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Subject: Science Grade: 7 Topic: Competition and Adaptation

Lesson Duration: 2 class periods (45 minutes each)

Learning Objectives:

1. Understand the concepts of competition and adaptation in nature.

2. Identify how competition among species drives adaptations over time.
3. Develop critical thinking skills through hands-on activities and group discussions.

Introduction (15 minutes):

1. Begin with a class discussion about competition. Ask students questions like:
 What does the word "competition" mean to you?
 Can you think of examples of competition in everyday life?
2. Introduce the concept of competition in the natural world:
 Explain that competition occurs between living organisms for resources like
food, water, shelter, and mates.
 Discuss how competition can drive species to develop adaptations to survive
in their environments.
3. Pose the guiding question for the lesson: "How does competition drive adaptation in
the natural world?"

Exploration (20 minutes):

1. Divide the class into small groups and provide each group with a set of different
colored beads (representing different species) and a container (representing a
2. Explain the activity: Each group's goal is to collect as many beads as possible within a
set time limit (e.g., 5 minutes) using a pair of tweezers (representing adaptations).
3. After the activity, facilitate a discussion:
 Ask each group about their strategies and adaptations used to collect beads.
 Discuss how limited resources (beads) led to competition among groups.
 Relate the activity to competition and adaptation in nature.

Investigation (40 minutes):

1. Provide each group with a set of images or descriptions of different animals and their
2. Instruct the groups to choose one animal and investigate its adaptations that help it
compete and survive in its habitat.
3. Students should research and create a poster or presentation showcasing their
chosen animal's adaptations, including physical, behavioral, and physiological traits.
4. Allow time for groups to present their findings to the class.

Conclusion (10 minutes):

1. Lead a whole-class discussion:

 Ask each group to share what they learned about their chosen animal's
 Discuss common themes of adaptations that help organisms compete and
2. Summarize the key points of the lesson:
 Competition occurs when organisms vie for limited resources.
 Adaptations are traits that help organisms survive and thrive in their
3. Revisit the guiding question and ask students if they have new insights into how
competition drives adaptation.

Homework (Optional): Ask students to research and find examples of adaptations

in different ecosystems and present their findings in the next class.

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