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Identify the correct cognitive level needed for the situation.

1. A learner breaks down the sequence of processes inside a plant to understand photosynthesis.
2. A learner explains the steps in making a clubhouse sandwich in his/her own words.
3. A learner used a wind vane to check the wind direction in his/her house. Applying
4. A learner summarizes the character’s personality in his narrative report. Evaluating
5. A learner describes the characteristics of mammals. Evaluating
6. A learner modifies a formula in an MS Excel spreadsheet for faster generation and production of
data. Creating
Using the curriculum guide, create another cognitive objective for every learning competency. (3
examples each)
1. Recognizes sentences and non- sentence's
Cognitive objective:

 Practice the grammar skills involved in writing sentences

 Differentiate the sentences and non- sentences
 Evaluate the sentences provided
2. Make simple interpretations about the weather as recorded in the weather chart
Cognitive objective:

 Describe the factors of various types of weather

 Collect and organize data about various types of weather
 Compare the factors of different types of weather
3. Explain how to clean used tools and outfits before storing
Cognitive objective:

 Provide knowledge on the tools and outfit

 Learn how to cleanse the tools and outfit before storing
 Describe why it needs to clean before storing
1. What are the three domains of learning? Cognitive Affective Psychomotor
2. What does a cognitive object focus on? Mental Skills
3. What is the other name of cognitive objective? Knowledge objective
4. Enumerate the levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy of objectives (Traditional) Knowledge,
Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, Evaluation
5. Enumerate the levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy of objectives (Revised) Remembering,
Understanding, Application, Analysis, Evaluating, Creating
6. What are the steps in creating a cognitive objective?

 Study and examine the learning competency to be used. (Check the curriculum guide)
 Identify the cognitive level required for the learning competency.
a. Remembering b. Understanding c. Applying d. Analyzing e. Evaluating
f. Creating

 Choose the correct action word in creating the cognitive objective.

 Examine the cognitive objective is SMAR Specific


Identify the correct category of the affective domain observed in the following phenomena.
1. Learning Competency: Identifies the ways to beak the chain of infection
The learner follows the ways presented (e.g. washing hands, cleaning objects, etc.)
2. Learning Competency: Describes ways of caring for the mouth/teeth
The learner discusses the importance of brushing the teeth.
3. Learning Competency: Performs activities appropriate to the development of
one’s own talents and abilities
The learner performs activities for self-improvement.
4. Learning Competency: Discussing the participation of women in the Philippine
The learner synthesizes that woman can do great things too aside from doing household chores and caring
for the children.
5. Create an affective objective for every learning competency. State the category it belongs to
and explain.

Category Definition Example

Receiving Being conscious of or concerned The individual is reading a book
about something in the about global warming's effects.
Responding As a result of their experiences, The individual responds to
they have developed several questions regarding the global
new habits. warming book, then reads
another book by the same
author, this time about
extinction due to global
Valuing Demonstrating a level of This is demonstrated by the
participation or devotion. individual's willingness to attend
a global warming seminar.
Organization Including a new value in one's The individual organizes a
overall set of values and global warming summit.
assigning it a priority among
one's overall priorities.
Internalization Acting in accordance with the The individual is dedicated to
new value. the events and aspires to be an
environmental leader.

Make two (2) cognitive objectives using the learning competency given with 3 examples
1. A person demonstrate what he has learned on the fire prevention drill.
a. Apply b. Generalize c. construct

2. Recognizes the road to go for a road trip.

a. recalls b. describes c. identifies

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