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Tugas 1 Bahasa Inggris Niaga

Nama : Ivan Andra Laksa

NIM : 041465442

I take a essay To be First Mover in a business, you do not have to have

market analysis.

I think i dont agree with this statement. Because in market, there are many
types of products that consumers are interested in to fulfill their needs and
they want. Example, we sell a high product with expensive price in village. It
will be hard for the village people because they are more need a cheap price
with normal grade. Moreover, compare our product with competitors product
is important, so your products will not be less competitive when on the
market. Find all the advantages and disadvantages of competitor's products,
then implement them to the products you have so that you have a better
product than competitors.
Its a lot of benefits with know about market analysis. With market analysis, we
can know about how much it costs you to spend until your product is sold.
Knowing this, you may be able to make savings on some parts and cut costs
that are less effective. In the end, you can manage your finances more
effectively, so that you can get more profit without increasing the selling price
of the product.
I think the factor of success are refer to technological progress, economies of
scale, and efficient use of resources. These three elements must be able to
survive in every market condition.

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