wetgeving

The stolen things were brought back to their legitimate owner. rechtmatig, wettig
You can do homework in you Leisure time. Vrije tijd, recreatie
The water level of the river Waal is dropping. Niveau, mate
Nienke is likely to come to the party. Waarschijnlijk (komen)
Niek had crossed the limit. Grens
The big boss wants to limit the holidays Beperken
Lieke wants to link her mobile phone with the computer. Verbinden
Sjef has put the Litter in the bin. Afval
The rocket went on a lunar expedition. Maan
The lunatic has escaped from the asylum. Gek

The main thing is that he is back home. Voornaamste

Paul de Leeuw is mainly crazy. Vooral
It is important to maintain your shoes. Onderhouden
When you are a major, you can drive a car. Meerderjarig
The majority of students go to Shooters on Friday. Meerderheid
A bull is a male cow. Mannelijk
Most big products have a manual. Handleiding
Philips is a manufacturer of a lot of mp3 players. Fabricant
When you are married you have to accept the marital conduces. Huwelijks-
This is a mature cheese. Rijp
The police have the means to investigate the murder. Middelen

The government is taking desperate measures to stop

terrorism. maatregel
Stan is measuring the lengths of the classroom. meten
I feel like I’m back in medieval times with these clothes. middeleeuws
Hassan is a member of my club. lid
I need to mend my car. repareren
Sjef isn’t old he’s merely 15 years old. amper
Sjef isn’t allowed to drink he’s a minor. minderjarig
Boys are a minority in our class. minderheid
The boys feel miserable because of this. ellendig
Because of a terrible mishap 10 people died in a crash. ongeluk
René is being mocked in class because he isn’t very clever. bespotten
Stan wasn’t very modest when he got a 10 for history. bescheiden

I need to monitor the strange behaviour of the English

teacher. toezicht houden op
The horse is in a good mood . stemming
A vampire is not mortal. sterfelijk
The motorist rammed 104 cars in one hour. automobilist
The bacteria are multiplying. vermenigvuldigen
The pop singer jumped into the multitude. menigte
I am very muscular. Gespierd
The love is mutual . wederzijds
The boy is neglecting his dog; it hasn’t been fed for 3 days. verwaarlozen
You don’t have the nerve to throw that pencil to the teacher. moed
He has got a notable behaviour. opmerkelijk
I noted three strange men in the street. Opmerken

I have a notice for my own class. Mededeling

I noticed that Sjef has a big nose. Opmerken
Dirk is a notorious student. Berucht
I bought his new novel. Roman
The new book of novelist Sjef Bongers will be published
on 26 December 2006. Romanschrijver
The I-pod is a novelty. Nieuwtje
There are numerous boys in our class. Talrijk
You must be obedient to your teachers. Gehoorzaam
Sjef has to obey me because I am his father. Gehoorzamen
I object to the rules of my school. Bezwaar maken tegen
I had an objective conversation with Hoessein. Objectief
It is obligatory to go to school. Verplicht

They should oblige her to undergo plastic surgery because

she is very ugly. verplichten
In Holland it’s very easy to obtain drugs. verkrijgen
With this sentence I want to make clear what the word obvious
means, but I think that is very obvious. duidelijk, voor de hand
A party is a good occasion to drink a lot. gelegenheid
Occasionally Anke acts very nicely but most of the time
she acts like a bitch af en toe
You have to occupy little children because if you don’t
they are very irritating. bezig houden
In Sandra’s house very strange things occur. gebeuren, voorvallen
The English teacher is very odd. eigenaardig, vreemd
Stealing is an offence. overtreding
You shouldn’t offend other people. beledigen, kwaad doen
A thief is also called an offender of the law. overtreder
Willem Alexander, Constantijn en Frizo are the offspring
of Queen Beatrix and King Claus. nakomelingen

Sjef Sanders is dressed in an old-fashioned way. Ouderwets.

Josselien had a great opportunity to cheat
during the examen. Kans / Gelegenheid.
The teacher oppressed the students Onderdrukken.
Caro doesn’t know which study she wants to do
after the Havo, but there are enough options. Mogelijkheden.
Sjef had an oral test and he passed it! Mondeling.
Klaas is an orphan because his parents left him. Wees.
Kabouter Plop wears out-dated clothes. Ouderwetse.
Overall Havo-4 is very easy. Over het geheel genomen.
He had overlooked his girlfriend and kissed
another girl and now they broke up! Over het hoofd gezien.
Witchcraft is pagan. Heidens.
Bram was a participant in that game and he won! Deelnemer.
Rob didn’t participate in the game, because
he broke his leg during the last one. Deelnemen aan.

Everyone thinks CKV1 is Pastime tijdverdrijf

Wilbert is very Patient Geduldig
The doctor thinks that he is a patient patient Geduldige Patient
Esther was walking on the pavement Trottoir
Sjef walks over the peak of the mountain Top
Stan is very peculiar with his Hardcore Clothes Eigenaardig
The car hit the pedestrian. Voetganger
In the store Josselien perceived that she had forgotten her wallet Waarnemen,
Lotte persuaded Lian to go to Bos this Friday Overhalen,

The physican used a needle to get blood from the patient. Arts.
This is a plain test. Simpel.
This discussion with Frans is pointless, because he never lets you win. Zinloos.
The murderer poisoned his victim. Vergiftigen.
The politician had good policy. Beleid.
The TMF poll said that Di-rect is the worst band ever. (opinie)peiling
The air in LA is polluted. Vervuild.
Premier Balkenende thinks he’s posh but he’s just a geek. Chiq.
The oil company had taken good precautions against fire. Voorzorgs-
Gollem has a precious ring. Dierbaar.
He predicted that the world would end in three years. Voorspellen

I have heard that someone in this school is pregnant. Zwanger

Jet is very prejudiced when it is about people. Bevooroordeeld zijn
Laura is prepared to work with someone she doesn’t like. Bereid zijn
Sam is always present. Aanwezig
At present a lot of people are too fat. Nu, tegenwoordig
You can preserve food in the freezer for a long time. Bewaren, houden
You couldn’t have prevented that accident. Voorkomen
Previous year I failed my exam. Vorig, voorafgaand
He was the pride of the football team. Trots
You can pride yourself on your records. Prat gaan/trots zijn op

Mister Vullings is the principal of our school. Schooldirecteur

That firm is very profitable that’s why they earn a lot of money. Winstgevend
Her marks are getting better, so she has made a lot of progress. Vooruitgang
When you choose a study, it’s for a prolonged period. Langdurig
If you say you would do something, you promised something. Beloven
The proportion is 2:1 Verhoudings
The boy proposed to his girlfriend. Een aanzoek doen
The thief will be prosecuted in court. Gerechtelijk
The prosecutor prosecuted the man who stole his car. Openbare
We have good prospects, because it will be holiday soon. Vooruitzicht
The flowers prosper very well! Bloeien

There is a lot of prosperity in the Netherlands. welvaart

Africa isn't very Prosperous welvarend
It is a mother’s instinct to protect her baby beschermen
Lisa is very proud of her schoolwork trots (op)
Tim wants to prove that he can be a good fighter bewijzen, blijken (te
A girl in our class has a big attitude, it provides her with Nothing opleveren,

You can date my sister, provided that you'll treat her well. op voorwaarde
dat, mits
Wolters Noordhof is the publisher of that book uitgever
That pun is very funny woordspeling
Tim wants to purchase that sweater (aan) kopen
It was Inge’s purpose to win gold doel

I'm the only one that's qualified to hit Ilse. Bevoegd

Our football team has to qualify for the championship. In aanmerking
komen (voor)
Jet has to quote the sentence with the word chocolate. Citeren

I choose a random guy to go with to the school party. Willekeur(ig)

There's a wide range in mp3 players all over the world. Verscheidenheid
All the trees range from small to big. Variëren van...

I want to buy a first rank ticket for the concert of Rang

Da hedde wellus.
The killers wanted ransom and then they would release Losgeld
the victim.
Her boyfriend just pretended that he loved her, but Verkrachten
In fact he just wanted to rape her.
Roses, tulips, anemone and lilies aren't rare flowers, Zeldzaam
they grow everywhere.

They rarely act in a normal way. Zelden

I can’t reason why that question is wrong. redeneren
They couldn’t reassure me after they told me what had happened. geruststellen
She can’t recall anything from the day she had an accident zich herinneren
The recipient of this e-mail won’t be happy. ontvanger
I couldn’t recognize him because he wore a mask. herkennen
I don’t have a recollection of my previous life zich herinneren
I recommend the movie Romeo & Juliet,
because there is a beautiful aquarium in it. aanbevelen
After their divorce they reconciled. verzoenen

When all the actors are ready, they can record the movie. opnemen;
When you’ve had a accident, it’s important to recover. herstellen
In the storyline they refer to the wise doctor. verwijzen
When you look in a mirror it will reflect yourself. weergeven;
When someone offers you an ice cream, it’s very hard to refuse. Weigeren

At the end of the week, most people have a lot of refuse. afval
The manager of that company was held in high regard. achting
You don’t have to regard the use of drugs as something beschouwen
really normal.
I’d like to say something with regard to the exams. met betrekking tot
I Iove him regardless of his morning moods.                                               Ongeacht
I don't follow the regulations of the school.                                             regel(ing),
The USA wants to reign the world.                                                             regeren, heersen
Aukje has to reject boys all the time.                                                     afwijzen, verwerpen
I think Willem-Alexander is related to the monkeys in africa.                      verwant
I released all the prisoners because I thought they weren't guilty.              Vrijlaten

I thought my boyfriend was reliable until he cheated on me.                    betrouwbaar

The aspirin relieved my pain.                                                                  verlichten
I will be relieved when the testweek is over.                                          opgelucht
My dog is reluctant to take a bath.                                  Onwillig
My parents rely on a good ending of kidnapping vertouwen op
The police reminded us of the fact that we need a passport
when we go out. Herinneren aan

The farm in Friesland lies very remote. ver weg, afgelegen

The bomb squad is removing a bomb from a shopping mall. verwijderen
The television program Idols was repeated yesterday night. herhalen
Our R.E. teacher is late repeatedly. herhaaldelijk
The acting manager replaces the manager when he is absent. vervangen
J.P. Balkenende represents The Netherlands. vertegenwoordigen,
The winner requested silence to deliver a speech. verzoeken
Music school requires a high level of musicality. vereisen
The coastguard rescues drowning people. redden

Jan Peter Balkenende resembles Harry Potter. lijken op

If you quit your job you resign. zijn ontslag nemen,
Frans Smulders tried to give us a lot of work but we resisted. zich verzetten
Loes resolved Jet’s chocolate problem. een oplossing
vinden voor
A Binas is a resource at chemistry. hulpbronnen,
Manuel didn't respond to Femke’s love letter. reageren,
They restored the old building. restaureren
My homework restricts my free time. beperken
He retired because he was 65 years old. met pensioen gaan
The team retreated because there were not enough players. zich terugtrekken
I promise I won’t reveal your secret! onthullen, aan het
licht brengen
We’ll reverse the roles. omdraaien
Loes is searching for a review for her book report. recensie
She tries to revive her dead rabbit. weer tot leven
Frans Smulders rewarded Jeroen because he found the religion belonen
Sam is trying to ridicule his classmate, but it doesn’t work. belachelijk maken
He shot the wolf with his rifle. Geweer
There was a big riot when the competition had finished. rel, oproer
It’s very risky to put gasoline in someone’s coffee. riskant, gevaarlijk
Rivalry is an other word for jealousy. rivaliteit
Rosalie collects coloured rocks. rots

It’s easy to row the boat roeien

There is a long row cars in front of the traffic light. rij
There is always a lot of rubbish in his room rommel
He was very rude to me onbeleefd
There is only one rule: there are no rules regel
Geert wants to rule over the world heersen;
Nick lives on a farm in a rural area. platteland
At 5 o’clock it’s rush hour spitsuur
Klaasjan is ruthless when he sees an enemy Meedogenloos

The scientist took a sample of the toxic water monster

Caroline is a very sane girl because she always thinks
before she says something stupid. Verstandig
Chocolate and sweets give me great satisfaction. Voldoening
I need to save money to buy a car. Sparen
That boy has a scar from his chin to his ear. Litteken
The little boy is scared that he will lose his mum
because she is sick. Bang
Today’s science is well-developed. Wetenschap
His life depends on this scientific experiment. Wetenschappelijk
Scientists believe that it’s going downhill with the earth
because of damage to the ozone layer. Wetenschappers
When her husband proposed to her he told her she
needed to search for the engagement ring which turned
out to be a joke. Zoeken naar
the girl in one class would never wear second-rate clothing
because she’s too arrogant for it. tweederangs
At our school there is no segregation. Rassenscheiding

He seized to the rope when he fell from the roof. Grijpen

Rene had a great sensation when he won the soccer game. Gevoel
Her senses told her that something was wrong. Zintuigen
Jeroen is very sensible. Verstandig
Some animals are very sensitive. Gevoelig
The judge sentenced him for the murder on his friend. Veroordelen
The judge made his sentence clear. Vonnis
My friend’s parents separated last year. Scheiden
They go to the party separately. Apart
He served the army for 25 years. Dienen
Columbus was a famous settler. kolonist
He Settled an arrangement with his teacher. Vestigen,
Rats always live in the sewer. Riool
This pool is very shallow, you’d better not jump in. Ondiep
It’s a shame that his girlfriend left him for that boy. Schaamte, Schande
What a shame! He studied a lot for the test but still got a 2. Wat jammer
It is shameful that a word like this can be in a list like this. Schandelijk
You can shape the clay in all forms. Vormen
I always share everything with my girlfriend. Delen
This is a very cold shed, and it stinks because there are pigs in it. Schuur.

We had an earthquake last year, the earth shifted .            verschuiven

We live near the shore.                                                                kust
A sign on the road is very important to prevent accidents.              bordje;teken
to graduate is very significant to me.                                           belangrijk
Humans and apes are similar .                                                     gelijksoortig
I love that boy, he's very sincere.                                                oprecht
My mother doesn't have a husband, she's single.                           alleenstaand
To build a big factory you must have a good site.                            locatie;terrein
The size of this house is impressive.                                  grootte;omvang
He is very skilful in maths.                                                           bekwaam;vaardig;

Aukje has passed her exams, now she is skilled. geschoold

Every human being has a skull, it’s under the head. Schedel
I have a slice of cheese on my sandwich. Plak(je)
The roads are very smooth when they are frozen. glad;soepel
Under my shoes there are soles. voet)zool
Moniek is very good at solving problems. Oplossen
I like the sound of Kelly Clarkson’s voice. Klank
The choir sounds very bad. Klinken
The source of The Times is mostly anonymous. Bron
This house is very spacious. Ruim

Dinosaurs are an extinct species Dier- of

The spokesman always talks to the press Woordvoerder
Rosalie didn’t like to stand on a spot where you Plek, punt
can see her very well
The staff of the supermarket wear an uniform. Personeel
At the final show of Idols the candidates sing on stage. Podium, toneel,
You may starve if you haven’t had any food for a week Van honger
He stated why the answer of the test was wrong verklaren
My heart beats in a Steady rhythm Vast, constant,
This is a very steep hill. Steil
Laura stirs the soup with a spoon Bewegen, roeren
I bought this DVD recorder at the local store. Winkel
I asked our neighbour to store this in his shed. Bewaren, opslaan
I must stress that doing your homework is very important. Benadrukken
He used a piece of string to close the bag. touwtje, reeks
The two dogs struggled to get to the bone first. Worstelen, vechten
Most teachers are not very stubborn. Koppig

The professional had a stunning high score. verbijsterend

Young people can be very stubborn, very old people as well. Koppig

In the army, most people are subordinate to one or more persons. ondergeschikt(e)
He's subject to a heavy punishment. onderhevig aan
In some countries, people have to subject themselves to one leader. onderwerpen aan
Pamela Anderson has sued a bra company for to small bras. Een rechtzaak
aanspannen tegen
I have a sufficient amount of fat in my ass. voldoende
Why would you not commit suicide right now? zelfmoord
I bought a suitable suit. passend, geschikt

It's superfluous to say to a man: Hey, you are a man. overbodig

I have to supplement my ammo because I’m out. Aanvullen
I am almost out of my candy supply . voorraad
Stan supplies dead meat for Renee. leveren, verschaffen
I won’t support you because you smell. steunen
Wilbert suppresses his class in a brutal way. onderdrukken
Frans Smulders is very superstitious. bijgelovig

We learn to calculate the surface at mathematics. oppervlakte

The surgeon operates on the patient. chirurg
Robert Schumacher is specialized in plastic surgery chirurgie
In the Second World War the Americans and the omringen
Russians surrounded the city of Berlin.
In the surroundings of Overloon you can find a zoo omgeving
and a National War museum.
The survey showed that one in four adults is onderzoek;
a big drinker. studie; overzicht
When you eat something you have to swallow it slikken
A detective has to tackle a murder. aanpakken/
Tale means the same as story. verhaal
Her target is to become a famous person. doel
The taste of lemonade is sweet. proeven/ smaken
I always tease others at primary school. plagen
A nice guy tempted me to go away with him. in verleiding
He tends to stay at home, but he always goes to school. de neiging hebben
Scary movies have much tension. spanning

Jet was guilty of theft of a chocolate bar in de Plus. Diefstal

There was a thorough investigation of Rianne’s background. Grondig
Dian threatened Laura with a knife because she thought Laura
had stolen her money. (be)dreigen
Aileen always stumbled on the threshold. drempel
There was a Christmas market, thus there's money for charity. Op deze manier
I think Wilbert has to wear a tie. Band;stropdas
Rianne ties her bike to mine, because she's afraid that her bike
Will get stolen if she doesn't. (Ver)binden aan
These jeans are very tight. strak
People bully Frans Smulders because he's tiny. Heel erg klein
Manuel always thinks he's the topic of every conversation. onderwerp

He’s a strange guy, because he likes to torture his girlfriend. Martelen, kwellen
A classmate of mine trades in drugs like cocaine and XTC. Handelen
The criminal left a trail so the police found him quickly. Spoor
Dian thought she had found a treasure, but I thought she had gone
crazy! Schat
He treats his girlfriend so lovely, I almost think there’s something wrong. Behandelen
Years ago, Germany signed the treaty of Versailles. Verdrag
I did a trial to ask him to marry, but he said no! Poging
Pygmies are a strange tribe. (Volks)stam
Truancy is illegal in almost every school. Spijbelen
If you think I’m a truant, you should see Rianne! Spijbelaar

The missing girl turned out to be with her friend. Blijken

He failed his exam because he hadn’t turned up. Komen opdagen/ verschijnen
Much of your success in life depends on your upbringing. Opvoeding
Please don’t upset the cat it may vomit on the carpet van streek brengen
Nijmegen is in the middle of an urban area. Stedelijk
I must urge you to hurry. The plane is leaving in 10 minutes. Dringend verzoeken
It is no use lying. I will find out the truth anyway. Nut, zin, gebruik

I guess every girl is vain! ijdel, vergeefs.

He tried to save her, but it was in vain. tevergeefs.
I’m sorry, but your passport isn’t valid. geldig.
My grandmother’s ring is very valuable. waardevol, van
I value your friendship. waarderen; taxeren.
My friend’s villa is vast. enorm, groot.
The new Lexus is a beautiful vehicle. voertuig.
The verdict was strict but just. vonnis, uitspraak.
We don’t have a vicar in our village. dominee.
Drinking too much is a vice. ondeugd, slechte
The victim of bird flu had to go to hospital. Slachtoffer.
Every person had his own view. mening, opvatting;

The viewer doesn’t like the many commercials. (tv) kijker

Cats are very violent to each other. gewelddadig
Virtually all teachers give a lot of homework. vrijwel
It’s a virtue to be very helpful. deugd, goede
He isn’t visible for his one true love. zichtbaar
Believe it or not, I go to school voluntarily . vrijwillig
I’m not going to volunteer for the army. vrijwillig aanmelden
Why did my parents vote for Jan Peter? stemmen
My mum’s tea-set is very vulnerable, so be careful with it. kwetsbaar
In the supermarket you work for low wages. loon

All the goods are stored in a warehouse. Pakhuis

Please don’t dump your waste in the river. Afval
Let’s not waste any time. Verspillen
He is tall whereas his brother is very small. Terwijl
I am very willing to come with you to Time Out. Bereid
On her way home Susan witnessed an accident. Getuige zijn van,
getuigen van
During the night his condition worsened a lot. Verslechteren
It may be worthwhile saving some money for later. De moeite waard
This piece of land yields a lot of potatoes. Opleveren/
Excuse me, Sir, You need to close your zip(Am: zipper) rits

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