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Volume change behaviour of saturated clays under drained heating conditions:

Experimental results and constitutive modeling

Article  in  Canadian Geotechnical Journal · August 2007

DOI: 10.1139/t07-031


78 453

4 authors:

D.T Bergado Abdelmalek Bouazza

Asian Institute of Technology Monash University (Australia)


R. Gunturi Hossam Abuel-Naga

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi La Trobe University


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Volume change behaviour of saturated clays

under drained heating conditions: experimental
results and constitutive modeling
H.M. Abuel-Naga, D.T. Bergado, A. Bouazza, and G.V. Ramana

Abstract: One of the essential features of thermomechanical behaviour of saturated fine-grained soils is the thermally induced
volume change occurring under a drained heating condition. In this study, a modified oedometer apparatus, able to handle tem-
peratures up to 100 8C, was used to investigate the thermally induced volume change behaviour of soft Bangkok clay. The re-
sults of this experimental study provide additional experimental evidence and insights that may enhance the understanding of
volume change behaviour of saturated clays at elevated temperatures. This paper also introduces an isotropic thermoelastoplas-
tic constitutive model that closely predicts the thermally induced volume change behaviour of saturated clay specimens under
normally consolidated conditions as well as overconsolidated conditions obtained by unloading process in the temperature
range of 20–95 8C. Two yield limits, namely: loading yield limit and thermal yield limit, each of which can be measured from
simple experimental results, are proposed to capture the volumetric plastic strain behaviour induced either by mechanical or
thermal loading (or any combination thereof). The capability of the proposed model has been verified against experimental re-
sults obtained on soft Bangkok clay as well as on two other clays (Boom clay and MC clay) as reported in the literature.
Key words: thermomechanics, volume change, yielding, thermoplasticity, clays, modeling.
Résumé : Une des caractéristiques essentielles du comportement thermomécanique des sols saturés à grains fins est le
changement de volume induit par les variations thermiques se produisant dans un condition de réchauffement drainée.
Dans cette étude, on a utilisé un appareil oedométrique modifié pouvant tolérer des températures jusqu’à 100 8C pour étu-
dier le comportement du changement de volume induit par des variations thermiques de l’argile de Bangkok. Les résultats
de cette étude expérimentale fournit une évidence expérimentale additionnelle et des éclaircissements qui peuvent amélio-
rer la connaissance du comportement à des températures élevées du changement de volume des argiles saturées. Cet article
introduit également un modèle de comportement isotrope thermoélastoplastique qui prédit de près le comportement en
changement de volume induit par des variations thermiques de spécimens d’argile saturée sous des conditions normalement
consolidées de même que surconsolidées obtenues durant le processus de déchargement sous des températures de 20 8C à
95 8C. On propose deux limites élastiques, nommément : la limite élastique en chargement et la limite élastique thermique,
chacune pouvant être mesurée en partant d’essais expérimentaux simples pour capter le comportement de déformation vo-
lumétrique plastique induit soit par chargement mécanique ou par chargement thermique (ou quelle qu’autre combinaison).
Le potentiel du modèle proposé a été vérifié par les résultats expérimentaux obtenus sur l’argile molle de Bangkok de
même que sur deux autres argiles (argile de Boom et l’argile MC) comme en fait foi la littérature.
Mots-clés : thermomécanique, changement de volume, déformation élastique, thermoplasticité, argiles, modélisation.
[Traduit par la Rédaction]

Introduction clay; Boom clay; Pasquasia clay; Spanish clays) by Houston

et al. (1985), Baldi et al. (1988), Hueckel and Baldi (1990),
The thermomechanical behaviour of clays has been investi- Del Olmo et al. (1996), and Hueckel and Pellegrini (2002) to
gated over the past two decades primarily because of in- investigate their response as a host geological formation for
creased interest in using clay (bentonite) as a barrier material radioactive waste disposal. Towhata et al. (1993), Lingnau et
in nuclear waste disposal facilities. In this respect, extensive al. (1995), Tanaka et al. (1997), and Cekerevac and Laloui
experimental work has been carried out on the thermohydro- (2004) studied the thermomechanical behaviour of artificial
mechanical behaviour of some deep clays (e.g., Pacific Ocean clays to evaluate their performance as buffers for nuclear

Received 17 August 2005. Accepted 19 March 2007. Published on the NRC Research Press Web site at on 18 September
H.M. Abuel-Naga and A. Bouazza. Department of Civil Engineering, Building 60, Monash University, Melbourne, Vic. 3800,
D.T. Bergado.1 Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, School of Civil Engineering, Asian Institute of Technology, P.O. Box
4, Khlong Luang, Pathumthani 12120, Thailand.
G.V. Ramana. Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Hauz Khas, New Delhi – 110 016, India.
1Corresponding author (e-mail:

Can. Geotech. J. 44: 942–956 (2007) doi:10.1139/T07-031 # 2007 NRC Canada

Abuel-Naga et al. 943

waste containers. These studies have conclusively shown that Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the modified oedometer apparatus.
the volumetric change of saturated fine-grained soils sub-
jected to temperatures less than the boiling point of water
(100 8C) depend on the stress history. A thorough review of
this fundamental mechanistic behaviour has been presented
by Laloui (2001). Recently, Abuel-Naga et al. (2006) intro-
duced a new application for the thermomechanics of soils in
ground improvement. An extensive study was conducted to
investigate the validity and efficiency of an innovative ther-
mal technique capable of enhancing the performance of pre-
fabricated vertical drains in soft Bangkok clay with a view
towards improving its strength and hydraulics properties.
Thermomechanical models, which reproduce most of the
observed behaviour of the saturated clays at increased temper-
atures, have been developed by several researchers. Hueckel
and Borsetto (1990) developed one of the first thermomechan-
ical constitutive models by modifying the well-known Cam-
Clay model to take into account thermoelastoplastic (TEP)
behaviour. They employed the thermal evolution of the yield
limit at constant plastic strain condition to model the irrever-
sible effect induced by temperature. Robinet et al. (1996) sub-
sequently modified this model by attributing the thermal thermocouple, a water tank, and a thermocontroller unit with
evolution of the yield limit to irreversible expansion thermal an accuracy of ±0.1 8C. The temperature of the consolida-
strain. Cui et al. (2000) added a volumetric thermal plastic tion specimen is increased indirectly by heating the water in
mechanism, within the framework proposed by Hueckel and the annular space between the outer ring of the oedometer
Borsetto, to predict thermal plastic strain at overconsolidated and the specimen ring. A K-type thermocouple placed in
state. Graham et al. (2001) also introduced a nonisothermal the oedometer annulus space (to avoid specimen disturb-
modified Cam-Clay model within the framework of Hueckel ance) is used for temperature measurements and as the feed-
and Borsetto. Laloui and Cekerevac (2003) developed a ther- back signal for the thermocontroller unit. Calibration tests,
moplastic model, based on multisurface plasticity, wherein a using two thermocouples installed in the center of the speci-
one-parameter equation is used to capture the thermal evolu- men and in the annular space, showed that the time to attain
tion of the preconsolidation pressure. In addition, some ther- the required temperature increase at the center of the consol-
momechanical constitutive models consider the effect of idation specimen was ~25 min as illustrated in Fig. 2.
temperature on viscous behaviour and cyclic loading. Laloui The thermal deformation of the oedometer apparatus due
(1993), and Modaressi and Laloui (1992, 1997) proposed cy- to the nonisothermal test conditions was calibrated. The
clic thermoviscoelastoplastic constitutive models. thermal vertical dilatation of the oedometer apparatus was
The present research consists of two parts. The first part measured at different stress levels and used to correct the
addresses the results of a well designed experimental study measured readings under nonisothermal conditions during
conducted on soft Bangkok clay to investigate temperature actual tests. In addition, the diametrical strain of the oedom-
induced volumetric behaviour using a modified oedometer, eter ring was measured at different temperature levels. The
which can handle temperatures up to 100 8C. The testing constant volume assumption was then used to express the
equipment, test specimen, and experimental program are de- thermal diametrical expansion in an equivalent vertical de-
scribed in detail, and the experimental results are presented formation. Taking into consideration the effect of soil par-
and discussed. In the second part, an isotropic thermoelastic- ticle dilation, the calculated error in the void ratio due to
plastic constitutive model is proposed, which reproduces the the thermal diametrical strain of the oedometer ring was
experimentally observed thermally induced volume change found to be insignificant. Similar conclusions were reported
behaviour of saturated clays in the temperature range of 20– by Towhata et al. (1995) and Romero et al. (2003) when
95 8C. The model is original in that it is able to simulate the performing nonisothermal oedometric consolidation tests.
thermally induced irreversible volumetric compressive be-
haviour at low overconsolidation stress ratios obtained by Test specimen and experimental program
an unloading process using few model parameters. The ad-
equacy of the proposed model is verified using the test re- Natural soft Bangkok clay, obtained from 3.0 to 4.0 m
sults obtained in soft Bangkok clay and two other clays as depth, was used in this study. Table 1 shows its physical
reported in the literature, namely: Boom clay (Baldi et al. properties. The mineralogical composition as reported by
1991), and MC clay (Towhata et al. 1993). Ohtsubo et al. (2000) using X-ray diffraction (XRD) shows
that soft Bangkok clay consists of smectite (montmorillonite
and illite) ranging from 54% to 71% with kaolinite (28% to
Test equipment 36%) and minor mica.
The modified oedometer (Fig. 1) used in the present study The objective of the experimental work was to investigate
consists of a conventional oedometer apparatus, a ring the volumetric change and consolidation behaviour of soft
heater that is attached to the outer oedometer ring, a K-type Bangkok clay under elevated temperatures from an ambient
# 2007 NRC Canada
944 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 44, 2007

Fig. 2. Temperature change of hot water in the annular space of the Table 1. Physical properties of soft Bangkok clay.
oedometer apparatus and the soil sample during heating. Liquid limit (%) 103
PI 60
Water content (%) 90–95
Liquidity index 0.62
Grain size distribution
Clay (%) 69
Silt (%) 28
Sand (%) 3
Total unit weight (kN/m3) 14.3
Dry unit weight (kN/m3) 7.73
Specific gravity 2.68
Specific surface area (m2/g)* 237
*Estimated using the empirical relationship of Chapuis and
Aubertin (2003).

soil specimen temperature of 22 8C. Thus, two types of ther- Experimental results and discussion
momechanical loading paths were adopted. The first path,
referred to as the thermal loading path, involved changing Thermally induced volume change
the soil temperature at constant stress condition to obtain The thermally induced volumetric strain of soft Bangkok
the soil response as a function of temperature. To investigate clay specimens is shown in Fig. 3. The specimens were con-
the thermally induced volume change at different stress con- solidated under a vertical stress equal to 200 kPa and un-
ditions when subjected to cyclic temperature (22 to 90 to loaded to different stress histories (OCR = 1, 2, 4, 8) prior
22 8C), 12 specimens with different preconsolidation pres- to the application of a drained incremental heating–cooling
sures (100, 200, 300 kPa) and overconsolidation ratios (1, cycle of 22 to 90 to 22 8C. In terms of volumetric strains,
2, 4, 8) were tested under a thermal loading path. The over- the normally consolidated clays contracted irreversibly and
consolidated specimens were obtained by unloading the soil nonlinearly upon heating, whereas the highly overconsoli-
specimen from its normally consolidated state. Moreover, to dated clays exhibited reversible expansion. The effect of
study thermally induced overconsolidation behaviour at dif- stress history on the thermally induced volume change at
ferent temperature cycles and stress levels, nine normally constant elevated temperatures is depicted in Fig. 4 for the
consolidated specimens at different preconsolidation pres- clay with a preconsolidation pressure of 100 kPa. It can be
sures (100, 200, 300 kPa) were subjected to different tem- seen that with increasing OCR, the magnitude of the ther-
perature cycle levels (22 to 50 to 22 8C, 22 to 70 to 22 8C, mally induced contraction volumetric strain decreased and
22 to 90 to 22 8C) before increasing their consolidation then gradually started to show a dilative behaviour beyond
pressure incrementally to determine the effect of tempera- a certain OCR value. Similar behaviour has been reported
ture cycling on the preconsolidation pressure. by Del Olmo et al. (1996) for three deep clays, namely;
The second path, referred to as the isothermal mechanical Boom clay, Pasquasia clay, and Spanish clay. Figure 5
loading path, involved application of a mechanical load to compares the temperature induced volumetric strain with
clay specimens at constant elevated temperature to investi- the plasticity index (PI) of different types of normally con-
gate the thermal behaviour of the consolidation curve. This solidated clays that were subjected to temperature change,
path brings out the effect of temperature on the preconsoli- T & 65–70 8C. For the soft Bangkok clay with a PI of
dation pressure, size of the elastic domain, and the slopes of 60, the measured volumetric strain of approximately 6% is
both the compression and the swelling lines. Eight overcon- in line with the reported trend. The thermally induced
solidated specimens (overconsolidation ratio (OCR) is equal changes in void ratio at different overconsolidation ratios
to 12) at different ambient preconsolidation pressures (100, and preconsolidation pressures are shown in Fig. 6. Based
200 kPa) and temperature levels (22, 50, 70, 90 8C) were on the results obtained it can be postulated that thermally
tested using this path. The mechanical consolidation pres- induced void ratio changes are independent of the magni-
sure was increased up to 2–3 times that of the ambient pre- tude of the applied stress.
consolidation pressure.
During the drained heating phase of the different experi- Thermally induced overconsolidation behaviour
ments, there should be no temperature induced excess pore The thermally induced overconsolidation behaviour of the
pressure. This can be achieved by using either of two meth- normally consolidated soft Bangkok clay specimen under
ods: the first involving application of a very low heating 100 kPa vertical effective stress, following a drained heating–
rate under computer controlled zero pore pressure condition cooling cycle of 22 to 90 to 22 8C, is depicted in Fig. 7a.
(Del Olmo et al. 1996); and the second involving raising the The result shows that subjecting a normally consolidated
temperature incrementally until the volume change under specimen to a heating–cooling cycle induces an apparent
the current temperature is stabilized (Towhata et al. 1993; overconsolidation state; consequently, further loading will
Delage et al. 2000). The second approach has been adopted be required to reach the yielding mode again. Figure 7b
in this study. shows the temperature induced overconsolidation behaviour
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Fig. 3. Thermally induced volumetric strain of soft Bangkok clay; Fig. 4. (a) Effect of OCR on the thermally induced volumetric
preconsolidation pressure is equal to 200 kPa. strain of soft Bangkok clay. (b) Detailed results at high OCR va-

overconsolidated zone changes. However, it should be noted

that the preconsolidation pressure is not affected.
The thermal behaviour of the compression line denotes
the reduction of the elastic zone at elevated temperatures.
This behaviour can conveniently be expressed through the
thermal evolution of the preconsolidation pressure at con-
stant plastic strain condition, as shown in Fig. 9, where the
swelling line ðÞ represents the constant plastic strain condi-
tion in the e – log(p) plane. Figure 10a shows the thermal
evolution of preconsolidation pressure, pc(T), of soft Bang-
kok clay at constant plastic strain condition of specimens
of the normally consolidated specimens under different ver- tested with different ambient preconsolidation pressures
tical effective stress levels of 100, 200, and 300 kPa and (100, 200 kPa). Normalization of the results to the ambient
subjected to different temperature cycle levels of 22 to 50 preconsolidation pressure (pc(To)) shows that the thermal
to 22 8C, 22 to 70 to 22 8C, and 22 to 90 to 22 8C. Based evolution behaviour of preconsolidation pressure at constant
on the results obtained, it can be concluded that the ther- plastic strain can be considered to be independent of stress
mally induced overconsolidation behaviour is independent level (Fig. 10b).
of the magnitude of the applied vertical effective stress.

Isothermal consolidation at different temperatures

Constitutive modeling of thermomechanical
The consolidation curves of overconsolidated soft Bang- volumetric strain
kok clay specimens at different elevated temperatures (22, This section presents an isotropic constitutive TEP model
70 8C) are plotted in Fig. 8. The specimens were consoli- that is able to reproduce thermally induced volume changes
dated under 200 kPa and then unloaded to OCR = 10 at of saturated clay specimens under both normally consoli-
room temperature conditions, after which they were reloaded dated and overconsolidated conditions, obtained by an un-
incrementally at designated temperatures. The results reveal loading process, in the temperature range of 20–95 8C. The
that at elevated temperatures, the compression line of soft proposed model decomposes the volumetric strain, "v , into
Bangkok clay shifts to the left with approximately similar two components, namely: a reversible component of strain,
slope ðÞ, and the slope of the swelling line ðÞ in the lightly "ev , and an irreversible component of strain, "pv . Both types
# 2007 NRC Canada
946 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 44, 2007

Fig. 5. Plasticity index of soil and temperature induced volumetric Fig. 6. Effect of stress level on thermally induced void ratio
strain of different normally consolidated clays (T & 65–70 8C, changes for soft Bangkok clay at different OCR values.
To & 20–25 8C).

Bangkok clay and two other clay types reported in the lit-
erature was determined at different stress levels, as shown
in Fig. 11. The results indicated that the effect of stress
level on the drained thermal expansion coefficient can be
expressed using the following relation:
of strains can be induced either by mechanical loading or d dp
thermal loading. Estimation of each strain component based ½2 ¼b
on the proposed TEP model is discussed in the following
sections. where b is a soil parameter that is a function of the micro-
scopic and mineralogical configuration of the tested clay.
On the other hand, the incremental volumetric elastic strain
Modeling of thermomechanical elastic
v ) due to mechanical loading can be estimated using the
volumetric strain classical Cam-Clay model form as follows:
Previous researchers (Hueckel and Borsetto 1990; Cui et  
al. 2000; Laloui and Cekerevac 2003) interpreted the volu- eL  dp
½3 d"v ¼
metric compressive strain due to cooling and the expansive 1 þ eo p
volumetric strain due to the heating process as thermal elastic
where eo and  are the initial void ratio and the slope of the
behaviour. Moreover, test results of highly overconsolidated
swelling line, respectively.
specimens during drained heating exhibited nonlinear elastic
expansive volumetric strain behaviour (Baldi et al. 1988;
Towhata et al. 1993; Robinet et al. 1996). To take this into Thermomechanical plastic volumetric
account, a simple nonlinear form has been adopted to express mechanism
the incremental elastic volumetric strain (d"eT
v ) due to ther- The classical plastic constitutive model requires the exis-
mal load as follows: tence of a mechanical loading elastic zone, within which
dT only purely elastic strains can be generated. To include the
½1 d"eT
v ¼  temperature effect in the framework of the elastic–plastic
T theory a thermomechanical elastic zone must be defined.
where  is the drained volumetric thermal expansion coeffi- This zone corresponds to the space where any change in the
cient of clay, which can be determined using a back calcula- soil temperature or the effective stress or both, inside it, will
tion technique (eq. [1]). The thermally induced volume induce only elastic strain. The thermoplastic constitutive
change results of highly overconsolidated specimens and cy- models of Hueckel and Borsetto (1990) and Robinet et al.
cles of heating and cooling of a normally consolidated clay (1996) defined the thermomechanical elastic domain using
(second cycle and onward) can be used in this process. the thermal evolution of preconsolidation pressure at con-
Hueckel and Borsetto (1990) and Laloui (1993) have shown stant plastic strain condition. Therefore, at constant stress
that the drained volumetric thermal expansion coefficient is condition, these thermoplastic models induce reversible
a function of effective stress. The coefficient  for soft volumetric strain for any thermal path located within the
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Fig. 7. (a) Effect of temperature cycling on the overconsolidation Fig. 8. Consolidation curve of soft Bangkok clay at different tem-
value of a normally consolidated specimen at a preconsolidation peratures (preconsolidation pressure at ambient temperature is
pressure of 100 kPa. (b) Thermally induced overconsolidation be- 200 kPa).
haviour of normally consolidated soft Bangkok clay at different
stress and cyclic temperature levels.

Fig. 9. Determination of the thermal evolution of the elastic zone at

constant plastic strain condition. NCL, normal consolidation line.

(2000) suggested the existence of another yield limit within

the conventional yield limit domain. The proposed new
yield limit was referred to as the thermal yield limit (TY)
while the conventional yield limit is referred to as the load-
ing yield limit (LY). A similar approach was adopted in this
proposed thermal elastic domain. Subsequently, irreversible study. However, as demonstrated in the following sections,
volumetric strain is induced when the thermal path becomes different concepts with less soil parameters were used.
totally or partially outside the thermally elastic zone, due to
the strain hardening behaviour to keep the stress point ad- Thermal yield limit
missible as per the theory of plasticity. Experimental results reported by different researchers on
Cui et al. (2000) have shown that the thermal evolution of different types of saturated clays show that the thermally in-
preconsolidation pressure at constant plastic strain does not duced volumetric strain at a constant elevated temperature de-
sufficiently describe the thermal elastic domain of Boom pends primarily on the stress history (OCR) as shown in
clay. The experimental results on soft Bangkok clay also at- Figs. 4 and 12. As the soil changes from the normally consoli-
test to this fact. The irreversible thermally induced volumet- dated state to the overconsolidated state, the thermally induced
ric compressive strain at OCR = 2 as shown in Fig. 3b contractive volumetric strain keeps decreasing and beyond a
cannot be explained by the thermomechanical elastic domain certain OCR value it exhibits dilative behaviour. Hueckel and
as depicted in Fig. 10b since its thermal path (22–90 8C) is Baldi (1990) interpreted the thermally induced volumetric
completely inside the proposed thermal elastic domain. Con- strain as thermoelastic when it is dilative or thermoplastic
sequently, the expected temperature induced volume change when it is contractive. Thus, the results plotted in the "Tv –OCR
should be reversible. To overcome this difficulty, Cui et al. plane can be used to detect the TY at different elevated tem-
# 2007 NRC Canada
948 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 44, 2007

Fig. 10. Thermal evolution of the preconsolidation pressure at con- Fig. 11. Effect of stress level on the drained volumetric thermal
stant plastic strain condition: (a) test results of different ambient expansion coefficient.
preconsolidation pressure; and (b) normalization with ambient pre-
consolidation pressure for soft Bangkok clay.

Fig. 12. Effect of OCR on the temperature induced volume change

for different types of clay from the literature.

peratures as shown in Fig. 13a. The OCR value at the intersec-

tion point of the two linear parts of the "Tv –OCR curve indi-
cates the stress condition that separates the thermoelastic
behaviour from TEP behaviour at certain elevated tempera-
tures. The OCR value at this point is equal to (pc(To)/pT(T)),
where pc(To) is the mechanical loading preconsolidation pres-
sure at room temperature (To), and pT(T) is the TY at elevated
temperature (T). Detecting pT at different elevated tempera-
tures (e.g., T1, T2, etc.,) will determine the evolution of the TY
with temperature as shown in Fig. 13b.
The TYs of soft Bangkok clay and two other clay types
reported in the literature have been detected using the pro-
posed method as shown in Fig. 14. The results show that
the proposed TY shrinks with the heating process. More-
over, at room temperature, the results also indicated that the
proposed TY coincides with the LY (pc(To) = pT(To)). The
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Fig. 13. Determination of the thermal yield limit at different tem- Fig. 14. Thermal yield limit for different clays at elevated tempera-
perature levels. tures.

evolution of the TY can be expressed as a nonlinear func-

tion with only one modeling parameter as follows:
pc ðTo Þ TY T
½4 ¼ ln þ1
pT ðTÞ To

where  TY is the evolution parameter depending on soil

type. Figure 14 shows an excellent agreement between the
proposed equation and the experimental results for different
types of clay. Figure 15 depicts the evolution of the TY at
different values of TY .

Loading yield limit

The LY expresses the conventional yield limit, which can
be determined using the classical preconsolidation pressure
concept. The preconsolidation pressure of soft Bangkok
clay shows temperature independency during a heating
phase, as shown in Fig. 8, and shows apparent increase dur-
ing a cooling phase as shown in Fig. 7. The temperature in- temperatures up to 20–25 8C; above this temperature level
dependent behaviour during the heating phase is supported the preconsolidation pressure is approximately constant and
by the previous experimental results reported by Eriksson independent of temperature as shown in Fig. 16.
(1989), Boudali et al. (1994), and Moritz (1995), which On the other hand, at constant plastic condition, the pre-
show a decrease in preconsolidation pressure with increasing consolidation pressure decreases as the soil temperature in-
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Fig. 15. Evolution of thermal yield limit with temperature for dif- Fig. 17. Thermal evolution of preconsolidation pressure at constant
ferent values of  TY . plastic strain condition for different types of clay.

Fig. 16. Thermal evolution of yield limit (preconsolidation pres-


ures 10b and 17 show reasonable agreement between the ex-

perimental and the predicted results, using eq. [5], for soft
creases as shown in Fig. 10. The nonlinear form introduced Bangkok clay and two other clay types reported in the lit-
by Laloui and Cekerevac (2003) to simulate the thermal erature, respectively. Moreover, eq. [5] also shows accepta-
evolution of preconsolidation pressure was used in this study ble performance for predicting the thermally induced
to express the thermal evolution of preconsolidation pressure overconsolidation behaviour of soft Bangkok clay, as shown
at constant plastic condition as follows: in Fig. 7b. Therefore, eq. [5] can be used to predict the ther-
   mal evolution of preconsolidation pressure at constant plastic
pc ðTÞ LY T strain condition under either heating or cooling processes.
½5 ¼1 log
pc ðTo Þ To
Modeling of thermomechanical plastic
where pc(To) and pc(T) are the preconsolidation pressure at
room temperature (To) and at the tested temperature (T), re- volumetric strain
spectively, at constant plastic strain condition. The term  LY Since the experimental evidence shows the existence of
is the model parameter that depends on the soil type. Fig- two yield limits (LY and TY), two plastic volumetric mech-
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anisms are required to express the plastic volumetric behav- Fig. 18. Conceptual scheme of the proposed thermomechanical
iour at elevated temperatures. Iwan (1967) introduced a one- plastic model
dimensional series–parallel plastic model that involves mul-
tiplastic volumetric mechanisms. It consists of a number of
plastic units, N, in series combination. Each plastic unit con-
sists of a slip element with sliding resistance force, Fi , (rep-
resenting yield limit), and a perfectly elastic spring element
with modulus, Ei, (representing hardening behaviour) in a
parallel arrangement. Then, upon loading up to F, the plastic
strain of each unit, "i can be estimated as follows:
½6 "i ¼ 0:0 0  F  F i ði ¼ 1; 2; . . . NÞ

F  Fi
½7 "i ¼ F  Fi
The proposed thermoplastic model was formulated under
the framework of the model developed by Iwan (1967).
Two plastic units were employed, as shown in Fig. 18,
where their sliding resistance and elastic modulus are tem-
perature dependent. The first unit represents the plastic
mechanism generated by LY (pc) while the second unit rep-
resents the plastic mechanism generated by TY (pT). The
proposed thermoplastic model was developed in a stress–
strain relationship rather than a force–strain relationship as
presented earlier in eqs. [6] and [7].
The two yield limits for the isotropic consolidation condi-
tion can simply be expressed as
the thermal evolution of the preconsolidation pressure at
½8 f LY ¼ p  pc ¼ 0 constant plastic strain condition (eq. [5]) as follows:
 pc ðTo Þ
½12 ð"Tp Þ ¼ ln
½9 f TY ¼ p  pT ¼ 0 v NC
1 þ e0 pc ðTÞ
where f LY and f TY are the LYs and the TYs, respectively, where pc(To) and pc(T) are the preconsolidation pressure at
and p is the effective mean stress. The terms pc and pT are room temperature and at an elevated temperature, respec-
the loading and thermal preconsolidation pressures, respec- tively.
tively. In the following sections, the mechanism of each At room temperature, eq. [11] yields !T ¼ 0:0 since
plastic unit will be explained. eq. [12] results in ð"Tp
v ÞNC ¼ 0:0. Consequently, at room tem-
perature, the enlargement of the TY as the mechanical load
TY plastic mechanism increases will not induce additional plastic volumetric strains.
The thermal evolution of TY limit, pT, was expressed by Therefore, the plastic hardening modulus of the proposed TY,
eq. [4]. It can generate plastic volumetric strain when it is !T , is a function of the thermal evolution parameter of LY
attained either by mechanical loading, thermal loading, or a and TY, as well as of the temperature change and is given by
combination of both. Therefore, the incremental plastic
strain that can be generated due to the hardening of the TY, ½13 !T ¼ f ð LY ; TY ; TÞ
ð_" pv ÞTY , can be expressed as follows:
@f @f TY _ @f TY LY plastic mechanism
½10 ð_" pv ÞTY ¼ p_ þ T = The experimental evidence shows that within the temper-
@p @T @ð"pv ÞTY
ature range of 20–90 8C the preconsolidation pressure, pc, is
At a certain temperature level T, the slope of the "Tv –OCR not affected by heating whereas it increases at constant plas-
curve in the contraction zone, as shown in Fig. 13, expresses tic strain condition during cooling according to eq. [5].
the hardening of the TY at this temperature. Therefore, the Therefore, it can only generate plastic volumetric strain
plastic hardening modulus of TY, !T , at elevated tempera- when the applied mechanical stress exceeds its limit accord-
ture T, can be determined as follows: ing to the following expression:
v ÞNC _p @f @f LY
½11 !T ¼ ð1 þ e0 Þ ½14 ð_" v ÞLY ¼ p_ =
ln½pc ðTo Þ=pT ðTÞ @p @ð"pv ÞLY
where ð"Tpv ÞNC is the thermally induced plastic volumetric Since the slope of the compression line is temperature inde-
strain at normally consolidated state caused by raising the pendent (Fig. 8), and the change in the slope of the swelling
soil temperature from To to T. It can be determined using line in the low overconsolidated stress zone can be attributed
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Fig. 19. Mechanism of the proposed constitutive model at different stress–temperature paths.

to the existence of the second volumetric plastic mechanism At room temperature, the proposed TY and LY coincide
(TY) at elevated temperature, the plastic hardening modulus as shown in Fig. 14. The soil specimen will experience plas-
of the LY, T , can be expressed, taking into consideration the tic strain only when the applied stress exceeds the LY as
coupled yielding process of the TY and LY limits, as follows: shown in Figs. 19b and 19d (stress point p2, path HABC).
In fact, both yield limits (LY and TY) are going to expand
½15 T ¼   ð þ !T Þ together when the applied stress exceeds the LY at point B.
However, the enlargement of the TY at room temperature
will not generate plastic strain since the associated harden-
Mechanism of the proposed model at ing modulus is equal to zero (eq. [11]).
different stress–temperature paths At constant stress condition, as the temperature increases,
In summary, the thermomechanical elastic and plastic the TY will contract as per eq. [4] whereas the LY will not
volumetric strain due to the change in mechanical and (or) be affected since it was considered to be temperature inde-
thermal load can be determined using the proposed model pendent during heating within the temperature range of 20–
as follows: 95 8C. The behaviour of the thermally induced volume
change depends mainly on the stress condition. At stress
  point p2 (Fig. 19b), as the temperature increases from To to
e  dp dT
½16 d"v ¼ þ T1 (path HI), the stress–temperature state is still inside the
1 þ eo p T
TY. Therefore, only elastic expansive thermal volumetric
  strain will be induced (eq. [16]) as shown in Fig. 19a. On
1 dpc dpT the other hand, the stress point p1 (Fig. 19b) shows thermal
½17 d"pv ¼ ½  ð þ !T Þ þ ð!T Þ
1 þ eo pc pT expansion volumetric strain (thermoelastic behaviour) upon
heating until Te-p (path AD, Fig. 19c). The term Te-p indi-
# 2007 NRC Canada
Abuel-Naga et al. 953

cates the temperature at which the soil undergoes volumetric Fig. 20. Mechanism of the proposed model to simulate the ther-
plastic strain upon further heating. As soil temperature in- mally induced overconsolidation state.
creases more than Te-p (path DE, Fig. 19b), the TY will con-
tract causing hardening to maintain the TY at stress point
(p1). Consequently, plastic thermally induced contractive
volumetric strain will be generated as shown in Fig. 19c.
Such expansive–contractive thermally induced volumetric
strain behaviour of the lightly overconsolidated clay speci-
men has also been observed by Cui et al. (2000).
The isothermal stress path behaviour at elevated tempera-
tures observed for soft Bangkok clay in Fig. 8 can also be
simulated by the proposed constitutive model. Increasing
the mechanical stress at elevated temperature T1 (Fig. 19b
and 19d, path IJFG), induces elastic volumetric strain
(eq. [16]) until the mechanical loading attains the TY (pT1)
at point J. When the mechanical stress exceeds pT1, plastic
volumetric strain is generated due to the hardening of TY
until it attains LY at point F. Increasing mechanical stress
beyond this point induces plastic volumetric strain due to
the hardening of both yield limits, TY and LY (eq. [17]).
The thermally induced overconsolidation state is also cap-
tured by the proposed model. Consider stress point p1, which
has lightly overconsolidation state at room temperature
(Fig. 20a). Under a heating phase, the TY contracts as the
soil temperature increases from To to T2 as shown in
Fig. 20a. Consequently, plastic volumetric strain is induced
due to the hardening of TY from A to B (Fig. 20a). Under
a cooling phase, TY expands inside the LY domain accord-
ing to eq. [4] until it reaches the LY position at T = T1 as
shown in Fig. 20b. At this point, the two yield limits (TY
and LY) coincide and expand together with further cooling
according to eq. [5]. The cooling process induces only elas-
tic volumetric strain (eq. [16]), therefore, for normally con-
solidated and lightly overconsolidated specimens subjected
to heating–cooling cycles, further loading under elastic stiff-
ness condition is required to return to the yielding mode.

Determination of the model parameters

The proposed TEP model employs six soil parameters
ð; ; LY ;  TY ; ; bÞ. The first two parameters are the con-
ventional modified Cam-Clay parameters. The second two mental drained heating–cooling cycles at a condition of
parameters describe the effect of temperature on the LY constant stress. The overconsolidation values should be
and TY at constant plastic strain, respectively. The last two chosen properly to capture the required bilinear behaviour
parameters describe the thermal elastic behaviour of the soil in the "Tv –OCR plot. It is recommended that the OCR values
under a drained heating condition where  is the drained of the four tests be chosen as follows: one test conducted at
thermal volumetric expansion coefficient at an appropriate a normally consolidated state; the second test at a slightly
effective stress level (e.g., 100 kPa) and b is the model pa- overconsolidated state; and the other two tests should be
rameter that describes the effect of the stress level on . conducted at a highly overconsolidated state. The cooling
The term LY is the model parameter from eq. [5], which test results at different OCR values can also be employed to
describes the evolution of the LY with temperature at con- estimate the thermoelastic parameters  and b.
stant plastic strain. Three incremental consolidation tests
conducted on overconsolidated specimens, preheated at dif-
ferent temperature levels, are required to estimate LY as Validation of the proposed model
shown in Figs. 8 and 10. The effect of temperature on the The capability of the proposed model to predict the ther-
TY is modeled by eq. [4], which requires only one model mally induced volume change at different stress conditions
parameter TY . However, since the "Tv –OCR plot has been has been tested using the experimental results obtained on
adopted to detect the TY at different temperatures, as shown soft Bangkok clay and two other clay types reported in the
in Fig. 13, four thermal consolidation tests at different stress literature, namely: Boom clay (Baldi et al. 1991), and MC
histories are required to determine  TY . The thermal consol- clay (Towhata et al. 1993). The physical properties and the
idation test involves subjecting the soil specimen to incre- model parameters for the proposed constitutive model for
# 2007 NRC Canada
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Fig. 21. Comparison between measured and predicted thermally in- Table 2. Physical properties and model parameters of different
duced volumetric strain for soft Bangkok clay. clays used for validation of the proposed model.

Soft Boom clay MC clay

Bangkok (Baldi et al. (Towhata et al.
clay 1991) 1993)
Physical properties
LL (%) 103 66.6 70
PI (%) 60 25 29
Sand (%) 3 12 0
Silt (%) 28 42 55
Clay (%) 69 46 45
Model parameters
 0.59 0.178 0.304
 0.10 0.046 0.07
 LY 0.43 0.31 0.15
 TY 1.10 1.56 0.75
*(8C–1) 7.010–4 1.1110–2 2.1510–3
b 0.55 0.31 0.18
*Drained thermal expansion coefficient at an effective stress of 100 kPa.

Fig. 22. Comparison between measured and predicted thermally in-

duced volumetric strain for Boom clay. Test results are from Baldi
et al. (1991).

each clay type are given in Table 2. For Boom clay and MC
clay, the thermally induced volumetric strain at a normally
consolidated state has been utilized to determine the param-
eter  LY using the back calculation method (eqs. [5] and
[12]). The parameter  TY has been determined by plotting
the thermally induced volumetric strain test results at differ-
ent elevated temperatures in the "Tv –OCR plane as depicted
in Fig. 13. The thermal elastic parameters,  and b, have
been determined by using either the cooling volumetric strain specimens subjected to a heating–cooling cycle (22 to 90
test results or the heating expansion volumetric strain test re- to 22 8C) at different stress histories (OCR = 1, 2, 4, 8)
sults (Fig. 11). It should be mentioned that the overconsoli- obtained by an unloading process. The maximum preconso-
dated specimens for the three types of clay were obtained by lidation pressure for the tested specimens is 200 kPa. In
an unloading process from the normally consolidated stress addition, Fig. 22 shows the experimental test results and
condition. the model prediction for Boom clay specimens subjected
Figure 21 shows how the model prediction coincides to a heating–cooling cycle (21.5 to 95 to 21.5 8C) at differ-
with the experimental test results for soft Bangkok clay ent stress histories (OCR = 1, 2, 6) obtained by an unload-
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Fig. 23. Comparison between measured and predicted thermally in- Conclusions
duced volumetric strain for MC clay. Test results are from Towhata
et al. (1993). The salient conclusions that can be drawn from this study
are as follows:
(1) Thermally induced volume change for soft Bangkok clay
is dependent on the stress history and independent of the
stress level.
(2) Isothermal consolidation tests of overconsolidated soft
Bangkok clay specimens at different elevated tempera-
tures show a shift of the compression line ðÞ towards
the left with approximately similar slope, while the slope
of the swelling line ðÞ in the lightly overconsolidated
zone is increased. However, the preconsolidation pres-
sure was independent of temperature.
(3) Subjecting normally consolidated specimens to a heating–
cooling cycle induces an overconsolidation state, which is
independent of stress level.
The paper also proposed an isotropic constitutive TEP
model that is able to reproduce thermally induced volume
change of saturated clay specimens under normally consoli-
dated and overconsolidated conditions (obtained by an un-
loading process) in the temperature range of 20–95 8C. Two
volumetric yield limits, namely; LY and TY have been em-
ployed to predict the plastic volume change. A new techni-
que has been introduced to experimentally detect the TY.
The proposed model captured the essential features of the
thermomechanical behaviour. The satisfactory agreement be-
tween the results predicted by the proposed model and the
experimental test results on soft Bangkok clay and two other
clays reported in the literature validated the accuracy of the
proposed model.

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