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 Denominación del Programa de Formación: Tecnología en Actividad Física

 Código del Programa de Formación: 525201

 Nombre del Proyecto: Actividad física para un Bolívar saludable

 Fase del Proyecto: Planeación

 Actividad de Proyecto: Elaborar formatos de diagnósticos, protocolos y evaluación de las

personas que realizan actividad física, manuales y programas.

 Competencia: Estructurar el programa de actividad física sistemática de acuerdo con la

población objeto que contribuya en el bienestar físico, psicológico y social.
 Resultados de Aprendizaje Alcanzar:
1. Estructurar el programa de actividad física con el software específico según la
población objeto.
2. Presentar el programa de actividad física de acuerdo con los requerimientos del
usuario y metodologías establecidas.
3. Programar el ejercicio en la población objeto de acuerdo con los criterios
fisiológicos y evaluativos.

 Fecha de entrega: Julio 25 de 2021

Nombres y apellidos:

GFPI-F-135 V01

Description of the activities

Learning activity 1:
Self Learning

Activities to develop

Previous knowledge activity: Before starting this learning process, you have to
answer this survey, the objective of this survey is to identify the previous knowledge about
the topic to work.

Then take a screenshot of the result and attach to this workshop.

3.2.1 Learning Activity 1: Make an analysis about the next case and answer the questions,
at the end we will socialize the answers on the online meeting through a discussion. 

Flavio is a young man, he is 20 years old, he wants to start a physical exercise program,
he starts a search on social networks to contact a personal trainer, after a week someone
contacts him saying that he is a trainer with huge experience. When Flavio meets with the
instructor tells him that the goal is improving his physical condition and gaining muscle
mass. The trainer accepts working with Flavio and starts with a 60 minutes routine five
times per week, after the first week Flavio began to present the next symptoms:
1. Severe headache.
2. Frequent changes of weight in short period of times
3. Energy reduction level (weakness) GFPI-F-135 V01
4. Swelling on lower legs
5. Pain in the bones or joints
6. Dryness and sking spots
7. Unusual and excessive hair loss
Since his health situation was not improving , he went to a Medical Center, after doing the
medical evaluation and health checkups, the doctors says he suffered a health decompensation1 ,
for that reason recomends to Flavio taking a break and stop physical exercise until practicing
specific medical checks to rule out other conditions.

Frente a la situación anteriormente descrita resuelva los siguientes interrogantes: According

to the situation described before answer the questions:

If you were Flavio what actions would you take?

What could have caused this lapsus to Flavio?

As Flavio’s instructor do you think this was the right protocol to train him? Why?

In legal terms, what sanction is the instructor exposed?

What should be the right steps to start a training plan with a client?

1. The failure of an organ (especially the liver or heart) to compensate for the
functional overload resulting from disease.

Taking into account the next link, I invite you to read the article to know the steps for
starting a physical exercise plan

Evidence: write a text (at least a page) where you argue the importance of carrying out a physical
exercise plan. Document with APA norms.

It is recommended that, to develop each workshop, first download the template or

guide corresponding, then work and upload to the competence file folder.

GFPI-F-135 V01
if you were flavio what actions would you take?

Me pngo en contacto con el supuesto intructor y le dieria que muestre todas sus certificacion que
lo acreditan como entrenador

what could have caused this lapsus to flavio?

Falta de ejercicios y mala alimentacion.

as flavio’s instructor do you think this was the right protocol to train him? why?

No, porque para entrenar a una persona primero tenemos que saber todos los antecenetes meicos
y saber el estado de salud de esa persona.

in legal terms, what sanction is the instructor exposed?

La suspensión de la tarjeta profesional si la tiene

what should be the right steps to start a training plan with a client?

Lo primero que hay que hacer es una valoracion medica, despues dependiendo lo que arroje esa
evaluacion consultar cual es su objetivo al realizar el entrenamiento deportivo asi poder realizar
el programa

Una vez finalice este Taller puede guardarlo en el DRIVE) indicado para tal fin (carpeta

GFPI-F-135 V01

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