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Kelompok 2:







TAHUN 2021

Praise and thank you we pray to the presence of Allah SWT. Prayers and greetings are always
poured out on the Prophet Muhammad and his family and friends. Thanks to its nature and
irodat, we were finally able to complete a paper that discussed "Teaching listening and
speaking". On this occasion he expressed his highest gratitude and appreciation to all parties
who have provided assistance, encouragement, guidance and direction to the compilers. In this
paper we realize that it is still far from perfection. For that, all our suggestions and criticisms for
improvement and perfection are very much needed. Hopefully this paper can be useful
especially for compilers and readers in general.

Kuningan, October 30, 2021


A. Vokabulary( adjective )

What is an adjective?

Adjective is a word that describes the nature of an object. For example, whether the
object is round, square, black, red, large, small, cold, or hot and so on. So an adjective describes
a noun by providing information about the object's size, shape, age, skin color, origin or
material. In essence, an adjective is an adjective that describes a trait of a particular thing.

Example sentences are as follows:

It's a big chair. (It's a big chair)
It's a round chair. (It's a round chair)
It's an old chair. (It's an old chair)
It's a brown chair. (It's a brown chair)
It's an English chair. (It's a chair from England)
It's a wooden chair. (It's a chair made of wood)
It's a lovely chair. (That's a nice chair)
It's a broken chair. (It's a broken chair)
It's a coffee chair. (It's a chair for coffee)

From the example above, let's take an example to explain, for example in the sentence
'It's a big chair' it contains the word 'big' as an adjective and 'chair' as a noun. This sentence
means to explain that the chair is big or that the chair 'is' big. So the adjective here shows the
shape information of the chair.

Here are adjectives that are commonly used in everyday conversation:

Examples of adjectives in color:

Red = The hat is red. It's a red hat.
Blue = The sea is blue. It's a blue sea.
Yellow = The banana is yellow. It is a yellow banana.
Green = The grass is green. It is a green grass.
Orange = The T-Shirt is orange. It is an orange T-Shirt.

Examples of adjectives in quality:

Beautiful = The flowers are beautiful. They are beautiful flowers.
Good = The suitcase is good. It is a good suitcase.
Broken = The chairs are broken. They are broken chairs.
Bad = The picture is bad. It is a bad picture.
Lovely = The butterfly is lovely. It is a lovely butterfly.

Examples of adjectives in size:

Heavy = The bag is heavy. It's a heavy bag.
Small = The bed is small. It's a small bed.
Thick = The dictionary is thick. It's a thick dictionary.
Long = The road is long. It's a long road.
Skinny = The girl is skinny. She's a skinny girl.

Examples of adjectives in nationalies/nationalities:

Indonesian = He's from Indonesia. He's Indonesian.
Chinese = They're from China. They're Chinese.
Japanese = She's from Japan. She's Japanese.
Arab = They're from Saudi Arabia. They're Arabic.
English = She's from England. She's English.

Examples of Adjectives in Physical Appearance:

Tall = The man is tall. He is a tall man.
Slim = The girl is slim. She is a slim girl.
Strong = The men are strong. They are strong men.
Beautiful = The woman is beautiful. She is a beautiful woman.
Ugly = The boy is ugly. He is an ugly boy.

B. Listening and Speaking

Definition of Listening
Listening in English is our ability to understand what other people are saying very well.
Basically, hearing is not the same, when we are listening. But to hear in English is hear. While
listening in English is listen.
Listening Function
1. Can practice our pronunciation skills better
2. It will be much easier to do and complete the structure exercises. The reason is that the more
we hear and listen to English, the more sentences we can use.
3. Besides that, it can also increase our vocabulary.
It makes it easier for us to tell stories, communicate, and interact with people around us.
Easy Ways to Learn Listening
- Create Learning Goals for Yourself
- Recognize Your Own Ability.

What is Speaking?

Speaking, as it relates to young learners, is one way for them to play, in this case,
playing with words and sounds. According to Cook (2000) in Linse (2005), there are many
different ways that children play with words and language, beginning with the tickling rhymes
that they hear as babies and continuing with other sorts of play which involve both the form
and meaning of language. Play is vital and important aspect of child’s development and
language is part of that play. Children also experiment with the language when they are with
their parents, family, siblings, and friends. They experiment and play with the utterances that
are made to form words and phrases, such as “bye bye” and integrate these words and
structures into their real and imaginary play. Children are good interpreters. They learn the
power of their spoken words. They observe how a word can impact an adult’s feeling and how
they respond to that kind of words. They learn that, although they may be physically small and
weak, their words can be used to provide joy, and also the opposite. A child learns that a simple
utterance such as “I love you, Mommy” can delight a parent. They also learn that some words
can cause hurt feelings and bruised egos, and they use it as a weapon. So, in my opinion, if their
adults pay attention more to them when they speak bad words than when they speak a good
one, they will use it as weapon to get attention.

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