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All About Me: I Like Myself

Preschool, Kindergarten Writing

Break the ice with this social lesson, designed to help you and your class get to know each other. This social
studies lesson helps students develop a healthy sense of self, and ties in well with any "All About Me" theme or

Learning Objectives

Students will be able to draw a visual representation of an object, person, or activity. Students will be able to
write a three word sentence.

Materials and preparation


I Like Myself! by Karen Beaumont

Ball (one per class)
Owl body (one per student)
Owl parts (2 wings, 2 eyes, 1 beak, 2 feet)
Self-portrait or photo (one per student)
Metal fasteners (two per student)
Blank white paper (one per student)
Crayons or colored pencils


Prepare the "owl parts" for each student, by

drawing or tracing, and then cutting out, each
part. You can do this using colorful construction
paper or white paper (if you'd like students to
color their creation).

Introduction (10 minutes)

Have all students sit in a circle around a carpet. Hold a ball and tell the students they will be introducing
themselves to their classmates by saying their name and stating their favorite thing to do.
Start the exercise by introducing yourself and stating your favorite thing to do. Pass the ball to the next
person, encouraging them to do the same.
Explain that today, students will be getting to know more about their classmates.

Explicit Instruction/Teacher modeling (15 minutes)

Read students the story I Like Myself! by Karen Beaumont.

Explain to the students that they are all different, yet the same, in many ways.
Pass out a sheet of white paper and crayons or colored pencils to each student.
Instruct your students to draw themselves doing something they enjoy.
As they work, walk around to each student and ask about their pictures. Great questions to ask include:
How do you look here? What words can you use to describe what you are doing? How does doing this
make you feel?

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Guided Practice (10 minutes)

Give each student an owl body, two eyes, two wings, and feet.
Have students glue on the various body parts.
Use the fasteners to fasten the wings onto the body.
Instruct your class to glue down the picture or portrait of themselves onto the body of the owl. The wings
should hide the picture when closed.

Independent working time (10 minutes)

Write the sentence I am _____ on the board.

Instruct each student to copy the words from the board on the bodies of their owls, inserting their names
in the blank space.
Circulate the room as students work, and ask each student what two of their favorite things to do are.
Write these down on the two wings of the owl.


Enrichment: Have students in need of enrichment write their favorite thing to do by copying it from a
chalkboard or whiteboard.
Support: To help students who struggle with writing, write their sentence in highlighter and have
them trace it.


Assess each student on their ability to copy the sentence from the board, write their name, and identify
their interests to you during one-on-one time.

Review and closing (15 minutes)

Place all of the student's owls on a table with the wings covering their pictures.
Go around the room and allow each student to select an owl and try and guess whom it belongs to by
listening to the interests of the student!

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