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Alicia Febus

Principles of Retailing
Model Two

Discussion Questions:

1. What is Tractor Supply Company’s growth strategy? What retail mix does TSC
Tractor Supply Company’s growth strategy is to emphasize customer service. To
ensure this happens TSC provides full management training programs, frequent

management skills training classes, and semi-annual store managers meetings, with

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vendor product presentations. Also vendor-sponsored in-store training programs and

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ongoing product information updates at the management headquarters. This

enables the employees to have better input and answers for customers which can
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be beneficial for the growth of the company. The Tractor Supply Company retail mix
would be having 15,000 SKUs doubled the size of the stores and added more

clothes and work wear that are for both men and woman.
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2. Why and how has TSC’s target customer changed over time?

The target customer had changed by less than ten percent. This has happened
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because the Tractor Supply Company’s customers classify themselves as full time
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farmers or ranchers. Many of TSC’s customers do not farm often or at all.

3. How does TSC’s retail mix provide the benefits sought by its target market?

The TSC’s retail mix provides beneficial impacts for their targeted market because of

the vibe of the environment. The environment is spacious for individual departs and
visual displays. Informative signs assist customers with purchasing and make

decisions about the goods in the company. The customer service provided can or
will bring in potential business.

4. How vulnerable is TSC to competition? Why is this the case?

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Tractor Supply Companies are vulnerable to competition because they do not have a
strong enough target market which can cause them to lack business. If they plan a
better and more sufficient retailing mix then they can have a better chance against
competition. But they are not at a high vulnerable stage because if they continue to
work on the training of the employees they can potentially become one of the most
competitive companies.

5. Why does TSC place so much emphasis on training employees?

TSC emphasis on training employees because they emphasis on customer service.

Without the proper training the employees would lack the proper forms of assistance
for the customers. Using a variety of incentive programs to provide the opportunity

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for the store employees to receive addition compensation based on their work ethic

and effort to give the company help on what they can change and improve when

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dealing with employees and customers.

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