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Moral Dilemma: Following school rules

On July 2, 2021, there was a student and her name is Aires who’s really angry at the principal
because there was a time that the principal caught Aires chewing a gum during their class
discussion on their classroom and when the principal tell Aires to throw the gum then Aires do
it right away but the principal stayed mad at her even she threw it away. Moreover, the
principal told everyone in the classroom to not idolize the wrong doing of Aires and scolded her
in front of her classmates and because of that Aires felt really ashamed and embarrassed in
front of her classmates. After that happening, Aires went to the canteen to buy food and
accidentally saw her classmate not following the canteen rules because her classmate Riesa
throw her biodegradable food into the non-biodegradable label, she also bullying their
classmates and make them cry and Aires noticed all of that. When the bullied student tell the
principal about what happened to her, they didn’t believe her because all of the students are
afraid of Riesa. The Principal needs only one student to support the accusations of Siera who
bullied by Riesa. When there is no one to support Siera, Siera tell to the Principal that Aires
would be the witness because she knows all the wrong doings of Riesa.
Question: Would Aires tell all the wrong doings of her classmate Riesa to the Principal or deny
Step 1
Gather the facts
•Aires is really angry at the principal because the principal scolded and acknowledge her wrong
doing in front of the class.
•The Principal scolded and acknowledge the wrong doing of Aires because Aires was chewing a
gum during their discussion.
•Aires felt ashamed and embarrassed when the Principal scolded her at the class.
•After that happening, Aires went to the canteen to buy food and accidentally saw her
classmate not following the canteen rules because her classmate Riesa throw her
biodegradable food into the non-biodegradable label, she also bullying their classmates and
make them cry and Aires noticed all of that. When the bullied student tell the principal about
what happened to her, they didn’t believe her because all of the students are afraid of Riesa.
•The bullied student tell the principal about what happened to her, they didn’t believe her
because all of the students are afraid of Riesa.
•The Principal needs only one student to support the accusations of Siera who bullied by Riesa.
•Siera tell to the Principal that Aires would be the witness because she knows all the wrong
doings of Riesa.
Step 2
Determine the Ethical Issue
•Speak up to the principal vs. The fear to Riesa
The Principal here needs only one student to stand about the accusations of Siera to Riesa yet
all of the students are afraid to Riesa because of her evil doings.

Step 3
What principles have a bearing on the case?
•The right of the complainant to complain.
•The obligation of the Principal to settle the school dilemma.
•Equally respect for everyone even they are just a students, teachers, principal and staffs.

Step 4
List the Alternatives
Alternative 1
•Attempt to tell all the happenings that Riesa did to all of the class to the Principal.
Alternative 2
•Convince the principal to have a private conversation with her.
Alternative 3
•Override the whole class to be silent and not tell to the principal about the wrong doings of
Alternative 4
•Support the accusations of Siera to Riesa and be honest about what happened.
Alternative 5
•Wait for the class to tell about their true and real accusations to Riesa.
Alternative 6
•Bring the guardians of those included students in the dilemma.

Step 5
Compare the alternatives with the Principle
•Initially try to pursue all the students to support Siera and bring the justice to those who
bullied and crashed by Riesa in order for her to do not do it repeatedly.
•Tell their guardians about what happened to Siera and Riesa because their parents needs to
know about the performance and behavior of their children in the school and to their problems
that they are includes to in order for them to support and teach their children properly and
•If the Principal is not convinced with what Siera accused to Riesa then the Principal need to
have the details about the whole class.

Step 6
Weigh the consequences
•If you tell the truth and be honest about what really happened then they will going to teach
and advice Riesa to behave and not hurt her classmates.
•If you would continue to be angry at the Principal then you will let Riesa to continue her wrong
•If you would consider your fear to speak up then you would be able to help Siera for her
accusations and problems about bullying.

Step 7
Make a Decision
•The final decision would be have a private conversation to the principal even you’re angry or
mad at him in order for you two to have clear conversation about what happened and to stop
the bad behavior of Riesa and help her to improve and be friendly and not hurtful.

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