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Question Bank of Unit-I and Unit-II

Discrete Mathematics
Q1. In a group of 1500 people 800 people talk in Hindi and 900 people talk in English then
how many people speak both Hindi and English.
Q2. In a survey of 60 students, it was found that 25 students read newspaper A, 26 read
newspaper B, 26 read newspaper C, 9 read both A and C, 11 read both A and B, 8 read both
B and C, 3 read all three newspapers. Find:
i) The number of students who read at least one of the newspapers.
(ii) The number of students who read exactly one newspaper.

Q3. In a city which population is 60000 there 35000 people read Hindi newspaper 25000
people read English newspaper and 8000 people read Hindi and English newspaper then how
many people not read any newspaper?
Q4. a) Show that for any two sets A and B , A − ( A  B)= A − B

b) Define the following with suitable examples:

i) Partition of a Set. ii) Multiset

Q5. Let U = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}, A = {1,2,3,4,5}, B = {4,5,6,7}, C = {5,6,7,8,9,10} and D

= {1,3,5,7,9,10}. Find the following:
(a) A U B (b) Complement of C
(c) C - D (d) (A - B) ∩ (A - C);
Q6. Let f(x) = x2+x and g(x) = x+1 then find fog and gof
Q7. Let A ={1,2,3,4} and let R={(1,1),(1,2),(2,1),(2,2),(3,4),(4,3),(3,3),(4,4)} Is R is an
equivalence relation? Verify your answer.
Q8. Use mathematical induction prove the followings:
i) 1+3+5+….+(2n-1) = n2
ii) n2+n is an even number, for every natural number n.
iii) the sum of the first n positive even integers is n2 + n.

Q9. Assign a truth value to each of the following statements.

i) 5 < 5 v 5 < 6

(ii) 5 x 4 = 21v 9+ 7 =17

(iii) 6+4=10 v 0>2

Q10. Construct a truth table for each compound proposition

(a) p (qq)
(b)(p  q)  ( p   q)

Q11. Prove that the following propositions are tautology

(a) p  p
(b) (p  q) q
(c) p ∧ (p → q) → q
Q12. Verify that the proposition p(qp) is a contradiction
Q13. Consider the following conditional statement:
i) If the flood destroy my house or the fires destroy my house, then my insurance company
will pay me. Write the converse, inverse and contrapositive of the statement.
ii) If X is a square the X is rectangle.
Q14. Write negations for each of the following statements.
i) (a) If P is a square, then P is a rectangle.
ii) all doctors wear glasses

iii) There is a box X such that X is Red.

Q15. Write the following statements in proposition

i) If either Jerry takes Calculus or Ken takes Sociology, then Larry will take English
ii) The crop will be destroyed if there is a flood
iii) The weather is cloudy or it is raining today.

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