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Title of Web Application

Summary completed by student and student

Purpose SS
Describe the purpose of the web application. What does it do for the teacher? Student? Parent?
The purpose for Remind is to allow the teacher to communicate appropriately with their students and parents. The teacher can
use an email account to set up a classroom, invite their students and parents, and begin communicating with them in a one-
way message board.

Link to an Overview Video SS

Getting Started for Teachers – This video gives an overview of how Remind is used for teachers. Teachers can reach students
and parents from any device when needed.

Features FS
Choose three most important tasks or features. Describe the classroom application for each task or feature. Why is this feature
or function important?
1. Remind allows the teacher to maintain and communicate with multiple of their classes. This is important in case the
teacher has a message to send throughout all their classes simultaneously.
2. The teacher can also send direct file links to their students and parents. This promotes virtual learning and learning outside
the classroom.
3. Remind has another feature where instead of a message to create conversation the teacher can send announcements.

Support Available FS
What types or formats of support are available? What is the quality of the resources? Is there a cost associated with any of the
support options? Does the company offer a certification in the use of the product?
The various types of support available are as follows: Online Help Center with a search bar for common solutions, an
Automated Chat Bot, and a Support Request Form. The online help center provides services like how to create a class or how to
add an owner and students, they also link articles on their tutoring options, account engagement and troubleshooting. The
chat bot can answer common questions but is still under construction and may not fully comprehend statements. The support
request form is a form inn which you provide your email and a summary of your request. These options are all free but Remind
does offer a paid promotion called Remind Hub. In this they aim leverage existing engagement, intricate your student
information center to consolidate classroom, school, and districts communication (What is Remind Hub?, YouTube). This
company as well does not require or offer a certification to use.

Key Resources with Description SS

1. Remind Quick-Start Guide- This website shows you how to use Remind. It shows you how to create an account and
classroom as well as how to join a class and leave a class. It also shows you how you can get access back into your account
if you forget your password.
2. Remind Toutorial- This video is an informational video on a tutorial on navigating Remind as a teacher trying to send
messages. It discusses how teachers can send students texts and/or emails through the app.
3. 10 Ways to use Remind in the Classroom- This website lists all the different ways you can use the Remind app other than
just for sending reminder texts to students. It discusses how teachers can send permission slips to students as well as
scheduling reminders about meetings for the class. Teachers can also send daily homework assignments through Remind
4. How to Use Remind App- This YouTube video is an educational video on how to use Remind. The video discusses how to
who the app effectively in the classroom as a teacher and a student.
5. What is Remind and How Does it Work for Teachers- This website talks about how the app is used for teachers in many
ways other than just to send out remind messages to students. It discusses the different ways teachers can navigate and
use the app.
6. Remind App Classroom Ideas- In this video a teacher who uses the Remind app discusses how she used the app in her
classroom to communicate with her students' parents to send out reminders about upcoming meetings or assignments
that they or their child needs to be aware of. This teacher has created a website, so parents and students have easy access
to login and create a account to stay connected through the app.
7. Online Tools for Teachers & Learning - This website lists online tools for teachers and learning. It says the Remind app, “has
more than 20 million users and is employed in more than 70% of public schools” (Remind, 2018). The website also says
how it could be beneficial for teachers to use it and that they should try it out.
Title of Web Application
Summary completed by student and student
8. Getting Started with Remind- This video shows you step by step on how to set up and use the app. It shows you how you
can add parents/students to your Remind classroom. This video is very helpful for someone struggling with knowing how
to get started on the app.
9. Reach Students and Parents When You Need To- This website opens to a PowerPoint on how to use Remind. It discusses
key features and ways to customize your Remind app.
10. What is Remind Hub?- In this educational video is discusses Remind Hub, the upgraded version of the Remind Chat option.
It discusses the different features and advancements to the previous features that the Remind Chat had.

Pricing Model SS
Describe the free and/or paid model used by the company. Include cost, major features, and any restrictions associated with each
For the regular free Remind Chat options that most teachers use you can have two-way, text-based messages, as well as app
integration, and are able to have 10 classes per account with 150 participants per class. This is an option to upgrade to the
Remind Hub feature where u get everything listed but can have 100 classes per account with 5,000 participants per class. You
also additionally get longer messages, administrator oversight and controls, and community engagement statistics. There are
also premium features that will come along with the upgrade like voice calling and urgent messaging as well as many other

Possible Improvements FS
Describe the possible improvement. Explain why this is a needed improvement.
1. A place of improvement for Remind would be with their common issue of people receiving false notifications. Reminds
only support for this for the user to check the All-Classes tab or confirm they are using the latest version of Remind.
2. Remind could also benefit from offering a video chat option similar to zoom or skype. This would turn their platform into
an all-exclusive package which only increases their presence in schools and districts.

Frequently Asked Questions FS

Question Answer
1. State the question  Provide the keywords used to locate the answer
How do I log in to my parent account?  Include the link to the answer.
Keywords: “Parent account log in”  Provide a summary of the answer.
Access the parent account your child's school created for you
The child’s school must purchase the Remind Hub in order for
the child to have a parent account to supervise it. Once
purchased an email will be sent from the administrator for
the parent to set up their account.
2. State the question  Provide the keywords used to locate the answer
How do I merge my old and new Remind accounts?  Include the link to the answer.
Keywords: “How to merge accounts”  Provide a summary of the answer.
Merge duplicate accounts
In order to merge remind accounts: log in and open account
settings. After, select notification pregerences and add device.
Enter the contact info for the former account and the
accounts will merge once submitted.
3. State the question  Provide the keywords used to locate the answer
Why can’t I access my account?  Include the link to the answer.
Keywords : “Account access”  Provide a summary of the answer.
I can’t access my account
In order to re-access an account you must open the provided
support link and enter the email or phone number associated
with the account. Upon submitting the link an email will be
sent for a password reset. Once the password is reset access
should be granted again.
4. State the question  Provide the keywords used to locate the answer
How do I leave an old class?
Title of Web Application
Summary completed by student and student
Keywords: “Leave Class”  Include the link to the answer.
How do I leave a class?  Provide a summary of the answer.
To leave a class you must log in and select the class that the
user wishes to leave. Upon clicking the information tab, a red
outlined box will be presented prompting the user to “Leave

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