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Physics ETP NMDCAT (50 Working Days)

Day # Topics # Unit # Unit Name Topics
1 1 Velocity
1 Displacement-time graph
Uniform acceleration
1 1
Variable acceleration
2 Graphical representation of acceleration with velocity time graph
Newton's laws of motion
1 1 Linear Momentum
3 Force and Motion
Law of conservation of momentum
Elastic collision
1 1
Elastic collision in one dimension
4 Elastic collision in one dimension under different cases
Projectile motion
Characteristics of projectile motion
1 1 Time of flight
Maximum height
5 Horizontal range
6 1 1 Unit-1 Test and Discussion
2 2 Kinetic energy
Potential energy
7 Work and Energy Gravitational potential energy
2 2 Work done against friction is dissipated as heat in environment
8 Implications of energy losses in practical devices
9 2 2 Unit-2 Test and Discussion
Angular displacement(Revolution, Degree, Radian)
3 3 Angular velocity
Angular Angular acceleration
Relation between linear and angular variables
Rotational and Circular Motion
3 3 Relation between linear and angular displacements
Relation between linear and angular velocities
11 Relation between linear and angular accelerations
12 3 3 Centripetal force (centripetal acceleration)
13 3 3 Unit-3 Test and Discussion
Progressive wave
Types of progressive waves(Transverse waves,Longitudinal waves)
Periodic waves(Transverse periodic waves, Longitudinal periodic waves)
4 4
Wave motion as illustrated by the vibrations in ropes and springs
Speed of sound in air
14 Principle of superposition
Interference of Sound waves
4 4 Stationary waves/ standing waves
15 Waves
Stationary waves in a stretched string/fundamental frequency and harmonics
Stationary waves in vibrating air colunm
4 4
16 Doppler effect
Simple harmonic motion (SHM)
Characteristics of simple harmonic motion
Instantaneous displacement
4 4
Time period
17 Frequency and Angular frequency
18 4 4 Unit-4 Test and Discussion

5 5 Thermal Energy is transferred from region of Higher temperature to region of lower temperature
19 Calculate the work done by thermodynamic system during a volume change
20 5 5 Thermodynamics First law of thermodynamics
Specific heat and Molar specific heat / specific heat capacity
5 5
21 Relation CP - CV =R
22 5 5 Unit-5 Test and Discussion
Coulomb’s Law(Coulomb’s law in material media)
6 6 Electric field and its intensity
23 Electric Field Lines
Electric field intensity due to an infinite sheet
of charge, Electric field intensity between two oppositely charged parallel plates
6 6
Electric potential
24 Electric Potential at a point due to point charge
Capacitor(Capacitance of a capacitor and its unit)
6 6
25 Capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor
Energy Stored in a Capacitor
6 6
26 Charging and Discharging a Capacitor
27 6 6 Unit-6 Test and Discussion
Describe the concept of steady current
OHM’s Law
7 7
Electrical resistance
28 Specific resistance or resistivity
Current Electricity Effect of temperature on resistance(Temperature coefficient of resistance or resistivity)
7 7 Internal resistance of source and consequences on external circuit
29 Describe condition for maximum power transfer
Electric power(Unit of electric power)
7 7
30 Kilowatt-hours
31 7 7 Unit-7 Test and Discussion
Magnetic field
8 8
32 Magnetic Flux and Magnetic Flux Density
Force acting on a charged particle in a uniform magnetic field.
8 8
33 Path followed by charge particle in magnetic field
Electromagnetic induction
9 8 Electromagnetism+
34 Faraday’s Law
Electromagnetic Induction
Lenz’s Law
Lenz's Law and conservation of energy
35 Generating electricity - Alternating Current Generator
36 9 8 Transformer
37 8 Unit-8 Test and Discussion
38 10 9 Rectification
39 11 9 Particle model of light in terms of Photon with particular energy and frequency
40 11 9 Electronics +Dawn of Modern Physics Interaction of Radiation with Matter (Basic Concept of Photo electric effect, Compton's effect, Pair Production )
41 11 9 De-Broglie Wavelength
42 9 Unit-9 Test and Discussion
43 12 10 Atomic Spectra/Line Spectrum
The atom to include protons, neutrons and electrons.(Atomic Nucleus)
13 10
44 Spontaneous and random nuclear decay/ the Law of Radioactive Decay
Atomic Spectra +
45 13 10 Half Life and rate of decay
Nuclear Physics
Biological effects of Radiation
13 10
46 Biological and Medical Uses of Radiation
47 10 Unit-10 Test and Discussion
48 FLP-1 Test Discussion
49 FLP-2 Test Discussion
50 FLP-3 Test Discussion
Regular (32 Working Days)
1 Introduction Introduction to NMDCAT
Agreement between subject and Verb/H.V, Agreement between subject word ‒ 1 and
2 V/H.V,
Agreement between subject word ‒ 2 and V/H.V, Two subject words joined by “and” and
Agreement Mistakes / Amount and Verb or Helping Verb
3 Adjective with Article “The” and Verb or Helping Verb
Agreement between Noun and Pronoun/ Agreement between Noun and Possessive
Contrast Signal Words, Synonym Signal Words, Cause & Effect, Defining Characteristics,
4 Key Words, 'Think of a the word that makes a common sense', Clues with Reference to the
Context, Placing & Replacing
(Synonyms + Antonyms + Sentence Completion-Vocab-Based, Spelling Mistakes)
Vocabulary Appalling, Astounded, Apparently, Attached to, Appraised, Alas, Abruptly, Accentuated,
(Words 1-50) Anxieties, Boon, Bewilderment, Briskly, Bead, Brimming, Baffling, Bashful, Beckoned,
Coveted, Credentials,
Combination ofCapacious, collided
words (General) with, Crudely,
, Combination Confront,
of words Compelled,
(Collocation Coaxed,
7 Combination of clauses (FAN BOYS), Combination of clauses (Subordinate Conjunction)
Combination of sentences (Conditional), Combination of sentences (Complex)
8 TEST & DISCUSSION Vocabulary (Words 1-50), Combination Mistakes
Miscellaneous Repetition or Doubling , Redundancy , Wordiness , Fragment, Run-On, Comma Splice
Mistakes Parallelism (Words, Phrase, Clause), Modifiers (Misplaced, Dangling, Squinting)
(Synonyms + Antonyms + Sentence Completion-Vocab-Based)
Eccentric, Excursion, Elaborate, Exasperation, Expansive, Exaggeration, Evaluates,
Fatality, Flicked, Flawlessly, Friction, Fluttered, Gingerly, Glistening, Glared, Groggy,
Vocabulary Heap, Hideous, Habitat, Haggard, Haphazardly, Harmony, Haughty, Havoc, Hearsay,
(Words 51-100) Intended, in vain, Illumination, Invariably, Irritable, Insinuated, Intently, Industry,
Intolerable, Imperceptibly, Judgment, Judicial, Junction, Juvenile, Jeopardy, Jealousy,
Jubilant, Kindred, Knack, Knickers, Knickknack, Likelihood, Labyrinth, Ludicrous, Limp
11 TEST & DISCUSSION Vocabulary (Words 51-100), Miscellaneous Mistakes
Regular and Irregular , Transitive and Intransitive ,The reflexive verbs, The subjunctive
12 Verb & Tenses
verbs, Gerund versus Infinitive, Infinitive “with to” and “without to”, The causative verb
13 Modifiers Adjective , Adverb
14 TEST & DISCUSSION Verb & Modifier
15 Omission, Commission, Overlapping, Difference in prepositions
Preposition Words followed by prepositions, Prepositions of location, Prepositions of time,
Prepositions of Agent
Noun and its plural, Noun and qualifying words, Noun and Possessive ‘s’ (genitive)
Noun and Collective Noun, Noun and Adjective with article ‘The’, Noun versus Verb
General use of a/an, General use of the, Article the with adjectives, Article 'The' with
Common Nouns
Article the and direction, Article 'The' with Proper Nouns, Zero Article/No Article
19 TEST & DISCUSSION Noun , Article and Preposition
(Synonyms + Antonyms + Sentence Completion-Vocab-Based)
Menaced, Mustered, Mean, Mass, Mounting, Minimum, Mayhem, Miniature, Mumbled,
Meditated, Moulded, Menacing, Nuisance, Naïve, Native, Nauseous, Negate, Negligence,
20 Nemesis, Neutral, Niggle, Opted for, on the wrong foot, Occasionally, Operation, Plopped,
(Words 101-150)
Presume, Precautions, Panting, Purchase, Persisted, Pensively, Prime, Placidly, Peered,
Propelling, Passion, Promptly, Practically, prone to, Paraphernalia, Prerogative, Path,
Precision, Pizzazz, Potential, Qualitative, Qualm, Quantitative, Quarrel
Case of Pronous, Relative Pronouns, Order of Pronouns, Order of Noun and Pronoun
21 Pronoun
Reflexive Pronoun, Reciprocal Pronoun, NO/Vague Pronoun
22 TEST & DISCUSSION Pronoun and Vocabulary 101-150
23 Punctuation Capitalization, Fullstop, Comma, semi colon, colon, Question Mark, Exclamatory
24 Direct and Indirect Declarative, Imperative, Introgative, Exclamatory, Optative
25 Active and Passive Voice All tensese (Present, Past, Future)Imperative, Conditional, Complex
26 TEST & DISCUSSION Direct and Indirect,Voice changing & Punctuation
Phrases and Clauses , Kinds of Phrases and Clauses, Kinds of Sentences (Simple, Compound, Complex,
Sentences Compound-Complex)
28 Identification of POS Noun, Pronoun, Adjective, Article, Verb, Adverb, Conjuction, Prepostion, Interjuction
(Synonyms + Antonyms + Sentence Completion-Vocab-Based)
Quench, Query, Queue, Quirk, Quiver, Quizzical, Quotation, Rituals, Reinforce,
Reprimanded, Riot, Reluctantly, Refuge, Regret, Rarely, Reproachful, Ragged, Revolving,
Vocabulary Resonant, swarmed up, Scenario, Swathe, Subsequently, struck up, String, Sternly,
(Words 151-208) Solemnly, Succulent, Shuffled, Sailed, Stunt, Sauntered, Splendor, sagged off, speckled
with, Stable, Tentatively, Tackle, Tumultuous, Tomfoolery, Tangle, Troughs, Tangled,
Urge, Unburdened, Unprovoked, Ventured, Vulnerable, Whipped, weighing up, Writhing,
Waft, Yearning, Yelp, Yield, Zealous, Zenith, Zest
30 TEST & DISCUSSION Identification of POS, Sentence Phrases, Clauses and Vocabulary (Word 151-208)
31 FLP-5
32 FLP-6
S.No. Day KIPS Unit TOPIC No. Topic Name Topic Detail

1 1 Introduction, Relative masses, Mole, Molar Volume

2 2 Calculation of Mass, Avogadro’s number, Determination of number of particles
3 3 1 1
Introduction to Fundamental Combustion analysis, E.F and M.F
Concepts of Chemistry
Stoichiometry, relationship,
4 4 limiting reactant , determination of limiting reactant
Yield & percentage yield
Discovery & Properties of positive rays
6 6
Plancks Quantum Theory
2 2 Atomic Structure Quantum numbers
7 7 Shapes of orbitals
Electronic configuration of elements
Properties of Gases,Gas laws
Boyle’s law
9 9 Charles’s law
Avogadro’s law
3 Gases General gas equation

Kinetic molecular theory of gases

10 10 Kinetic interpretation of temperature, Distinguish Between Real and Ideal Gases (Van der
Waals Eq)

Properties of liquids
Intermolecular forces (Van DER WAAL's Forces)
11 11 3 4 Liquids Evaporation, Vapor pressure, Boiling point and external pressure, Hydrogen Bonding and
Physical Properties,
Anomalous behavior of water

Types of solids
Crystalline solids
Properties of crystalline solids (All)
12 12 5 Solids Crystal lattice
Unit cell
Classification of solids
Ionic solids
Molecular solids
13 13 TEST UNIT 3
Reversible and irreversible reactions
State of chemical Equilibrium
14 14
Equilibrium constant Expression for Important reaction
Applications of equilibrium constant

The Le Chatelier’s principle

15 15 6 Chemcial Equilibrium
Synthesis of ammonia by Haber’s Process
Common Ion Effect
Buffer Solution
16 16
4 Equilibria of slightly soluble Ionic compounds
(Solubility product)
Rate of reaction
Determination of the rate of a chemical reaction
17 17 Specific rate constant or velocity constant
Units of rate constant
Order of reaction and its determination
Factors affecting rate of reaction
18 18 Explain what is meant by the terms activation energy and activated complex.
Relate the ideas of activation energy and the activated complex to the rate of a reaction
19 19 TEST UNIT 4
System, Surrounding and State function
Definitions of terms used in thermodynamics
20 20 Standard states and standard enthalpy changes
THERMOCHEMISTRY AND Energy in chemical reactions
8 ENERGECTICS OF CHEMICAL First Law of thermodynamics
Enthalpy of a reaction and its Types
21 21
Born-Haber cycle
Hess’s law of constant heat summation
Oxidative number or state
Oxidative state and balancing of Redox Equations
22 22
Balancing of redox equations by ion-electron method
Balancing redox equations by oxidation number change method
9 ELECTROCHEMISTRY Explanation of electrolysis (Predict the Product)
Standard electrode (redox) Potential
23 23 • Standard Hydrogen Electrode
• Standard Cell Potential
• Electrode Potential
24 24 TEST UNIT 5
Atomic Size
Trends in IE, EA and EN
Energetics of Bond Formation
Energetics of Bond Formation
25 25
Types of Bonds
Electrovalent or Ionic Bond
Covalent bond
Co-ordinate or dative Covalent Bond
6 10 CHEMICAL BONDING Shapes of simple molecules
The Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion theory
Postulates of VESPR theory
Applications of VSEPR theory
26 26 Sigma and Pi bond
Hybridization (sp3, sp2, sp)
Bond Energy
Bond Length
Ionic character of covalent bond (Dipole Moment)
27 27 TEST UNIT 6
a. Atomic Sizes
b. Atomic Radius
c. Ionic Radius
d. Ionization Energy
28 28
e. Electronegativity
f. Electron Affinity
11 s And p BLOCK ELEMENTS electropositivity or metallic character, melting
and boiling points , electrical conductivity
Group 2 Elements (Alkaline earth metals),Trends in reactivity
Reactions of Group IA with Water, Oxygen and Chlorine
29 29 Group 1 Elements (Alkali Metals),Trends in reactivity
7 Reactions of Group IIA with Water, Oxygen and Nitrogen
Reactions of Period 3 Elements with Water , Oxygen and Chlorine
General characteristics (All)
Describe electronic structure of elements and ions of d-Block Elements
• Chemistry of Transition Elements of 3d series:
30 30
a. Electronic Configuration
b. Variable Oxidation states
c. Uses as a Catalyst
d. Formation of Complexes
e. Colour of Transition Metal Complexes
31 31
Complexes Important Terminolgies
32 32 TEST UNIT 7
Define organic chemistry and organic compounds
33 33
FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS OF Classification of organic compounds
34 34
Explain Isomerism and its types
Classify hydrocarbon as aliphatic and aromatic
Describe nomanclatrue of alkane
Define free radical initiation, propagation and termination.
Describe the mechanism of free radical substitution in alkanes exemplified by methane and
35 35 ethane.
Explain dehydration of alcohols and dehydrohalogenation of RX for the preparation of
Describe the structure and reactivity
of alkenes as exemplified by ethene.
Explain the IUPAC nomanclature of alkene
Use the IUPAC naming system for alkynes.
Compare the reactivity of alkynes with alkanes, alkenes and arenes.
Discuss the shape of alkynes in terms of sigma and pi C-Cbonds.
36 36
Describe the preparation of alkynes using elimination reactions.
Describe acidity of alkynes.
Discuss chemistry of alkynes by hydrogenation, hydrohalogenation, hydration.
Describe and differentiate between substitution and addition reactions.

Benzene: Properties, Structure, Modern

Representation, Reactions, Resonance method,
Electrophilic substitution,
37 37
The molecular orbital treatment of benzene
Describe addition reactions of benzene and methyl benzene.
Describe the mechanism of electrophilic substitution in benzene.
38 38 TEST UNIT 8
Classification of alkyl halides
39 39 15 ALKYL HALIDES Reactions
Discuss Structure and Reactivity of Alkyl Halides
Mechanism of nucleophilic substitution reaction SN1, SN2, E1 and E2 reaction

Classification: Priamry, Secondary and tertiary alcohol
40 40 16 Nomanclatur
Describe the chemistry of alcohols by prepration of ether and esters
Physical properties
41 41
Differentiate between alcohol and phenol.
Explain nomenclature and structure of aldehydes and ketones.
42 42 Discuss the preparation of aldehydes and ketones
Describe reactivity of aldehydes and ketones and their comparison.
Describe acid and base catalyzed nucleophilic addition reactions of aldehydes andketones.
43 43 Discuss the chemistry of aldehydes and ketones by their reduction to alcohols.
Describe oxidation reactions of aldehydes and ketones.

44 44 TEST UNIT 9
Physical properties
Preparations of carboxylic acids
45 45 18 CARBOXYLIC ACIDS Reactivity
Describe the chemistry of carboxylic acids by conversion to carboxylic acid derivatives: acyl
halides, acid anhydrides, esters, amides
Reactions involving interconversion of carboxylic acid derivatives
Acidic Strength
Explain the basis of classification and structure-function relationship of proteins.
Describe the role of various proteins in maintaining body functions and their nutritional
Describe the role of enzymes as biocatalysts.

47 47 TEST UNIT 10
48 48 FLP-1 Full Syllabus
49 49 FLP-2 Full Syllabus
50 50 FLP-3 Full Syllabus
Biology ETP NMDCAT (50 Working Days)
Day # PMC Topics # KIPS Unit # Topics Practice Test/Objective Tests Discussion Lectures
Structure of A Generalized Cell
Comparison Between Typical Plant and Animal Cell
4 1
Cell wall
1 Plasma Membrane
4 1
Endoplasmic reticulum
2 Golgi apparatus
4 1 Vacuoles
3 Mitochondria
4 1 Nucleus
4 Comparison Between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells
5 Unit-1 Unit-1
Introduction to biological molecules
3 2
6 Water
7 3 2 Carbohydrates
3 2
8 Lipids
Nucleic acids (RNA)
3 2
9 Conjugated molecules
Introduction/Characteristics of enzymes
Mechanism of enzyme action (Models)
7 2
Factors effecting rate of enzymes action
10 Enzyme inhibition
11 Unit-2 Unit-2
2 3 Role of light and photosynthetic pigments
12 Role of water and CO2
Light dependent reactions (Production of ATP
2 3 via ETC/Chemiosmosis)
13 Light independent reaction
Cellular respiration (Aerobic and Anaerobic Reactions)
2 3
14 Glycolysis
Pyruvic acid oxidation, Kerbs cycle
2 3
15 Respiratory chain and Oxidative phosphorylation
16 Unit-3 Unit-3
Modes of nutrition/parasitic nutrition
Carnivorous plants
9 4 FLP-1 Q-1 (1-3) FLP-1 Q-1 (1-3)
Human Digestive system
17 Digestion in Oral Cavity
Digestion in Stomach
9 4 Digestion in Small Intestine and Accessory Glands
18 Digestion in Large intestine

9 4 Human respiratory system

19 Mechanism of Breathing
Transport of Respiratory Gases
9 4 Respiratory Pigments
20 Role of surfactant
Uptake and transport of minerals and water
9 5 Uptake of Water by roots Unit-4 Unit-4
21 Water Potential
Ascent of sap
9 5
22 Translocation of organic solutes
Blood circulatory system (Blood)
9 5 Structure of Human Heart
Cardiac cycle and ECG
9 5 Blood Vessels
24 Blood Pressure and Rate of Blood flow
Lymphatic system
9 5
25 Immune system
Steps involved in Nervous Coordination
Sensory Receptors and Their Working
5 6 Neurons (Structure and Types) Unit-5 Unit-5
Reflexes and Reflex Arc
26 Nerve Impulse
5 6 Central Nervous System (Brain+Spinal Cord) FLP-2 Q-2 (4-5) FLP-2 Q-2 (4-5)
27 Peripheral Nervous System
Hormones- The chemical Messengers
Endocrine System of Man (Hypothalamus)
5 6
Pituitary Gland
28 Thyroid Gland

Parathyroid Gland
5 6 Adrenal Glands
29 Hormonal Feedback Mechanism
Male Reproductive System
11 7 Unit-6 Unit-6
30 Female Reproductive System
Menstrual cycle
11 7
31 Sexually Transmitted Diseases
12 7
32 Joints
Joints Discorders (Gout and Arthritis)
12 7
33 Comparison of Muscles Types
Structure and Ultra-stucture of Skeletal Muscles
12 7
34 Sliding Filament Model and Energy for Muscle Contarction
35 Unit-7 Unit-7
Classification of viruses
Discovery of viruses
1 8 Structure of viruses FLP-3 Q-3 (6-7) FLP-3 Q-3 (6-7)
Viral diseases
36 HIV
Bacteria (Size and Shape)
10 8
37 Bacterial Cell Structures
Bacterial cell wall
10 8
38 Importance and control of bacteria
39 Unit-8 Unit-8
Introduction, grade radiate, grade bilateria
Diploblastic and triploblastic organization
6 9
Classification according to coelom (body cavity)
40 Protostomes, deuterostomes
Invertebrate Phylums
6 9
41 Vertebrate Phylums
42 Unit-9 Unit-9
Basic Terms
13 10 Mendelian Inheritance
43 Law of Segregation
Law of independent assortment
13 10
44 Multiple Alleles (ABO blood group System)
Genen linkage and c rossing over
13 10 Sex Linkage in Drosophila
45 Sex Linkage in Humans (Hemophilia)

Concepts of Evolution
8 10 Darwanism
Evidences of Evolution

47 Unit-10 Unit-10
FLP-4 Q-4 (8-10) FLP-4 Q-4 (8-10)
48 FLP-5 FLP-5
49 FLP-6 FLP-6
50 FLP-7 FLP-7
Day Topic # Topic Name
1 Introduction to Logical Reasoning
2 Numerical (Number) Series
3 Alphabetical (Letter) Series
1 Letters and Symbol Series
4 Alphanumeric Series
5 Symbol (Figure) Series
6 Test and Discussion Topic 1
7 Deductive Logics (Syllogisms)
8 Statements and Conclusions via Circles
2 Logical Problems
9 Practice Questions
10 Test and Discussion Topic 2
11 Deductions from Short Passages
12 3 Logical Deductions Matrix/Tabular Based Passages
13 Test and Discussion Topic 3
14 Decision Making
15 4 Course of Action Logically follows Course of Actions
16 Test and Discussion Topic 4
17 Causes and Effects of Events
18 Causes and Effects Reasoning
5 Cause and Effect
19 Practice Questions
20 Test and Discussion Topic 5
21 Pasages Based Conclusions
22 Inferences
6 Critical Thinking
23 Practice Questions
24 Test and Discussion Topic 6

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