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13 Areas of Assessment

1. Psychosocial and Psychological Status

the patient was rushed to the emergency department. This is her 3rd baby.
She delivered a lived term baby girl via Normal Spontaneous delivery support
and no laceration. After placenta out, the patient’s temperature was 37
degree Celsius, the pulse was 80 bpm, respiration was 21 CPM, and her blood
pressure was 124/80. She had moderate bleeding, methergine 1 amp. IV was
administered and additional 10 units oxytocin was incorporated to her IV fluid.
evacuation of blood clot was done to manually expel retained placenta
fragments and uterus were massage to stimulate uterine contraction.
2. Mental and Emotional Status
After giving birth, the patient feels tired, overwhelmed, uncertain and
frustrated or anxious.

3. Environmental Status
The mother should
4. Sensor Status
a. Visual Status

b. Auditory

c. Olfactory Status

d. Gustatory Status

e. Tactile Status

5. Motor Status

6. Thermoregulatory Status

7. Respiratory Status

8. Circulatory Status

9. Nutritional Status

10. Elimination Status

11. Sleep, Rest and Comfort Status

12. Fluids and Electrolytes Status

13. Integumentary Status

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