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NEELLS Proceedings

National English Education, Language, and Literature Seminar




Ruhul Ainun Husna 1 Fadlilah Rahmawati 2 Yona Fauzia Salsabila 3 Ariyani Puspita
Dewi 4
Universitas Negeri Malang
ruhulainun42@gmail.com1 fadlilahrahmawati10@gmail.com2 yonafauzia9@gmail.com3


The Yellow Wallpaper plays an essential part in a literary work which explores the characters, plot, and setting. The
study entitled The Analysis of Character Behaviors in The Yellow Wallpaper  by Charlotte Perkins Gilman and Its
Relevance to Current Issues aims at finding out the relevance between the characters’ behavior such as their activity,
believability and rationale with the feminist gothic and pandemic’s issues. Beside that, by conducting this analysis, it
could make the short story comprehensible for the readers and also to catch the meaning which the writer wants to
convey. The Yellow Wallpaper was published in January 1892 in New England. This analysis captures that there is a
similarity in behavior between the characters in the short story and people behavior nowadays in the same condition.
Qualitative was used in the analysis and it was descriptively presented.

Keywords: Characters behavior, Feminist Gothic and Pandemic COVID-19.


Literature and society are related to one another. It means that literature is an expression of the
author in which the author is a part of society. Literature allows us to step back in time and learn about
life on earth from those who walked before us. Learning literature gives us a better understanding of
culture and has a greater appreciation of them. We learn from history in the forms of manuscripts and
speech itself. History is a gateway to the past and also suggestive of our present and the future (Austin,

The major literary forms are prose, poetry, and drama. Since literature is part of manuscripts, we
also can learn many things from them. In this paper, we focus on the analysis of prose in the form of
short story entitled “The Yellow Wallpaper”. The basic elements of short story are character, setting, plot,
and theme. Understanding those elements is very important in order to grasp the message from the
author. In this paper, our scope is focus on the character’s behaviors. We analyze how the character’s
behaviors related to the current issues, Pandemic COVID-19 and patriarchy issue.

These issues are very much discussed today. Its influence is also quite extensive in society. For
example, during a pandemic, many people have to undergo quarantine to prevent the spread of COVID-
19. This is similar to what was experienced by a character in “The Yellow Wallpaper” story where a wife
suffering from mental illness had to undergo quarantine for healing therapy. Besides that, the issue of
patriarchy is also related to how the female character in “The Yellow Wallpaper” story is restrained by
her husband. This relationship is the focus of researchers to reveal how the character’s behavior
relevant with these issues.

This paper inspired from a thesis titled “The Wife’s Depression in Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s The
Yellow Wallpaper” by Maitun. Maitun describes about the wife’s depression and find out the causes of the

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NEELLS Proceedings
National English Education, Language, and Literature Seminar

wife’s depression in The Yellow Wallpaper. The second reference is the paper by R. Asmarani, entitled
CHARLOTTE PERKINS GILMAN" this paper focus on the actors and factors causing imprisonment,
types and impacts of imprisonment, efforts to overcome the imprisonment, and the end of the
imprisonment experienced by the female protagonist.

The significance of this paper is that by tracing the related history of these issues, we can take
lessons on how people should behave during pandemic quarantine, and how society should face
patriarchy issue so then we can do better in the present and in the future. Besides that, this article is also
expected to be used as a reference by students in their studies related to prose analysis, especially the
short story entitled “The Yellow Wallpaper”. 


The Unnamed Narrator

In “The Yellow Wallpaper” we can see that it has a female main character as the protagonist. The
unnamed narrator in “The Yellow Wallpaper” was excluded from society, which her husband said was due
to her postpartum depression. The unnamed narrator experienced an increase in anxiety when she
continued to be confined to her husband's room. She felt imprisoned in the room. Due to the conditions of
imprisonment physically, psychologically, and intellectually, the unnamed narrator often behaves
strangely and make them considered crazy or insane by others. The bedroom John prepared for her was
very supportive to restore her condition. However, the room gave the impression of being in prison and
she felt imprisoned because she was isolated from the outside world. “Apart from being located on the
top floor” (Barnet, Burto, Cain, 2008, p.392 ), the spacious room had barred windows, and the ornaments
on the walls gave a sinister impression like the torture ornaments in an ancient prison room: "It is a big,
airy room, the whole floor nearly, with windows. That looks all ways, and air and sunshine galore. It was a
nursery firstand then playroom and gymnasium, I should judge; for the windows are barred for little
children, and there are rings and things in the walls” (Barnet, Burto, Cain, 2008, p. 392). This situation is
reminiscent of a children's fairy tale about a helpless and imprisoned princess at the top of a tower who
can only gaze at the beauty of the outside world through the window.

John/The Unnamed Narrator’s Husband

In “The Yellow Wallpaper” we can see that it has a female main character as the protagonist.
John doesn’t want his wife has any contact with society because she has to “cure rest” since her
postpartum depression. John forbids his wife to do any activity, even writing which is his wife's hobby. "He
hates to have me write a word" (Barnet, Burto & Cain, 2008, p. 393). According to the husband, the
unnamed narrator is better at focusing his attention and energy on healing from depression by taking
complete rest than spending his energy on writing. This contradicts the wife's thinking: “I sometimes fancy
that in my condition if I had less opposition and more society and stimulus — but John says the very
worst thing I can do is to think about my condition, and I confess it always makes me feel bad” (Barnet,
Burto & Cain, 2008, p. 393). This shows that John's behavior indirectly suppressed his wife both
physically, psychologically and intellectually. The attention he gives to his wife is too much and that is not
what she needs. From this it appears that John cannot understand his wife very well. All he did was a
medical procedure which he knew about and used to apply to his patients.


The Analysis of People’s Behavior During Pandemic COVID 19

A pandemic described as occurring worldwide or over a very wide area, crossing international
boundaries, and usually affecting a large number of people (Porta, 2014). Following the outbreak, the
government tightened border control and implemented social distancing measures. COVID-19 affected
most people’s mental health as well as physical health. According to Philip and Cherian (2020) “People
adhere to government recommendations, albeit at the expense of heightened anxiety”. Another
researcher said “It is known that there is an increase in anxiety disorders, mood disorders, and psychiatric

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NEELLS Proceedings
National English Education, Language, and Literature Seminar

disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder after outbreaks” (Hacimusalar, Kahve, Yasar & Aydin,
2020). Excessive feelings of fear and depression during the lockdown and social distancing make some
people feel oppressed.

The Relevance of Main Characters’ Behavior with People’s Behavior During Pandemic COVID 19

In the story The Yellow Wallpaper, imprisonment is felt by the unnamed narrator where she feels
like she is in prison, which she is physically excluded from outside world The dictionary meaning of
imprisonment is as follows: “Imprisonment is: 1. the state of being imprisoned; 2. the act of confining
someone in a prison (or as if in a prison)". This condition is very relevant to people's behavior during the
current pandemic. Medically, Doctors are seen as the leaders of the mental health team, largely due to
their professional standing in the medical field. But they do not necessarily know the best for their
patients. They often give actions that they think are best but not for their patients. Medical actions that
doctors perform are generally carried out based on or focused on what appears to the patient's body or
physique. Physical or body that is not in good condition is considered a cause or trigger factor for mental
disorders."The theoretical point of view of this mechanistic medical model of mental illness is that
somatic, or aberrant bodily process is the cause of mental disorders". 

“So I take phosphates or phosphiteswhichever it is, and tonics, and journeys, and air,
and exercise, and am absolutely forbidden to "work" until I am well again. Personally, I
disagree with their ideas. Personally, I believe that congenial work, with excitement and
change, would do me good.” (Barnet, Burto & Cain, 2008, p. 392)

In the story, John thinks that by prohibiting his wife from doing anything and continuing to rest,
focusing on his health, can make his wife better. However, without knowing it, it made his wife (patient)
feels depressed at home. What his wife wanted was John to allow him to do anything including writing
(her hobby).The unnamed attempted to deny the effectiveness of the treatment her husband applied to
her: “ I don't weigh a bit more, "said I," nor as much; and my appetite may be better in the evening when
you are here, but it is worse in the morning when you are away! ” (Barnet, Burto & Cain, 2008, p. 397).
She tried to show that isolation in the form of a "rest cure" that she was undergoing was not making her
condition better. What she needs is a friend as a form of socialization that makes her feel comfortable so
that her appetite arises. This is in line with how people are currently feeling during a pandemic. When sick
because of being depressed by circumstances, people often feel that the advice that doctors have given
them to always stay at home is not right. Because by being at home, their economy is disturbed which
ends in worsening their health condition. What people need is freedom exercised with responsibility not

John’s Behavior And Its Relevance To The Patriarchy Issue.

“Still I will proudly declare that there is something queer about it. Else, why should it be
let so cheaply? And why have stood so long untenanted? John laughs at me, of course,
but one expects that in marriage. John is practical in the extreme. He has no patience
with faith, an intense horror of superstition, and he scoffs openly at any talk of things not
to be felt and seen and put down in figures.” (Barnet, Burto & Cain, 2008, p. 391)

In this paragraph we know that John is more practical while his wife is more emotional.
Whenever the narrator talked about something that didn’t make sense, John always giving response in a
condescending manner. Not only rude but responding someone in condescending manner also make
people seem weak. Since a man explaining things in a condescending manner, he will assume that you
are so fragile or have a big ego that just normal explaining hurts you (Smith, 2017). John predominates
also written in the following paragraph:

“John is a physician, and perhaps - (I would not say it to a living soul, of course, but this
is dead paper and a great relief to my mind - ) per/zaps that is one reason I do not get
well faster. You see he does not believe I am sick! And what can one do?” (Barnet, Burto
& Cain, 2008, p. 391)

It shows how John tends to hold primary power and predominate over his wife. In our society we
know word “patriarchy” it put a man one step higher than woman in context of household. It is a normal

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NEELLS Proceedings
National English Education, Language, and Literature Seminar

thing since man as husband is physically stronger than woman as wife. Nevertheless, this fact does not
reveal that men are better than women. They are equal as human being (UNICEF,2018). Since John is a
physician, he believes treatment he gives to his wife is right. For him, the narrator who is his wife is not in
too bad condition. On the other side, the narrator feels the opposite. She has serious depression. It
proves in the following paragraph:

““John does not know how much I really suffer. He knows there is no reason to suffer,
and that satisfies him.” (Barnet, Burto & Cain, 2008, p. 393)

John’s stifling treatment to his wife is part of feminist issue. He controls all of narrator’s activity. It
makes the wife in serious condition. In an online therapy platform, Dr. Mindy J. Erchull, professor of
psychological science at the University of Mary Washington in Virginia, said that mental health is a
feminist issue. This issue have been exist since 1900 BC Egypt, and also the utterance of word “hysteria”
referred to any woman with health problem that deviates from expected gender roles continue to the
1950s. This pejorative term usually assigned by doctors who did not take women problem seriously.
(Fabian, 2017)

“John has cautioned me not to give way to fancy in the least. He says that with my
imaginative power and habit of story-making, a nervous weakness like mine is sure to
lead to all manner of excited fancies, and that I ought to use my will and good sense to
check the tendency. So I try.” (Barnet, Burto & Cain, 2008, p. 394)

The prohibition on writing that John ordered his wife to be is also a symbol of patriarchy, where a
woman's voice is never accepted and heard. In extreme meaning, woman’s voice is considered
“dangerous”. Not only controlling his wife activity, he also did not give any choice for her. He has already
decided what kind of character his wife is supposed to play. It is because in marriage, woman as wife
must submissive her husband (Maitun, 2018).

Narrator’s Behavior and Its Relevance to the Feminist Gothic and Patriarchy Issue

“Personally, I disagree with their ideas. Personally, I believe that congenial work, with
excitement and change, would do me good. But what is one to do?” (Barnet, Burto &
Cain, 2008, p. 392)

A narrator fragile is a respond toward John’s stifling treatment. In this case, woman tends to be
restrained by man. It shows how John preventing his wife from gaining freedom from his control. This
makes the narrator too afraid to voice her opinions and desires. She prefers to be quiet and hold back her
emotions. It proves in the following paragraph:

" Better in body perhaps - " I began, and stopped short, for he sat up straight and looked
at me with such a stern, reproachful look that I could not say another word.” (Barnet,
Burto & Cain, 2008, p. 397)

She hopes she can dependent from her husband and help him working in society.

“―I meant to be such a help to John, such a real rest and comfort, and here I am a
comparative burden already!” (Barnet, Burto & Cain, 2008, p. 393)

It reveals how narrator has big desire to work in society but in reality her main role is in the
house. She is expected to behave like her roles as wife and mother. Moreover, she has no choice to get
out from this role while John also can not perceive her more than that (Maitun, 2018).

The problem is whether John deliberately wants to restrain his wife. “He is very careful and
loving, and hardly lets me stir without special direction”. This statement is clearly conveyed by the
narrator to illustrate her view of her husband. We know John is a physician, he does his job as good as
he can as husband and physician. Try to ask yourself “Can we say someone reject feminism only
because he/she was done some things that don't reflect feminism?”.

The point is, John did indeed carry out actions that identified a patriarchal system. However, this
was not only done consciously. This story tells us that the issue of patriarchy in society can occur

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National English Education, Language, and Literature Seminar

consciously or not, even in everyday behavior and played by the people closest to us. Besides, it is very
possible for us to misinterpret someone's behavior or understanding that does not reflect feminism. From
this story we learn that it is better to try to respect other people especially when discussing issues of
feminism. We know it is absolutely impossible to achieve complete equality. We must tolerate each other
to find the best spot that is best for everyone.


History is a gateway to the past, but it also a bridge to the future. In every period of time lies
different people and culture. Every individual are product of their own time. We are evolving day by day.
Without literature, we will never be able to learn history. This is the power of words. They can teach and
change human. What we are today is a product of what we have done in the past. It tells us how history is
connected to the present and future.

In the analysis of character’s behavior and its relevance with people behavior during pandemic,
we found that there is relevance between the main character's behavior and the behavior of people during
a pandemic like this. Which imprisonment causes a person to feel depressed and ends up depressed
also occurs in people today. Under the stress of isolation, both the unnamed narrator and people today
feel increased anxiety about loneliness. Also, John, who is a physician, feels that taking complete rest by
not doing any activity can restore the condition of someone who is sick. Even though without knowing the
person is sick psychologically, not physically, this makes her behave strangely and is often considered
crazy. It is also very relevant to the behavior of people today. From this story we learn that during the
pandemic, despite spreading fear we have to support each other, comfort and strengthen communication
rather than asking someone to isolate themselves which only increase fear and depression.

While in the analysis of character’s behavior and its relevance with patriarchy issue, we found
that patriarchy issue can be done by anyone consciously or not. Even if in household. The problem is
sometimes we make wrong interpretation about what is it. From this story we learn that not every control
given by men to women is a form of violation of women's rights but it could be a form of protection for
women. What we have to remember is that men are not better than women, and vice versa. Therefore we
must respect and tolerate each other and learn to give the best for everyone.

For the future direction, the authors hope can revise any deficiencies and develop this paper to
the better study. We also recommend the broader and deeper analysis for the next analysis because still
there are many aspects can learn from this short story entitled “The Yellow Wallpaper”.





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Barnet,S., Burto,W., & Cain,W.E. (2008). An Introduction to Literature. [PDFDRIVE]. Retrieved from

Fabian,R. (2017).Why Mental Health Is a Feminist Issue. Retrieved from

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National English Education, Language, and Literature Seminar

Hacimusalar,Y.,Kahve,H.A.C., Yasar,A.B., & Aydin,M.S. (2020). Anxiety and hopelessness levels in

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Journal of Psychological Medicine, 42(4), 402-403. Doi: 10.1177/0253717620935574

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UNICEF. (2018). Gender equality overview. Retrieved from

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