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SESPERES, Beatrice Margaux O.



•What distance do you feel comfortable with when greeting people?

In greeting people, the distance that I feel comfortable when greeting them depends on the

person I greet to. If it is in a setting where I feel comfortable to for example inside the school, if I saw

someone that I am close to then even at the end of the hallway I can call them and say “Hi”. But if it is

with someone, I met for the first time or I only meet occasionally then I would greet them on a close

distance because if I suddenly greet them very casually, they might find it weird and can view it negatively.

•If other people’s being late is likely to make you experience negative emotions, how can you deal

with it?

During these scenarios, it is normal to feel worried and nervous because I do not know the reason

why they arrived late. I usually deal with these negative emotions by staying collected, calm, and focused.

If I consumed myself with being worried, then it will only make me more worried and might cause negative

effects in me. But if I stayed calm and collected then I make a call and ask them why they are late. However,

if such scenarios happen again, I will still take it lightly as I know already how to handle it better and will

make me focus more on understanding his/her behavior.

•Do you prefer to talk to people in person or to send emails/text messages?

Personally, I prefer text messages or emails over talking face to face. As I am introverted by nature

it makes me nervous when someone talks to me, well except with close friends. With messaging I can

organized my thoughts first before I send the message with such careful considerations. Compared to

talking in person, it only makes me feel uncomfortable as I do not know what they will say, and I cannot

grasp to where the conversation will go.

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