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62 A c a d e m ic M odule

Examiner questions:

Part 1
When and how much leisure time do you generally have in a week?
Who do you generally spend your leisure time with?
What are some activities you enjoy in your leisure time?
What do you like about these activities?
What kinds of music do you like listening to?
Have you learned to play a musical instrument? Why or why not?
Tell me about any traditional music in your country.
Do you think that traditional music will be popular in the future? Why or
why not?

Part 2
Academic Module-Practice Test 2

Describe a movie that you saw recently.

You should say:
The title of the movie and what it was about
When and where you saw it
Who you saw it with and explain why you enjoyed/didn’t enjoy seeing this

Part 3
W What kinds of movies are popular these days? Why do you think they are popular?
What can we learn from watching movies?
How are movies different from live theater1?
How do you think movies will be different in the future?

1British: theatre

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