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Signal Processing


What is FT (Fourier Transform)
The Fourier Transform is one of To understand it better consider a signal x(t):
the deepest insights ever made
in mathematics .
The Fourier transform is a way
of splitting something up into a
bunch of sine waves.

Consider another signal y(t):

What happens when we emit these two signals at the same time or if we add them together?

Sum both the signals: z(t) = x(t) + y(t)

If we are given only one signal(which is the sum of signals x(t) and y(t)).Can we recover the original signals x(t) and y(t)?
Maths you need to know.
“Any continuous signal in the time domain can be represented uniquely and
unambiguously by an infinite series of sinusoids.”

The Fourier transform is represented as an indefinite

X(w) : Fourier Transform
x(t) : Inverse Fourier transform
Why are cosine and sine functions used when representing a signal?
Consider the unit circle :

Sine and Cosine functions are arguably the most

important periodic functions in several cases:

1. The periodic functions of how displacement, velocity,

and acceleration change with time in SHM oscillators
are sinusoidal functions.
2. Every particle has a wave nature and vice versa. This is
de Broglie's Wave-Particle duality. Waves are always
sinusoidal functions of some physical quantity (such as
Electric Field for EM Waves, and Pressure for Sound
Generating a Signal
◦ First, let's generate a signal with frequencies 586 Hz and 863 Hz in equal parts.

Designing the Filter

◦ Bandpass / Highpass

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◦ Write in README, The content:
◦ Analyze FFT with the equation FFT IFT
◦ Capture signal result and compare with the Z signal
◦ Analyze the the Audio result with Z Audio
◦ Creativity will make your score high
◦ Use English

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